Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1394: Second provocation

Chen Feng frowned and said, "No, it doesn't make sense at all!"

Shen Yanbing said: "If you have to say the reason, it is the day when the Dragon Martial Soul is awakened, it is my 20th birthday!"

Chen Fengfeng nodded and said softly to himself: "If it's correct, I'm afraid the problem lies here."

An extremely terrifying thought suddenly surged in his heart, which shocked him: "When he is old...Could it be that Shen Yanbing's background?"

But Chen Feng then shook his head and expelled the idea.

He smiled and said, "Yan Bing, show me your martial soul. I want to see what your martial soul is like."

Shen Yanbing nodded, and then released his martial soul.

Shen Yanbing's martial arts spirit is also a dragon, but this road is quite weird, unlike the long and elegant dragons of Chen Feng and others, but with four strong legs and a heavy body.

It seems that there are two completely different existences.

And on the dragon's back, he was carrying a giant sword. This giant sword was a plate armor that grew out of his body, the shape was exactly the same as the giant sword, and it pierced the sky.

Shen Yanbing smiled and said, "My martial soul is named Sword Dragon Soul!"

Chen Feng laughed loudly: "Yan Bing, you love swords like your life, your martial soul, from the sword martial soul to the sword dragon martial soul, really fits!"

Early the next morning, everyone united in the valley.

Each team gathered together, Yue Yuanshan looked at Shen Yanbing next to Chen Feng with a slightly surprised look in his eyes, and said with a smile: "This is?"

Chen Feng talked about the origins of Shen Yanbing. Yue Yuanshan listened and said in amazement, "That's really a coincidence. With such a chance, we don't form a team, I'm afraid God will not see it."

The three of them all smiled, and Chen Feng introduced Yue Yuanshan to Shen Yanbing again, and the three of them formed this team.

Now in the valley, there are clear distinctions, and it is clear who has a good relationship with whom, and each team is basically three people. After all, everyone feels that there are more people gathered and more sure.

However, there are also a considerable number of people. The art masters are bold, and he is alone in a team.

For example, the silent cloud stands tall in the distance.

Within ten meters of him, no one dared to approach him. Obviously he didn't plan to team up with anyone!

In addition to Chen Feng and Yun Bu Yu Bu Yu, the other eight masters were divided into three teams.

Chen Feng was standing there, and suddenly three people came over, one of them was Lin Cheng.

Lin Cheng stared at Chen Feng fiercely, with an unabashed murderous intent in his eyes. He looked at Chen Feng and said bitterly, "Did you kill One-Eyed?"

"Yes, I killed it." A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and he responded viciously without fear.

"Okay, okay, you're fine!" Lin Cheng pointed at Chen Feng and said coldly, "One-eyed with me, called a subordinate, is actually like a brother."

"The two of us have known each other for twenty years. I will never live without him. If you dare to kill him, then I have to kill you to pay for him!"

Chen Feng smiled slightly and said, "Okay, I'll just stand here waiting anytime!"

"It's really shameless, ignorant, and arrogant kid, you dare to talk to me like this, do you really think you will be my opponent?" Lin Cheng smiled disdainfully, staring at Chen Feng arrogantly:

"If you didn't agree to Master Long Wu, I won't do anything with you until the end of the bandit suppression mission, and now I will slap you to death with one palm."

Chen Feng felt extremely ridiculous. Lin Cheng was so arrogant that he didn't know his true strength at all, so he dared to say such things.

In fact, if you want to do it now, it is not that he slaps Chen Feng to death, but that Chen Feng can slap him to death.

At this moment, a rough man next to Lin Cheng looked at him and smiled slightly: "Alright, Lin Cheng, don't be familiar with this kid."

"A newcomer who has just entered the valley of life and death, only knows that he is arrogant. Isn't your general knowledge lower than him?"

The speaker was a burly man who looked like an iron tower, with a sturdy figure and a fierce face.

He looked at Chen Feng, stared at him fiercely and said, "Boy, what do you think?"

He said, twisting his hands together, making a click, clearly threatening Chen Feng.

Chen Feng smiled lazily. He recognized who this person was. This person was Leita, who was ranked eighth among the top ten masters.

Lin Cheng laughed and said, "Yes, you are right, I have a general knowledge of him, I am too cheap."

He pointed to Chen Feng, and said proudly as if a sentence was pronounced: "Chen Feng, wait. When the mission is over, that's the day you die, even if you escape to the end of the world, I will hunt you down to death. "

In his opinion, Chen Feng was afraid of his pursuit and would definitely run away.

Chen Feng did not speak any more, but left with Yue Yuanshan and Shen Yanbing and took a few steps. He suddenly turned around, looked at Lin Cheng, and said lightly: "Lin Cheng, this is your second provocation! I remembered it for you!"

After speaking, he turned and left, and Lin Cheng and Leita laughed disdainfully from behind.

Shen Yanbing looked at Chen Feng and said with some anxiety: "Chen Feng, did I cause you trouble?"

Chen Feng laughed: "What kind of disaster is this? Don't worry, why, don't you have confidence in me yet?"

Shen Yanbing laughed and said: "That's right, the Chen Feng I know is so bold and never afraid of anyone. Sure enough, time goes by, but you haven't changed at all."

Soon, Long Wu arrived.

Following him, there is also a huge dragon head flying boat hundreds of meters long, on which many dragon patterns are also carved.

Then, Long Wu gave an order, and everyone boarded the dragon head flying boat.

With a bang, the dragon head flying boat rose from the ground and flew quickly towards the distance.

Soon, the valley of life and death became smaller and smaller below, and eventually it was so small that it was no longer visible. The dragon head flying boat flew to the north, and soon crossed the plain and came to a large mountain.

At the beginning, some villages were still populated, and the deeper the mountains, the less crowded.

Soon it was high in mountains and dense forests, like a barren land.

The dragon head flying boat fell down on a small mountain plain, and then everyone walked out.

Long Wu slowly glanced over their faces, and suddenly he flicked his hand. Suddenly, each team had an extra piece of kraft paper in their hands.

After opening it, it turned out that this kraft paper was a map.

On the map, there is a green dot. Behind the green dot, there are countless lines of veins, and there are hundreds of light dots on it.

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