Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1341: Ge Pao Old Man

"Yes, and at this time, the power of each of his swords is at least 30% greater than the previous Fire Dragon Nine Heavens and Thunder!"

"In our estimation, we should only lose one person, or even if one person is not damaged, we will catch him."

"But now, Lao Hu has lost his combat effectiveness, and the Black Snake's martial spirit has also been shattered, with little combat effectiveness left, only the three of us."

One person said loudly: "What are you worried about? The three of us are enough to catch him. This kid has no more power to fight!"

What they said was right, but Chen Feng was already pale and panting at this moment.

Three swords were already his limit, and he couldn't issue a fourth sword!

The three of them surrounded Chen Feng with treacherous smiles, looked at Chen Feng, and smiled triumphantly: "Boy, do you still have true essence? Can you make the fourth move?"

At this moment, Chen Feng, although his face was pale and his body was shaky, but he was still soaring with pride, his eyes were awe-inspiring!

Chen Feng let out a sharp roar, and his figure moved forward quickly, and the Tianlong stepped forward and came to one of them.

The Dragon Swordsman cuts three times in succession, slashing crazy!

The man in black felt the extremely tyrannical power from the Dragon Slaying Sword and the aura as if he was crushing and crushing himself alive, he suddenly changed his color, his long sword pierced out, and he madly resisted.

The two people next to him also changed their expressions, constantly launching their strongest attacks on Chen Feng, wanting Chen Feng to turn around and resist.

However, Chen Feng continued to move forward as if he had not felt the attack from both sides.

With these three swords, he slashed madly on this short middle-aged man, directly screaming his scream, his body suddenly shattered, and with a bang, it exploded into blood fog in the sky.

This nine-level soul condensing master was directly killed by Chen Feng!

And Chen Feng was also hit hard by the other two!

He wowed, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and countless wounds appeared on his body, and even his internal organs were directly ruptured, and the wounds on his body showed deep bones.

Chen Feng was in great pain, but he looked up to the sky and let out a fierce roar.

Instead of retreating, Tu Longdao went crazy.

The tall and thin middle-aged man on the left said coldly: "Boy. You are at the end of the fight, how powerful is your knife?"

As he said, his fists blasted out, without taking Chen Feng to heart.

However, he didn't know that at this moment, gold springs surged in Chen Feng's dantian!

Jinquan provided Chen Feng with incomparable strength, making Chen Feng's move as powerful as it was in its heyday.

Chen Feng slashed out with a stab, and in the eyes of this person's disbelief, his left arm slammed and was directly chopped by the Dragon Sword, and then the Dragon Sword left a huge wound on his body. .

This wound almost cut him in two!

He was extremely fast and backed up quickly, only to escape his life.

Even so, he was seriously injured, fell heavily to the ground, and screamed terribly.

He looked at Chen Feng in disbelief, and shouted: "How is it possible? You are already at the end of the battle. How could this knife still have such a powerful force?"

Chen Feng looked at him and smiled coldly: "My strength. How can you estimate it?"

At this time, of the five people who besieged Chen Feng, four of them lost their combat effectiveness. They were still complete, and only one remained.

This person is an old man over sixty years old.

At this moment, he looked at Chen Feng's gaze, filled with a strong look of alertness, and his body kept receding.

Chen Feng looked at him, suddenly grinned, bloodthirsty like a lone wolf

"What are you retreating? Are you afraid? I have been seriously injured now. What are you afraid of?"

"The two of us, let's fight to the death!"

With that, Chen Feng moved forward slowly.

He has been seriously injured, and every step he takes, countless blood is spilled on the ground.

But Chen Feng's bloodthirsty aura rose to the sky, becoming more and more tyrannical.

A **** cloud almost formed above him!

Suddenly, Chen Feng's speed became faster and faster, striding forward.

Then, he leaped into the air, and the Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand slashed out frantically!

In fact, Chen Feng's true essence had been completely consumed at this time, and even Jin Quan seemed to have dried up.

However, above Chen Feng, a fierce dragon roar suddenly came.

The Azure Dragon Martial Spirit suddenly appeared, and the Azure Dragon Martial Spirit appeared in the air and rushed towards this person directly.

The old man was suddenly shocked and quickly resisted.

But the claws of the Azure Dragon Martial Spirit had already hit his body fiercely.

And Chen Feng, with a long laugh, happened to stop him in midair.

The Dragon Sword slashed fiercely, and with a single knife, the white-haired old man was directly cut in the waist!

The white-haired old man, who was not dead at this time, let out a scream: "Ah..."

But the next moment, his body was directly exploded into blood mist.

At this point, the five nine soul-condensing masters were all defeated by Chen Feng!

Chen Feng laughed up to the sky, fought back in the dead, and finally won the battle!

Chen Feng turned around, walked towards the few people of Master Hu, and said coldly: "Now, it's time to take your lives."

But at this time, Master Hu grinned, without fear, looking at Chen Feng, and said: "After all, you have used your Azure Dragon Martial Spirit. Sure enough, the news is correct. You are the owner of the Azure Dragon Martial Spirit!"

"Lao Hu, you guys did a good job on your errands. After I go back, I will naturally be rewarded."

An old hoarse voice suddenly sounded from behind Chen Feng.

Chen Feng suddenly stagnated, standing still, not daring to move.

He felt that a huge and incomparable aura had already locked himself, as long as he dared to move, he would be killed immediately.

This momentum is very powerful!

Chen Feng felt that this was completely beyond his capacity.

As long as you move casually, you will be directly crushed into powder!

Suddenly, as soon as the momentum took off, Chen Feng immediately collapsed to the ground, panting heavily, sweating profusely.

Only at this time did Chen Feng realize that in just a few short breaths, his consumption was even greater than before fighting with five people!

Chen Feng turned his head to look, and saw that there was an old man in Ge Pao standing behind him.

The old man Ge Pao had a faint expression, but his body was full of vigor and tyranny.

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly heard an angry dragon chant.

He looked up and saw that above the sky, the Azure Dragon Martial Spirit was constantly circling there, but he seemed to be enclosed in a huge cover.

No matter how circling and colliding, he couldn't escape from the cover.

With a bang, the Azure Dragon Wuhun directly hit a place in the air, and there was a direct wave of light rippling, and an air envelope shape appeared!

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