Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1347: Who is the waste?

Chen Feng took a deep breath, and there was a chill in his eyes.

He decided not to bear it anymore, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

Chen Feng looked at Yong Ziyuan and said coldly: "You keep saying that I am a trash, then, what if you lose to a trash?"

"What? You mean I might lose to you?" Yong Ziyuan looked at Chen Feng with a look of disbelief.

Then the next moment, he laughed, and the laughter was full of disdain: "You trash, you are really arrogant."

"What is your realm? It's just six levels of soul condensing. I want to abolish you. It's easy and easy. How could you be my opponent?"

Chen Feng said indifferently: "The strength of strength is not spoken by words."

With that said, he hooked his finger at Yong Ziyuan and said lightly: "Come on, let's compete!"

Yong Ziyuan was full of disbelief: "You dare to challenge me? Are you crazy?"

Madman Xue, with a suspicion on his face, looked at Yue Yuanshan and whispered: "Lao Yue, what is the strength of this companion you brought? Does he use Yong Ziyuan's opponent?"

"In case of injury, that would be bad."

With a weird smile on Yue Yuanshan's face, he looked at Xue Kuangren and said: "Don't worry, Yong Ziyuan can walk more than three strokes under his hands, even if Chen Feng loses."

"What?" Madman Xue was surprised when he heard this.

He didn't believe it in his heart: "Senior brother, this is too big, right? Yong Ziyuan is a nine-level soul condensing master. How could he not even be able to get through three moves under Chen Feng?"

"Is it possible that Chen Feng is already a master of Martial Sovereign Realm? But it's not right, obviously he only shows the strength of Soul Condensation Sixth Layer!"

He looked at Chen Feng suspiciously.

Yong Ziyuan laughed, then his face instantly turned cold.

He looked at Chen Feng and said maliciously: "You rubbish, you dare to provoke. Later I will let you know the fate of provoking me. You will definitely die miserably!"

Chen Feng smiled: "This is what I want to tell you!"

Yong Ziyuan screamed: "Trash, die!"

He strode forward, waved his fists fiercely, and bombarded Chen Feng.

After these fists were thrown, a huge iron-black sphere with a diameter of more than 30 meters was formed directly in the air.

On the sphere, there were countless sharp thorns, and they smashed towards Chen Feng.

The momentum is fierce, and the strength of the nine-layer master of the soul is fully revealed.

Chen Feng smiled coldly, and the Dragon Sword slashed out.

After the knife was cut out, Madman Xue's face immediately changed.

Chen Feng's knife gave him a huge shock.

Although Chen Feng was only a six-level soul condensing master, the power of this sword cut had already surpassed the middle stage of the condensing soul realm.

With a bang, the Dragon Sword and the iron ball slammed into each other, smashing the iron ball directly, and then smashed it fiercely on Yong Ziyuan's body.

With a scream, Yong Ziyuan was hit and flew out several tens of meters, and fell heavily to the ground with blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

However, there were no wounds on his body, only a shallow trace appeared on his clothes.

Chen Feng looked at it and couldn't help but raise his brow.

Yong Ziyuan's clothes are really a treasure, and they can withstand the attack of the Dragon Sword. If it weren't for this robe, this knife could kill Yong Ziyuan!

But even so, Yong Ziyuan was slightly injured.

Yong Ziyuan yelled in disbelief in a startled voice: "How could it be possible? I am the ninth layer of soul! You are only the sixth layer of soul condensing, how could you hurt me with one stroke?"

Chen Feng smiled coldly, looked at him, and said contemptuously: "So you are a trash!"

"You rubbish, those who are more acquainted should hurry away. We are all masters in our team. Are you qualified to join?"

This is what he just used Yong Ziyuan's words to return.

Yong Ziyuan's face was extremely embarrassed, he felt ashamed, and looked at Chen Feng with a bitter expression on his face.

Seeing Chen Feng so clean and tidy, he would use Yong Ziyuan to defeat him, Xiao Yuqing and Xue Kuangren both showed a touch of horror.

Xiao Yuqing knew that Chen Feng was very strong before, but he didn't expect that he was already strong enough to injure a nine-level soul condensing master with just one move.

And Madman Xue was even more impressed with Chen Feng. He didn't expect that this kid who seemed to have only six levels of soul condensed, had such a powerful strength.

With some emotion, he said to Yue Yuanshan: "Brother Yue, there really is no weak hand in the person you brought!"

Yong Ziyuan looked at Chen Feng with a bitter expression on his face. He felt ashamed of himself, especially when he lost face in front of Xiao Yuqing, which made him angry.

He looked at Madman Xue and shouted: "Mr. Xue, quickly kill this untouchable for me."

Madman Xue's face suddenly showed embarrassment.

Chen Feng looked at him and said nothing.

If Kuangren Xue really used what Yong Ziyuan said to make a move, then he would disregard his relationship with Yue Yuanshan!

Judging from the face of Yue Yuanshan, Chen Feng has been quite tolerant, and he cannot bear it anymore!

Seeing Madman Xue's expression hesitated, Yong Ziyuan was even more furious, and shouted loudly: "Mr. Xue, you **** dare not listen to me?"

"Believe it or not, I made you unable to enter the Kuangwu Academy again? After returning, I will tell my father and let him arrest you!"

Before Madman Xue had time to speak, a look of anger appeared on Yue Yuanshan's face.

He strode over, staring at Yong Ziyuan, the overwhelming coercion of the five-junction powerhouse.

Yong Ziyuan was extremely shocked. He didn't expect that this person who looked rather dull and hadn't spoken yet had the mighty power of the Martial King Realm.

Yue Yuanshan stared at him, and said lightly: "Isn't it just a Kuangzhan Academy? I won't go back if I don't go back, I will bring Brother Xue to Kuangzhan Academy, the same!"

"And you have to pay for what you say today!"

He looked cold and said: "Since you want to retaliate against my old brother Xue after you go back, it's better to let you not go back! Just leave your life here, what do you think?"

After Yong Ziyuan listened, his face showed extreme fear.

He could see that Yue Yuanshan really dared to kill him.

He yelled in disbelief: "You guys, did you offend me for this untouchable?"

"What untouchable? Do you think how noble you are?" Yue Yuanshan said disdainfully: "My brother Chen Feng is 100,000 times more noble than you!"

"Tell you, don't talk about offending you for his sake, even if it's for him, I'm not afraid to offend your father!"

He stared at Yong Ziyuan coldly and said: "If you dare to threaten, I will kill you directly!"

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