Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1367: Who do you call to go?

When everyone saw Chen Feng walking towards the deepest point, they all whispered.

"You said, what is Chen Feng doing this time? Is it possible that he wants to take on the ultimate task of hunting and killing the fire dragon?"

"The ultimate task of hunting the fire dragon? The fire dragon, but the third rank profound beast, if you want to hunt down with Chen Feng's current strength, I'm afraid it's almost meaningless, right?"

"Yes, with Chen Feng's current strength, it is estimated that he is far from the fire dragon's opponent."

"Have you forgotten? Some time ago, Senior Brother Yue Yuanshanyue, but came here to pick up the task of hunting the fire dragon. As a result, I heard that after he came back, he began to retreat. He has not received the task reward until now, presumably the task has failed. ."

"Yes, although Chen Feng is strong and the first person of the younger generation, it is difficult to accomplish this task."

Everyone's eyes moved with Chen Feng.

When they saw Chen Feng really came under the ultimate mission, they were suddenly upset.

"It turns out that Chen Feng is really going to take over this mission! He is a little bit ignorant, right?"

"What about becoming the first person in the younger generation? Did he kill a third-rank profound beast?"

"Yes, his strength should not be as good as Yue Yuanshan, Yue Yuanshan can't do it, how can he do it?"

Everyone looked down on Chen Feng!

At this time, after Chen Feng came under the ultimate mission, he found that under the jade card of the ultimate mission, there was still a young man in his thirties standing.

This young man, wearing a moon-white robe, was looking up at the task introduction above his head.

He murmured: "Martial King Golden Core, Third Stage Profound Beast... Martial King Golden Core, Third Stage Profound Beast..."

There was a touch of obsession on his face!

Chen Feng came to him and said lightly: "My dear friend, please give me a little bit."

The white-robed youth didn't seem to hear it, still looking up obsessively.

After a while, just as Chen Feng was about to speak again, he suddenly turned around and glanced at Chen Feng with condescending eyes, his eyes full of contempt and arrogance.

He looked at Chen Feng, raised his eyebrows, and said lightly: "Do you want to take this task?"

Before Chen Feng could answer, a disdainful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he said contemptuously: "Is it worthy of you?"

Chen Feng frowned, and a cold color flashed in his eyes.

The white-robed youth stared at him with a disdainful face and said: "Look at your strength, but you have just reached the Ninth Level of Condensing Soul, you want to take this task?"

"Hahahaha, don't take a pee to show what you are like. Such a powerful third-rank profound beast is already comparable to the strength of the three-tier powerhouse of the Martial Sovereign Realm!"

"Even if you are a powerful Martial Sovereign Realm second-tier powerhouse like me, I dare not easily say that you can beheaded. You still want to take on this task. You really don't know how high you are!"

He proudly said: "Looking at the entire Crazy Battle Academy, who except me is qualified to take this task?"

"What? This person turned out to be the second-tier powerhouse of Martial Sovereign Realm?"

"He seems to be only thirty years old! He has reached the second level of Martial Sovereign Realm? This person is definitely a genius, too powerful!"

"He was right, that is, he is qualified to take on this task, and no one else, including Chen Feng, is qualified!"

When everyone looked at him, they all exclaimed. They didn't expect that he was already the second-tier powerhouse of the Martial King realm.

This strength is enough to crush everyone in the academy, even the deputy deans.

What is the origin of this person? It's so powerful!

"He's right. Chen Feng's strength is far from comparable to him, let alone hunting third-rank profound beasts!" The white-robed youth heard the exclamation from everyone nearby, and a smug smile appeared on his face.

He seemed to have not seen Chen Feng and completely regarded him as transparent. Instead of paying attention to him, he looked at everyone and said loudly: "This time, I returned to the Kuangzhan Academy to find someone named Chen. People of Maple!"

"Whoever leads me to find him, I have many rewards!"

"He is looking for Chen Feng?" Everyone showed a strange color on their faces!

Chen Feng looked at him and said lightly: "Get out of the way!"

This person looked at Chen Feng with a look of impatientness, and let out a low growl: "Get out!"

He was arrogant, as if it was a matter of course to let Chen Feng go.

Chen Feng stood still and said coldly: "Who do you let go?"

"Of course I let you go!" When he saw Chen Feng not moving, his expression on his face immediately became a bit sullen. Looking at Chen Feng, he said in a cold voice, "Boy, didn't you hear? I'll let you go!"

Chen Feng looked at him with murderous eyes in his eyes.

"For so many years, only I have let others roll, and I don't know what it's like to roll myself!"

The white-robed youth stared at him with a cold voice, "Are you really going to take this task?"

Chen Feng shook his head: "I'm not going to take this task!"

Then he went on to say: "I have come to hand off this task! I have completed this task!"

"What?" In the entire mission point, in the hall, there was a moment of silence.

Everyone was stunned, looking at Chen Feng, the next moment, there was a burst of loud noise.

"Chen Feng has lost his heart, is he crazy? What is he here for? It's not the way to insist on saving face!"

"Yes, he is only a nine-fold soul, how can he kill a third-rank profound beast, is he kidding?"

The white-robed youth stared at Chen Feng, and then suddenly burst into a burst of laughter, as if he heard the funniest thing in the world: "Hahaha, you kid, how dare you say such things? Are you unconscious? ?"

"Just you? Still hunting fire dragons?"

The next moment, his laughter stopped abruptly.

Because Chen Feng took out something from the golden dragon ring and threw it in front of everyone with a bang.

After everyone saw this thing clearly, they all took a breath.

This thing was as huge as a three-story pavilion, extremely hideous and terrifying, it turned out to be a huge fiery red dragon head.

"The head of the fire dragon! This is the head of the fire dragon!"

"Chen Feng actually brought back the head of the fire dragon? Could it be said that he has really completed this task and hunted down the third rank profound beast fire dragon?"

"How is it possible? The fire dragon is so powerful, how could Chen Feng kill him!"

The face of the white-robed youth was red and white, full of embarrassment.

He just despised Chen Feng there just now, saying that Chen Feng could not kill the fire dragon, and he was not qualified to fight with him.

But then, Chen Feng threw the head of the fire dragon.

It was like a big slapped photon, thrown on his face, making him extremely embarrassed, and his face hurt!

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