Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1436: hostility

The people around him were like this. Fang Zijing, who was standing in the middle, flushed even more. He suddenly trembled and fell heavily to the ground.

He struggled desperately to stand up, but he couldn't stand up at all.

Master Li Yu looked at him jokingly, and said, "Fang Zijing, follow me again, who do you think you are?"

Fang Zijing's face was extremely ugly. Suddenly, he took out an elixir and stuffed it into his mouth, temporarily suppressing the toxin, and then ran towards the hall without saying a word.

Li Yu smiled coldly, and then suddenly he flicked his fingers, popping out a lot of pills, each of which fell into a poisoned population on the ground with extremely accurate accuracy.

At the entrance of the medicine pill, a refreshing sensation bloomed from their bodies in an instant.

Then, after a while, everyone spit out on the ground, spitting out countless colorful things. After spitting out, all of them returned to normal.

Everyone is far away from him, for fear of being poisoned by accident.

Chen Feng's expression was a bit surprised. Before Li Yu showed him like a gentle elder, and even begged him, but he did not expect that Li Yu's true strength was so terrifying.

He looked at Luo Zilan. Before he could speak, Luo Zilan smiled and said, "Chen Feng, no matter how strong he is, I don't want to."

Chen Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head, giving up the plan to persuade Luo Zilan.

He walked up to Li Yu and respectfully said, "Thank you, Master Li Yu, for your kindness."

Li Yu looked at him and said lightly: "I am not for you, but for the little girl next to you."

Chen Feng could only smile wryly.

Li Yu waved his hand impatiently and left directly, and Chen Feng also took Luo Zilan away.

They left, and from this day on, the name Feng Chen has spread throughout Wuyang City of the Great Qin Kingdom.

It became famous in World War I, and everyone in the Alchemist Association, even everyone in Wuyang City, almost knew the name.

Become famous in World War I, killed the extremely tyrannical Five-Rank Alchemist, facing the vice-chairman of the Daqin Alchemist Association, did not fear, and dashed into the sky.

All of these made Feng Chen's name spread throughout the entire capital of Qin.

After returning to the Valley of Life and Death from Wuyang City, Chen Feng planned to hurry up and practice, and three months later, the Big Four Houfu Grand Contest.

The power of Shangguan Yunxiang deeply shocked Chen Feng's mind. With him as the target, Chen Feng constantly urged himself to improve his strength.

However, after returning to the Valley of Life and Death, he found that Long Wu was waiting there.

Long Wu looked at Chen Feng and smiled and said, "Chen Feng, you don't need to practice here in the future."

Chen Feng was stunned.

Long Wudao: "With your current talent and identity, it would be a waste of life and death again."

"Master Hou intends to let you enter the Dragon God Mansion and practice with his former disciples."

Chen Feng nodded, his face showed joy, this was something he couldn't ask for.

Soon, Chen Feng entered the Dragon God Mansion and was taken to a courtyard.

Long Wu smiled and said: "Chen Feng, this time, several of your seniors will also meet with you. They are also the official disciples accepted by Master Hou. You should get close in the future."

After speaking, turned and left.

Chen Feng looked around the yard.

This small courtyard is small, but it is very quiet. Outside the small courtyard, many bamboos are planted. After Chen Feng probed it, he was surprised to find that these bamboos actually seemed to form a strange formation.

This formation was able to completely isolate some of the outside atmosphere. When he was in this small courtyard, apart from the sound of bamboo brushing and the sound of wind blowing bamboo leaves, he could not hear the outside sound at all. .

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and he muttered to himself: "The Dragon God Hou Mansion is really extraordinary. In this way, I won't be disturbed in any way while practicing."

"And if someone wants to attack, he can't let his breath come through from a distance, making me distracted."

The deepest part of the pavilion was a training room. There was a magic circle in the middle of the training room. Chen Feng pressed his hand on it, and immediately felt surging power in the circle coming to him.

However, this power is stored in the magic circle and does not break out of the circle.

Chen Feng felt that the aura of heaven and earth here was extremely rich.

Chen Feng was overjoyed immediately and murmured to himself: "Dragon God Hou is really not thin to me. On this magic circle, there are countless majestic auras."

"If you practice here, you can increase your cultivation speed by more than three times!"

You know, as Chen Feng's strength gets stronger and stronger, the places that can increase his cultivation speed before have no effect on him.

Take the Kuangzhan Academy as an example. Originally, when Chen Feng was in the Soul Concentration Realm, in the quiet crypt of the Kuangzhan Academy, he could increase his cultivation speed by four, eight, or even twelve times.

However, if he were to go to those places to practice again, his cultivation speed would not have any improvement, because his strength was too high, and his cultivation would require a higher level of richness and richness in the outside world.

Those places were too low-level, and they were no longer useful to him.

He had just walked out of the pavilion when he saw Long Wu walking in with the two of them. Besides, there were Long Yuhui and a few eye-catching Golden Dragon Guards, who had never seen him before.

These Golden Dragon Guards all looked at Chen Feng with scrutiny gaze, apparently quite curious about him.

Among the two people brought by Long Wu, one of them, dressed in white, was like an immortal. He was about twenty-five or sixteen years old, with a smile on his mouth, looking very gentle.

The appearance is also extremely handsome, with large sleeves in a wide robe, as handsome as a fairy.

The other one is shorter and stouter, dressed in black, with a scar scraping from the corner of her left eye to the corner of her right mouth, adding a bit of ferocity to her.

He was very aggressive. As soon as he walked in, he looked at Chen Feng up and down, then snorted coldly. The brows were filled with dissatisfaction, and he said with some disdain:

"Are you Chen Feng? Is this the closed disciple Chen Feng accepted by Master this time?"

He looked at Chen Feng with that very disdainful eye.

Full of hostility.

There was a sense of displeasure in Chen Feng's heart, but he still followed the etiquette, smiled and said: "Yes, I am Chen Feng, dare you to ask which brother you are?"

The man in black snorted disdainfully, and said: "Master has always looked like a torch, but this time, I think he can look away."

"That kid Yunbuyu is obviously much better than you. Master only accepted him as a named disciple, instead of accepting you as a closed disciple. I really can't figure it out."

The disciple in white had always had a smile on his face, but at this time, he was a little unhappy when he said this, and reprimanded: "Junior Brother Sun, there is nothing serious about what you said like this."

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