Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1402: Let you down

At this time, on the valley of life and death, several more teams joined in, and for a while they began to level off again.

As a result, the two sides continue to join, and the stalemate continues, and then one party has the upper hand, then someone on the other side joins, and then the stalemate continues.

Soon, it evolved into a battle of dozens of people, and almost half of the disciples in the Valley of Life and Death were involved.

Among them, there are a full four of the top ten disciples, including Lin Cheng and Leita.

Originally, the two sides were still in a stalemate, but at this time, suddenly the situation suddenly changed, and four or five blue-clothed disciples were killed.

These blue-clothed disciples were far more powerful than the red-clothed disciples. They had reached the fourth level of Martial Sovereign Realm. As soon as they entered, they immediately changed the power balance between the two sides and killed several disciples in the Valley of Life and Death.

The disciples in the Valley of Life and Death were suppressed so much that they couldn't raise their heads, and there were continuous casualties.

In a moment, the disciples in the Valley of Life and Death were already half dead and injured, and the blue-clothed disciples laughed loudly:

"You despicable villains, who slaughtered us like this these days, why don't you have any abilities now? A group of people will only bully the weak."

As he said, they issued fierce moves one after another, beheading several people in the valley of life and death.

Yue Yuanshan looked at Chen Feng and asked softly, "Can you save it?"

Chen Feng said firmly: "Of course we must save!"

No matter what these people think of Chen Feng, no matter how bad they are, Chen Feng will save them, because they are a group, performing the same task!

Shen Yanbing smiled next to him and said: "Chen Feng, you still know that Chen Feng, no matter how strong you are, you still haven't lost your heart!"

With a long roar, Chen Feng leaped into the air like a big bird.

As soon as he fell into the battle group, the Dragon Slaying Sword slashed out three swords in a frantic sequence, slashing towards a blue-clothed disciple.

The disciple in blue felt his horrible aura like a tide like a sea, and his face suddenly showed a panic, and he swung his sword to resist.

But it was useless. Chen Feng slashed his long sword with a single blow, and the other two slashed all over his body. With two bangs, his body was directly smashed!

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Valley of Life and Death exclaimed.

"Chen Feng, Chen Feng turned out to be here."

"I haven't seen him for a while, I feel that his strength is stronger than before, and he has killed two blue-clothed masters one after another!"

Seeing Chen Feng, Lin Cheng and Leita were very unnatural, with a trace of embarrassment on their faces, obviously remembering the scene of kneeling and begging for mercy before Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng ignored them at all. In his opinion, these two people did not even have the qualifications to let him take a look.

Chen Feng let out a sharp roar and blasted at another blue-clothed disciple, and after three or five moves, he was resolved.

And at this time, suddenly in a dense forest next to him, seven or eight disciples in blue rushed out, brushing around, and surrounded Chen Feng in the center.

One of the disciples in blue clothes with a cold face in their 30s giggled, and there was some softness in the smile:

"Sure enough to lead you out, hahahaha, a huge black blade with a powerful ability to kill in one blow, you should be the mysterious person who has been killing in our school during this time?"

"Today, I finally brought you out!"

He pointed to the ground and said, "This is where you died."

It turned out to be a trap!

However, Chen Feng was caught in the trap without any panic. Instead, he still looked at them calmly, with a playful smile on his mouth.

This blue-clothed disciple looked at the other people in the Valley of Life and Death with awe-inspiring eyes, and shouted loudly: "If you don't want to die, get out."

Many people in the Valley of Life and Death retreat one after another. They looked at Chen Feng, and some of them even showed schadenfreude, and laughed: "Whoever makes Chen Feng show the limelight will kill as soon as he comes up."

"Is this over? I was directly surrounded by others!"

"Yes, each of these blue-clothed masters has the worst strength in the Martial King Realm Quadruple, and even the Martial King Quadruple Peak, with seven or eight people besieging Chen Feng, Chen Feng can't be an opponent at all."

"This time Chen Feng is over. It deserves it. This is the end of his performance!" Many of them said maliciously.

And some people in the Valley of Life and Death, seeing their performance at this time, were very angry and shouted: "Chen Feng came here to save us. You guys are talking like that? Are you human?"

About 20 or 30 disciples from the Valley of Life and Death, led by a burly man, killed Chen Feng with the intention of rescuing Chen Feng.

Chen Fengfeng looked at them, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "I've been kind enough, but these few chicken dogs are not in my eyes."

"Haha, this waste without a future, death is approaching, so I dare to be so stiff!"

"Yes, he is just stiff mouth now. In fact, he will definitely die next. He can't be the opponent of these people?"

Before the blue-clothed disciples could speak, those who hated Chen Feng had already started to curse.

They wished Chen Feng died quickly!

Chen Feng looked at them with murderous intent in his eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Sorry, I will disappoint you!"

"Do you want to disappoint us? What do you mean?" The faces of everyone were puzzled.

And the blue-clothed young man in the lead had a look of winning streak on his face, but his expression changed after hearing this.

He looked at Chen Feng with a cold look and said, "Trash, what do you mean? Is it possible, do you think you can still escape the siege of a few of us today?"

"Tell you, that's wishful thinking!"

Chen Feng looked at him with a smile, and said, "Who said I was going to run for my life?"

The blue-clothed disciple sneered: "Are you crazy? Don't you have another choice if you don't run for your life?"

Chen Feng smiled coldly, his smile full of murderous intent: "In addition to escape, there is another way, that is..."

He spoke word by word, cold breath, as if popping out of his teeth: "Kill you!"

"What? Kill us?" The blue-clothed disciple was taken aback for a moment, and then all of them burst into laughter. The laughter was full of disdain: "Is this little **** crazy? He thought he could Are they our opponents?"

"Haha, this bastard, he is so arrogant. Let's join hands with the seven and kill him is easy."

Chen Feng was no longer patient to talk nonsense with them, and suddenly raised the Dragon Slaying Sword with a sharp roar.

Above the sky, a thundercloud suddenly formed. Seeing this scene, both Lin Cheng and Leita trembled violently.

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