Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1327: One knife! Spike!

Of the sixteen people who participated in the war, only eight remained.

Among the eight other people who failed, there were four dead and three injured, and Ren Haoran was the only one who was safe and sound.

This tragic shock shocked everyone.

You know, the dead and injured are all the top young talents in Qingzhou!

On the viewing platform, Qing Wudi's face was cold and silent.

He knows that doing so will have a high rate of death and injury, but he just wants to use this tragic scene to tell everyone: "If you don't want to be killed at this time, you have to practice desperately!"

Early in the morning of the second day, the second round began!

This time, Chen Feng is still the first to come to power.

And his opponent was Chengyang County, a genius disciple of the Liefengmen.

Speaking of it, he still has some connections with Chen Feng. Back then, the masters of the Liefeng sect chased and killed young disciples of various sects.

And Chen Feng was Zhou Wanru and Yu Qiudie who had been rescued from a master of the Gale Gate!

This was a tall and thin young man in black, about twenty-six or seventeen years old. His face was cold, looking at Chen Feng, his eyes were awe-inspiring to kill.

He stared at Chen Feng, and said in a cold voice, "Chen Feng, what kind of **** Su Moran, it's just the Sixth Condensation Soul.

"Just because there is a Profound Rank Sixth-Rank Martial Spirit, everyone considers it to be the No. 1 Master in Qingzhou."

"Actually, although he has the strength comparable to the Seventh Level of Ning Soul, he is still far behind me! I had a contest with him half a year ago. Within ten moves, I would defeat him!"

She smiled coldly, with a bloodthirsty expression on the corner of her mouth, looking at Chen Feng: "You can kill him, but it may not be my opponent."

"Today, I will be here to kill you!"

In his eyes, the flames were raging, showing extreme greed:

"You are now famous in Qingzhou. If I kill you, your reputation will be completely replaced by me!"

"After fighting with you, I will be known as Qingzhou!"

He looked at Chen Feng and laughed arrogantly: "Chen Feng, Chen Feng, you are destined to be my stepping stone, and I stepped on it!"

Chen Feng said lightly: "Where is there so much nonsense? Fight if you want!"

As he said, he leaped up into the air, and the Dragon Saber slashed out fiercely.

With this knife, Chen Feng used 70% of his strength.

After a knife was cut out, an aura poured out overwhelmingly.

The tall and thin man in black suddenly changed his complexion and exclaimed: "This aura is so powerful, how can you be so powerful, aren't you only Condensed Soul Five?"

He shouted in his mouth and waved his hands, furiously resisting.

But to no avail.

Chen Feng's knife directly destroyed his arms, and then severely slashed on him.

With a scream of wow, he was cut into the air by the volley and flew out several tens of meters.

Then in the air, with a bang, it exploded directly into a **** fog!

Chen Feng looked at him and said lightly: "Yes, I am the fifth level of Soul Condensation, but does it require higher strength to kill you?"

Everyone was shocked.

Those who had doubts about Chen Feng before, no longer had any doubt in their hearts at this time, they were full of shock and fear.

The Seven Soul Condensing Master was slashed by Chen Feng! No bones left!

One shot, spike!

"It turns out that I still have a slight doubt about Chen Feng's strength. Although they say that he killed Su Moran, no one has seen it."

"Look at it now, I'm completely convinced! This Chen Feng is too strong, and definitely has the strength to surpass the eighth level of soul condensing! It can kill the 7th level master of soul condensing with one blow!

"Yes, Chen Feng should be the first person in this big match! The strength is far above the others!"

Everyone was amazed, so much so that many people thought that Chen Feng was already at the top of this competition.

And at this moment, suddenly, at the entrance, a group of people came slowly riding on the spirit beast.

Each of them exudes an extremely powerful aura.

There are ten of these people.

Chen Feng looked over there, and his eyes suddenly narrowed.

In it, he saw some familiar figures, such as Linghu Sword.

For example, that calm figure like a mountain, Yue Yuanshan!

The person who came with ten masters was actually Luo Xiaoran.

Chen Feng immediately understood that this was the top ten master of the Crazy Battle Academy!

The ten masters of the Crazy Battle Academy, as soon as they appeared, they immediately attracted everyone's attention.

There is no way, their strength is too strong, their aura is too big, even the weakest has the strength of Condensing Soul Eightfold, which is almost equivalent to the strongest among the people.

They exclaimed: "What are these people? How are they so powerful? And they are all very young!"

A genius disciple said with emotion: "This is a real genius, about the same age as me. The strength is much stronger than me!"

"I want to compare with him, it's just a trash. I was so arrogant before that I thought I was number one in the world! It's ridiculous!"

Someone exclaimed: "I recognized them. They belong to the Crazy Battle Academy! They are the top ten disciples of the Crazy Battle Academy!"

"Ah? It turned out to be from the Crazy Battle Academy? No wonder the strength is so strong!" Many people exclaimed.

Kuangzhan Academy is the top academy in Qingzhou. The overall strength and high-end combat power of the students in it far exceed the average sect!

These top ten disciples have either plain or arrogant faces, but in any case, they didn't pay attention to everyone present.

Luo Xiaoran took them to Qing Wudi.

They still have great respect for Qing Wudi. After all, this person is the honorary dean of the Crazy Battle Academy and the king of Qingjun!

Qing Wudi looked at them and said a few words with a smile.

Then he stood up, walked to the top of the ring, and faced everyone.

The expression suddenly became solemn and stern: "Yesterday, I watched you fight for a whole day. To be honest, I am very dissatisfied!"

"This year, your strength has not improved any more than last year, and it is still the old face of last year, and no new people have emerged!"

"It seems that the stimulation for you is not enough, and the pressure for you is not great enough, so that you don't have the real concentration of cultivation!"

"So," he paused, and then said: "I announce that from this year onwards, the disciples of the Crazy Battle Academy will also join the Nine Counties Competition!"

"What?" After hearing this, the following sect disciples were in an uproar.

"They also joined the Nine-County Grand Tournament? They are so strong, if they join in, should we still fight?"

"It's over, after the Big Competition, all will be taken by them. The Nine County Big Competition will become a civil war of the Mad War Academy!"

All these words fell into Qing Wudi's ears.

He looked at the crowd and said with a cold expression: "Looking at your talents, what you think is not how to improve yourself, but to escape. I am ashamed for you!"

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