Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1407: Finally broke! Wujun Realm!

On the contrary, it was this Chen Feng who was breaking through the Martial King Realm. He felt that if he broke through, it would cause fatal harm to him.

Therefore, he would break the red ball to pieces and kill Chen Feng at all costs.

And just when he was smiling and extremely excited, he suddenly seemed to be slapped severely and his face was ugly.

Because, just when he thought that the red mask was about to break, a thick red light suddenly gushed out of Chen Feng's body. These thick red lights entered the red mask, suddenly the red light that had been broken. The cover was immediately made up.

There is no gap, and it looks stronger than before.

The big man in the golden robe uttered an incredulous roar, blasting three punches in a frantically, but it was useless against the red mask.

On the contrary, the red light became thicker and thicker, and the red mask became thicker.

He was so embarrassed that he let out a series of extremely angry roars!

Chen Feng didn't know what was happening outside, and didn't care at all. At this time, the ball in his dantian had become only the size of a fist.

And the fist-sized ball is still shrinking and becoming extremely condensed, finally becoming only the size of an egg.

Very mellow, with a smooth surface, without the slightest gap, it already looks like an inner alchemy.

The inner alchemy is about to be formed, and Chen Feng is extremely nervous at this time. He is afraid that his success will fail like the last time.

But this time it didn't. Instead, it continued to shrink downward, eventually becoming the size of a finger belly.

The radiance is extremely bright, and the greenery seems to be able to overflow from it.

At this time, everyone saw it. An extremely strong green light came out from Chen Feng.

This green light, green is extremely pure, intertwined with red light, very bright.

Chen Feng. There was even a faint vigor, and they couldn't help holding their breath. They all felt like a powerful beast inside Chen Feng's body was about to wake up.

And this momentum is a precursor.

At this time, Chen Feng's dantian ocean was already extremely dry, but at this instant, it was suddenly filled with true essence, and it became turbulent and extremely surging.

And that golden spring suddenly surged, doubled its full length, and spewed crazily upward, directly connected to the golden lotus above the top of the dantian.

That golden lotus was originally in bud, but at this time, during the gushing period of the golden spring, only golden lotus was seen, which was actually blooming quietly.

A golden light came out from the inside and connected to the golden spring.

Jinquan poured in frantically, and the golden lotus bloomed tremblingly, petals peeling away little by little.

I don't know how long it took. In the end, this golden lotus was fully unfolded, and the huge golden lotus with a diameter of ten feet was in full bloom, with golden light shining.

And as this golden lotus bloomed completely, the golden spring water directly became three or four times thicker, and it was extremely stable. From the bottom of the pubic field to the top of the pubic field, it was like a golden pillar running through the entire pubic field.

The source is endless, endless.

And this vigorous vitality was thrown into the verdant inner alchemy, with a loud bang, the inner alchemy whirled around in the dantian, and the last flaw was made up perfectly.

The entire surface is extremely smooth and magnificent.

Chen Feng's inner alchemy has already taken shape.

And at the moment when the golden lotus bloomed, outside of Chen Feng's body, tens of feet away, suddenly there were hundreds of golden springs, gurgling.

Immediately afterwards, these golden spring water turned into blossoming golden lotus, centered on Chen Feng's body, layered out one after another. In a flash, within a hundred feet of a radius, there were golden lotus flowers.

This golden lotus is very noble and extremely radiant. It exudes a thick golden light. It is surrounded by a golden light for dozens of miles, and it looks magnificent.

When everyone saw this scene, their faces were full of shock that could not be concealed.

The people in the Valley of Life and Death saw this scene, they were completely dumbfounded, shocked, and could not even speak!

The golden-robed man let out an exclamation: "The earth is surging with the golden spring, the golden lotus is surging, when you broke through the Martial King realm and condensed the inner pill, did you have such a vision for the first time?"

"How is this possible? How is this possible?"

He was so panicked that he even stuttered and his hands trembled.

On the high cliff in the distance, Long Yuhui and Long Wu were standing there, they both watched this scene. There was also an undisguised horror on his face.

Long Yuhui exclaimed: "When he condensed the inner alchemy, he had a vision? It is said that one person who broke through into the Martial Sovereign Realm would only have a vision!"

"Furthermore, it is the golden spring from the earth, and the golden lotus condenses this powerful vision!"

He said in amazement: "Old Snake's speculation may be wrong. Chen Feng really has an unlimited future, rather than exhaustion of his potential. I must truthfully report this matter to Master Hou."

Long Wu shook his head and said, "Yuhui, don't act rashly. You see, he has successfully breached the Martial Sovereign Realm at this time, but his martial spirit has not appeared at all. What does this mean?"

"It means that his broken spirit still hasn't recovered."

Long Yuhui slowly shook his head, his eyes full of determination: "Even so, I have to report this matter. I am confident that Chen Feng can definitely accomplish his future achievements!"

It wasn't until this time that the people in the Valley of Life and Death reacted, and the next moment they erupted with a huge unbelievable exclamation.

There were countless voices, and they yelled frantically, expressing their excitement at this time.

"How is it possible? How is it possible? There is such a vision?"

"This Chen Feng, isn't it said that he is a waste in the future? Why is he so shocked when he breaks into the Martial Sovereign Realm?"

"It is very likely that the rumor is wrong. Chen Feng cannot be a waste in the future. When he condensed the inner alchemy, a vision appeared, indicating that he has a boundless future in the future. How could it be a waste!"

"That's right, people who have a vision when condensing the inner alchemy, after breaking through and entering the Martial Sovereign Realm, are all powerful people!"

"Look at Chen Feng as we did before. He won't retaliate, right?" Someone was very scared.

Lin Cheng and Leita were extremely frightened, their faces were earthy, staring at Chen Feng blankly, their bodies could not help shaking.

Lin Cheng looked at Leita and said softly: "We have offended Chen Feng so cruelly before. It's over, this time it's over. Chen Feng successfully broke through to the Martial Sovereign Realm. It is simply beyond our reach. If it is, it is absolutely easy, no one can stop him!"

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