Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1324: What is it?

"Even more unworthy to fight with him, we can easily deal with you today!"

"Yes!" everyone behind him said one after another, "What kind of identity is Young Master Su, you don't take a **** and take a picture of yourself! We will clean up you for Young Master Su later!"

Chen Feng heard it, feeling ridiculous, and wanted to laugh.

This group of people is so ignorant and the news is so blocked, they don't even know that Su Moran is dead, and that it is in his own hands!

At this time, a middle-aged man in his fifties walked over and glanced at them.

He frowned and scolded: "What's the matter?"

"Before the official competition, no fights are allowed? Don't you know? Don't you just step back?"

The strong man hurried over, nodded and bowed, and smiled respectfully: "Deacon Liu, it's not that we don't understand the rules, it's really because there is an arrogant and ignorant kid here..."

He leaned over to Deacon Liu and said something, while speaking, he reached into Deacon Liu's sleeve and handed him something.

Deacon Liu touched his hand, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he glanced approvingly at the strong man.

Then he turned his gaze to Chen Feng, which turned into apathy and disgust.

He walked up to Chen Feng and coldly scolded, "Are you from Ziyang Sword Field?"

Chen Feng nodded: "Yes, it is."

"Show me your invitation!" he ordered roughly.

Chen Feng held back his anger and handed him his invitation.

After Deacon Liu finished reading, he wrung his brows, stared at Chen Feng, and yelled:

"Your invitation must be forged! Ziyang Sword Field has been destroyed, and you are not eligible to participate in this nine-country competition! How could you have an invitation?"

Chen Feng looked at him with a mocking smile on his lips: "Are you sure this invitation is forged?"

This is Qing Wudi, who sent someone to him personally.

Seeing Chen Feng's expression, Deacon Liu was furious and said coldly, "Of course I can be sure!"

"What are you? You dare to question me? There is only one place in Danyang County, and that's Su Moran!"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "In fact, I am the replacement for Su Moran."

"What? You replaced Su Moran's place?" Deacon Liu immediately showed mockery on his face.

And the scene was quiet for a while.

A moment later, there was a burst of ridicule.

"Haha, what did I hear? This trash said that he replaced Su Moran's place?"

"What kind of thing is he? How dare to say such a thing?" Su Moran's strength is many times higher than him. Does he deserve to replace Su Moran?"

"Did he see that Su Moran hasn't come yet, so he's here to speak up? If Su Moran comes later, he will definitely slap him to death!"

The sturdy man and others looked at Chen Feng with gloomy eyes: "If you say this, you are insulting our Young Master Su!"

"We'll take care of you later."

Deacon Liu also laughed, and suddenly his expression changed. He pointed outside and screamed at Chen Feng: "Get out! Get out now!"

Chen Feng looked at him, smiled and said, "Soon, I will regret the decision you are making now."

"Regret? A joke! How could I regret it?" Deacon Liu said coldly:

"Get out, there is no place for you to participate!"

Chen Feng knew his purpose, he just wanted to push himself out so that those strong men could clean up themselves.

If they are on the court, they can't do anything.

These people are really insidious methods.

At this moment, an old man walked over slowly, glared at Deacon Liu, and said, "What's the matter? Why is it so noisy?"

This old man is obviously very high. When Deacon Liu saw him, his face immediately showed respect. He walked to the front and said respectfully:

"Return to the king, someone is making trouble here, but I have already dealt with it."

With that, he pointed at Chen Feng.

The steward Wang nodded and was about to leave.

Suddenly, he turned his head and glanced at Chen Feng, with a hint of thinking in his eyes, as if thinking for a while.

Then he walked up to Chen Feng and asked cautiously: "Dare to ask, is this Chen Feng, son of Chen?"

Chen Feng nodded: "Yes, I am."

"Oh, it really is Master Chen!" The steward Wang immediately showed respect.

He looked at Chen Feng, even with a hint of flattery in his eyes, and said: "Master Chen, the villain has long heard of your name, and has always wanted to see you, but unfortunately, it is always a mistake."

"I didn't see each other last time at the Mad Fighting Academy."

Chen Feng raised his eyebrows and said in surprise: "Have you been to the Crazy Battle Academy to find me?"

Then he remembered. Luo Zilan mentioned that when she was in retreat, the person who sent the invitation for Qing Wudi was the one who claimed to be Wang.

He patted his head and smiled: "Are you the one who sent me the invitation?"

"That's right! That's right!" Steward Wang smiled all over his face: "I didn't expect that the son has such a good memory, he can still remember the villain."

It seems that being remembered by Chen Feng is a particularly proud thing.

When everyone saw this scene, their faces were full of surprise.

Although they didn't know who the king steward was, Deacon Liu was so respectful to him, which showed that he was definitely a man of extremely high status.

At this time, he respected Chen Feng so much, even with a hint of flattery.

This made them feel surprised: "Chen Feng, what on earth is it? Why does Wang Guanjia treat him so respectfully?"

"Could it be that he is not just a disciple of Ziyang Sword Field as simple as that?"

Deacon Liu's face was even more uncertain, looking at Chen Feng in shock.

He knew the identity of the steward Wang very well. This one was one of the three stewards of the Qingjun Prince's Mansion. His status was extremely high, and he did not know how much he was a deacon.

He was shocked and asked, "Why is Steward Wang so polite to Chen Feng?"

"Could it be that Chen Feng has any huge background?"

"I just provoke him so much, didn't it cause a disaster?"

Thinking of this, his heart was extremely terrified, and his body trembled slightly.

The strong and powerful men were also uneasy in their hearts.

Only Kou Qing, stupid and reckless, could not see the situation clearly, still looking at Chen Feng sullenly.

At this time, Steward Wang suddenly turned around, looked at Deacon Liu with cold eyes, and said coldly: "If I heard you right just now, you seem to be insulting Master Chen Feng!"

Deacon Liu hurriedly waved his hand, squeezing a smile on his face, and said with a trembling, "No, no, butler Wang, this is a misunderstanding."

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