Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1390: Rob

"It turns out that this person's name is Yunbuyu." Chen Feng secretly wrote down the name.

Yun Buyu frowned slightly, and then shook his figure, and he came directly here, no one could see how he moved.

This move made the crowd exclaim even more.

The tall and thin middle-aged man in the golden armor of the war dragon apparently looked very differently at Yun Buyu and nodded slightly to him.

He looked at the crowd and said in a deep voice, "Today is the day when the medicine is given out once a month."

Everyone cheered immediately.

The Jin Longwei smiled and said, "All cultivators have a five-grade pill, a clearing Qi pill."

"From the tenth to the fourth, you can get a sixth-grade pill, three-clearing Qi Pill."

"From the third to the first, you can get a sixth-rank pinnacle pill, Guiyuan Qi Enhancing Pill!"

The crowd burst into cheers, and they looked at Chen Feng and the others with extreme admiration.

The rule of the valley of life and death is that the stronger the stronger, the stronger can enjoy a more powerful pill.

"Sanqing Huaqi Pill, for us, eating one is enough to raise two grades, and it will make our realm extremely stable."

"Another advantage of the Sanqing Huaqi Pill is that when you are about to break through the realm, it will definitely allow you to break through. This ability is really too bad."

"Yes, to some extent, the Sanqing Huaqi Pill is even more useful than the Guiyuan Qiqi Pill, because although the Guiyuan Qiqi Pill increases its true essence, it has no such effect!"

"Even if it is a powerful person in the Martial Sovereign Realm, a Sanqing Qi Enhancing Pill is enough to raise them by half of their realm. This is equivalent to that even if he doesn't practice daily, he can raise a realm in two months!"

Everyone talked a lot, and Chen Feng listened to it and wrote down carefully.

Soon, one after another jade boxes appeared in the hands of the big man, and then they began to distribute.

At this time, everyone was very well-regulated, and no one rushed to grab it.

Soon, the hard work was over, and Chen Feng was quite excited while holding the jade box.

He wanted to know whether Sanqing Huaqi Pill could solve his current predicament.

Everyone walked back, and Chen Feng also walked toward his pavilion.

Suddenly, a figure flashed in front of him, and a thin-looking, cold-eyed man stood in front of him.

Chen Feng looked at him, suddenly staring.

He recognized that this person is the owner of the sixth pavilion. Although this young man in a green robe does not seem to be very eye-catching, in fact his strength has reached the mid-fourth stage of the Martial Sovereign Realm. powerful!

He stood in front of Chen Feng. Chen Feng frowned. He didn't want to be familiar with him, so he took a step to the side and planned to walk past him.

Unexpectedly, Chen Feng had just taken a step, this Qingpao boy also took a step to the side and blocked Chen Feng's front again.

Chen Feng's brows tightened, and he took another step to the left. As a result, the young man stood in front of him again, and at the same time a playful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The actions of these two people were seen by the people around them, and many people suddenly became excited and stood by and watched.

Chen Feng looked at the Qingpao boy and said lightly, "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" The youth in Qingpao laughed: "Sure enough, he is a newcomer who has just arrived, and he doesn't understand any rules. Don't you know? The tenth one is to give the Sanqing Huaqi Pills every month. I am a tribute."

"What? Give you the Sanqing Huaqi Pill? And this rule?"

"Of course!" Qingpao boy Lin Cheng said proudly.

Chen Feng said lightly: "What if I don't hand it to you?"

Lin Cheng looked at Chen Feng with a cold look on his face: "That's fine, I have to defeat you, interrupt your hands and feet, and then personally take away the Sanqing Huaqi Pill."

Chen Feng looked at him, his face changed: "You are just grabbing!"

"Yes, I just grabbed it!" Lin Cheng laughed, with a proud face, looked at Chen Feng condescendingly, and said with disdain: "What about my grabbing? If you are not as strong as me, you will be grabbed by me. What can I do?"

The onlookers around hula-la-hugged them up, looking at the lively expression.

"Hahaha, this time there is a good show, Lin Cheng is robbing newcomers again."

"He does this every time. After distributing the pill, he will grab the pill that ranks behind him!"

One person curled his lips and said, "Chen Feng deserves to be unlucky this time, who told him to be targeted by Lin Cheng! Guess what the final outcome will be?"

"Hahaha, do you still need to say, Chen Feng is definitely not Lin Cheng's opponent, Lin Cheng is a master of the fourth level of Martial Sovereign realm, even if Chen Feng's strength exceeds his realm, it is absolutely impossible to be the fourth level of Martial Sovereign realm. The peak opponent, the difference in strength between the two is too great."

"Yes, I think so. What do you think Chen Feng can do under Lin Cheng?"

"I bet no more than ten moves."

"Ten strokes? You are too overestimating him? I think at most three strokes, he will be easily defeated and take away Sanqing Huaqi Pill."

The people around were enthusiastic about discussing Chen Feng.

Because they were very jealous of Chen Feng, and at the same time they had no strength, they wanted to find someone to teach Chen Feng a lesson.

In Chen Feng's eyes, a sharp look flashed past, and he was about to do it.

Although Lin Cheng's strength was strong, he didn't put it in his eyes. Chen Feng knew that he could definitely beat him, but it was just exposing some hole cards.

Lin Cheng looked at Chen Feng, still disdainful, and said coldly: "You still want to do something with me? I will definitely let you learn an unforgettable lesson, so that you will see me in the future like a dog. I beg for mercy in front of me!"

"Really?" Chen Feng said coldly.

Just when the two of them were about to start their hands, suddenly, the Golden Dragon Guard who was in charge of distributing ammunition to everyone shouted: "You two little rascals, you have to fight after you fight. Don't **** be so short-eyed, do it in front of Lao Tzu. !"

Hearing this sentence, everyone was shocked.

The battle between them, these dragon guards have never controlled, why did they suddenly interfere today?

Soon, this Jin Longwei's words solved their doubts.

He looked at the crowd and shouted: "My Great Qin Kingdom is backed by the Dragon Slayer Mountain Range. In the Dragon Slayer Mountain Range, there are high mountains and dense forests. Outside the mountains, the population is vast and the city is prosperous. Gangsters lurked in it."

"There is also a section of the Dragon Slaying Mountains, which is shared by Qin and Chu. Therefore, no one pays attention to the bandits in the mountains. Their power is getting bigger and bigger and expanding. There are even many notorious powerful warriors. Choose to join in, hide yourself, and avoid hunting."

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