Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1349: Incredibly powerful!

Yue Yuanshan laughed and said, "I'm here to wake this beast!"

Then, he took a deep breath, and behind him, Wu Yue Lianfeng Martial Soul appeared quietly.

At this moment, his martial soul was different from the last time Chen Feng saw it.

The height of the five mountain peaks and the other mountain peaks has reached more than 500 meters.

The two mountain peaks connected together are more than 1,500 meters long, which is more than three times larger than the previous time.

Then, the light in his dantian flickered, and a bead about the size of a little thumb flew out from it. The bead showed an earthy yellow color, and the earth elements inside it were concentrated and highly condensed.

The aura from above was so powerful that Chen Feng was almost suffocated.

He felt that if the beads were to launch an attack on him, they would be able to hit him seriously.

Under it, I definitely can't survive the three moves.

After three moves, you will be crushed.

Chen Feng took a deep breath, and whispered softly, "Is this the inner alchemy? Is this the inner alchemy of the powerful martial arts?"

At this moment, Chen Feng realized the power of inner alchemy.

A single blow from the inner alchemy was enough to cause serious injury to himself.

When everyone came here, they got off the silver-winged giant eagle and walked forward.

At this time, under the control of Yue Yuanshan, the inner alchemy flew to the top of the Wuyuelianfeng Martial Spirit, and then, a yellow light splashed down and splashed on the Wuyuelianfeng Martial Spirit.

Bathed in this yellow light. The Wuyue Lianfeng Wuhun skyrocketed again, directly from 500 meters high to thousands of meters high.

The five mountain peaks are more than two thousand meters long, and the size has doubled.

Then, he controlled the five mountain peaks and slammed down into the lava lake fiercely.

With a bang, lava rolled in the lava lake.

The entire lava lake was smashed and cracked.

The Wuyue Lianfeng Martial Soul hit directly into it several kilometers deep, separating the magma lake by a huge crack.

Everyone saw that this martial soul had even hit the fire dragon!

At this time, the fire dragon was asleep, hit by this huge force, and suddenly woke up. There was a muffled roar in his throat, and he opened his eyes.

When everyone came into contact with that gaze, they all trembled.

His eyes were full of tyranny, ferociousness, and killing, which made people shudder.

At this moment, magma rushed up frantically, on top of the Wuyuelianfeng Wuhun.

The Wuyue Lianfeng Wuhun was so hot that it creaked and kept shrinking.

Yue Yuanshan let out a muffled snort, and vomited blood, he quickly controlled the Wuyue Lianfeng Martial Spirit to fly out of it!

In any case, the purpose of awakening the fire dragon was achieved.

The fire dragon awakened from its deep sleep, and then with a bang, the entire magma lake seemed to burst, and countless extremely large magma columns burst up to 10,000 meters high.

Countless magma splashed outwards, falling within hundreds of miles around.

It looked like this volcano had suddenly erupted.

The black clouds above the sky became intense instantly.

Thousands of miles around, all are shrouded by black clouds, like the end of the day, here in an instant, it becomes a dark night.

Then, a huge fire dragon flew out of the lava, standing high among the clouds, looking down at Chen Feng and others.

His eyes were extremely ferocious and fierce to the extreme, looking down at the crowd, his voice was full of rage:

"You shameless and humble humans dare to interrupt my sleep. I will use the cruelest means to torture you to vent my hatred!"

Yue Yuanshan shouted loudly: "There is nothing to say about this beast, kill!"

With that, his inner alchemy was once again attached to the Wuyue Lianfeng Martial Spirit.

The Five Sacred Mountains, which had been completely solidified, slammed into the fire dragon above the sky fiercely.

And Chen Feng also roared: "Fire Dragon Nine Heavens and Thunder!"

Madman Xue jumped up to a height of 100 meters in the sky, and the big sword cut down fiercely.

Behind him, a huge sword of several hundred meters high Wuhun suddenly appeared.

The giant sword martial spirit and the big sword in his hand are condensed into one body, turning into a huge sword aura over a thousand meters long in the air, slashing towards the fire dragon.

As for Xiao Yuqing, she also showed her vice-president level strength. With a cappella, the green jade rod spilled out thousands of green brilliance.

Each time these green brilliance fall into the lava lake, there is a large piece of lava, which directly cools down and solidifies into stone.

Only Yong Ziyuan, standing by, motionless!

Facing their powerful offensive, the fire dragon showed a look of disdain and contempt, and laughed: "You humble humans are really weak and arrogant!"

"You think powerful moves, in fact, can't bring me any harm at all!"

As he said, he roared and opened his mouth hugely.

From his huge mouth, a golden flame suddenly rose, and then condensed into a huge golden fireball with a diameter of more than 100 meters.

As soon as this golden fireball appeared, the surrounding air was immediately burnt and distorted, and in the air, there were countless dark and deep lines.

Yue Yuanshan exclaimed: "These are the lines of space. If you fall into it, you will immediately fall into the turbulence of space! With his fireball, even the space can be broken?"

The golden flame ball flew forward, seemingly slow, but in fact extremely fast, and it is still expanding.

When it flew in front of everyone, it was already over a thousand meters in size.

Then, the golden fireball and the four men's offensive collided fiercely.

With a roar, Jian Qi was directly shattered.

The nine fire dragons roared sternly, and at the same time disappeared invisible.

Thousands of green bamboo sticks were directly swallowed by flames.

The Wuyue Lianfeng Martial Spirit was directly smashed. The five peaks shrank to only one-fifth of their current size, and then quickly flew back to Yue Yuanshan’s body.

With a scream, Yue Yuanshan stepped back dozens of steps. On the whole body, there were countless wounds and blood surged.

As for Chen Feng, all of them retreated and vomited blood and were seriously injured!

Their offensive. Not only was he directly extinguished by the fire dragon, but also severely wounded by the fire dragon.

Everyone's faces showed unbelievable horror: "This fire dragon is so powerful?"

There was even despair in his heart. ,

"One move, one move beats us like this, how can we still have a chance of winning?"

Of course, except for Chen Feng.

At this time, his mind is still firm, but he is also unavoidable: "Is this the strength of the third-rank profound beast?"

Yue Yuanshan murmured in disbelief: "It's impossible, the third-rank profound beast can't be so powerful!"

He suddenly exclaimed and shouted: "You, you are already a fourth-rank profound beast, right?"

(There are still four chapters to be updated today, in the desperate code word, around six or seven in the afternoon, two or three chapters will be updated.)

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