Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1331: Battle against Yue Yuanshan!

Everyone was whispering, their faces showing frustration.

They looked at Yue Yuanshan's gaze, just like looking at a monster!

But there was a smile on the face of the top ten disciples of the Kuangzhan Academy.

"Senior Brother Yue is Senior Brother Yue, he easily suppressed Chen Feng as soon as he shot."

"Haha, this Chen Feng is really arrogant, do you really think he is number one in the world? As everyone knows, if Brother Yue is there, he doesn't count as anything!"

"Yes, as soon as Senior Brother Yue makes a move, let him know what a real master is!"

"This arrogant junior, I don't know how high the sky is, so I should teach him a lesson!"

Linghujian was even more excited, shouting loudly, "Brother Yue, kill him, kill this untouchable man!"

Everyone believed that Chen Feng would definitely die under Yue Yuanshan this time.

Yue Yuanshan looked at Chen Feng and said lightly: "You are not my opponent."

He is not bragging, but stating a fact.

He is so powerful and confident!

Chen Feng looked at him, smiled and said, "That's not necessarily true!"

With that, Chen Feng took a step back, then suddenly accelerated, strode forward, and rushed forward.

After the Dragon Sword was carried behind him, Chen Feng was extremely fast, Tianlong step started, and with a stroke, he appeared directly in front of Yue Yuanshan.

Then, cut out three knives one after another!

It was the trick that killed Han Lianting just now!

Yue Yuanshan was obviously caught off guard, and Chen Feng had already cut in front of him three times in a row.

But he didn't panic, smiled slightly, and punched out as before.

This punch, as heavy as a mountain, directly smashed Chen Feng's three knives!

Then Yue Yuanshan's eyes flashed, and his fists were clenched together, drawing a mysterious arc from top to bottom.

It was like a heavy weight hanging from his fists. It was extremely stagnant, but it carried a huge force.

There seemed to be the sound of a tsunami in the air, as if the vitality of the surrounding world had been mobilized.

Then everyone saw that a mountain really appeared in front of Yueyuan Mountain.

A mountain with a height of 100 meters!

This mountain, following Yue Yuanshan's movements, pressed down hard against Chen Feng, seemingly extremely slow, but in fact extremely fast.

Chen Feng wanted to dodge, but found that his figure had been locked, no matter which direction he hid, he would be hit by this mountain!

He can only resist!

Chen Feng raised his head, roared, and the Dragon Slaying Sword swung out, slashing **** the mountain.

With a bang, the two crashed together.

Chen Feng felt that there was a powerful and unmatched force coming, and he couldn't resist it.

He snorted, spurted blood, and was blown out dozens of meters.

The Dragon Sword could not even be held, it was smashed and flew out, and fell heavily to the ground.

Chen Feng was bloody, with broken tendons and broken bones, so miserable!

Chen Feng was seriously injured directly!

And that big mountain also suddenly disappeared.

The face of the disciple of the Kuangzhan Academy showed excitement: "This is Brother Yue's famous move, shake the mountain and punch!"

"Haha, this is just the move of Senior Brother Yue three years ago. He used this move, which means that he has not tried his best, that is, he has used 80% of his power!"

"But even so, it's enough! Even with 80% strength, Senior Brother Yue is enough to kill Chen Feng!"

Just now Chen Feng stood up, Yue Yuanshan screamed again, flashed directly in front of him, and struck out his fists again!

Shake the mountain and punch!

Another big mountain was pressing down. This time, Chen Feng's body was almost smashed into fleshy mud. There was no good meat on his body, and all his bones were broken. The whole person was already in a state of dying and was seriously injured.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Wanru and Yu Qiudie, the two women, both screamed in tears, and they were about to rush forward to rescue Chen Feng.

Ren Haoran stretched out his hand to stop them, and said bitterly: "You can't just go up like this. Dabi doesn't allow other people to intervene. If you go up, you will also be killed!"

Yue Yuanshan's boxing technique is not fancy and simple, but it is powerful and full of unparalleled feeling!

It's a real force to crush people!

Yue Yuanshan looked at Chen Feng and said lightly: "Chen Feng, you give up!"

"For the sake of being a disciple of the Crazy Battle Academy, I can spare you my life!"

Linghujian was shocked and shouted loudly: "Brother Yue, you must kill him, or else there will be endless troubles in the future!"

Yue Yuanshan turned his head and said coldly, "Where can you speak?"

Chen Feng was panting violently at this time.

He looked at Yue Yuanshan with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "If you want me to surrender, that's impossible."

Although Chen Feng was seriously injured, the burning intent on his face was still the rising war spirit!

Chen Feng, there is no despair!

Suddenly, a jade bottle appeared in Chen Feng's right hand.

This jade bottle showed a translucent color, and the **** liquid inside could be seen.

It is the dragon's blood dew that is packed in here!

Then, Chen Feng raised his head and poured all the liquid in the jade bottle into his throat.

Chen Feng swallowed all of the dragon's blood dew and the remaining ten kilograms.

Suddenly, an extremely overbearing, extremely hot current burst into Chen Feng's throat, and then spread all the way down to all parts of Chen Feng's body.

Chen Feng felt that he was being burned by a high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees, as if his entire body was about to be burned to ashes.

Moreover, this craze is from the inside out, which is even more difficult.

Chen Feng felt that his whole body was about to be steamed dry, and flames burst out of the pores of his body.

He was in extreme pain and let out a scream.

But the next moment, all this heat flowed into Chen Feng's dantian.

Inside Chen Feng's dantian, the golden flame of the sun was already listless, without any vitality.

But at this time, feeling this hot current, this blazing sun and golden flames became excited in an instant.

Then, a huge suction radiated from his body, attracting this heat flow.

I saw that this fiery red glow like a hot stream constantly poured into the golden flames of the sun.

And the Golden Flame of the Sun is getting bigger and bigger. From the beginning, the size of a finger has become the size of an egg, and it has become the size of a fist.

In the end, when all the fiery red heat flow poured into the golden flames of the sun, with a bang, this golden flame suddenly bloomed and became the size of a human head.

Above, it exudes infinite heat and vitality!

Chen Feng felt that a huge force poured into his body, with hundreds of limbs.

In an instant, Chen Feng became energetic again. Although his injury was still so serious and he had not recovered yet, he recovered his combat effectiveness.

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