Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1320: Justice is invincible!

Directly killed by Chen Feng! One move, only one move!

At this moment, Chen Feng felt that all the power in his body had disappeared without a trace.

He felt that severe pain came from every part of his body, and the blazing sun and golden flames in his dantian also brushed, and went silent.

As if he was dead, his breath became extremely weak.

He was so exhausted that he fainted.

Seeing this scene, Luo Zilan lost her face in shock, hugged his body and cried out with sobbing: "Chen Feng, Chen Feng, what's wrong with you?"

Those noble children looked at Chen Feng with complex colors on their faces.

They know that from today, another myth in Qingzhou City will rise.

This is a young myth, a teenager who was less than twenty years old, unexpectedly killed the Nine Masters of Ning Soul!

From today, the entire Qingzhou city will know Chen Feng's name.

This man became famous in the first battle, and he is a veritable number one master of the young generation in Qingzhou!

Although Lu Shengyue is dead, it does not mean that the Lu family is dead.

There are still a lot of masters in the Lu family. When Chen Feng and Lu Shengyue were fighting just now, they stayed aside and dared not speak out for fear of being affected.

Seeing that Chen Feng was in a coma at this time, it was all Yaowu walking out and coming next to Chen Feng with a murderous look.

Luo Zilan suddenly stood in front of Chen Feng, looked at them, and said with a cold expression: "What are you going to do?"

"What are we going to do?" Headed by Lu Shengyue's younger brother, Lu Shengquan.

He looked at Luo Zilan with a look of disdain: "We are going to kill him naturally, but what are we going to do, do you **** deserve to ask?"

He stared at Luo Zilan sullenly: "Don't forget, you are still from our Luo family!"

"Don't worry, I will torture you well, you **** who eats inside and out, you will live in pain for the rest of your life!"

Luo Zilan was like a tiger cub's female leopard, and shouted fiercely: "If you want to kill him, kill me first!"

Lu Shengquan looked at her coldly and said, "Do you think I dare not kill you?"

"Well, since you **** want to die with him, then I will fulfill you!"

When he said that, he had to move forward.

Luo Zilan stepped back two steps at this time, lying next to Chen Feng, covering him with her body to protect her, and whispered in his ear:

"Chen Feng, although the two of us cannot live together and die together, I am also very satisfied."

Lu Shengquan was about to make a move. At this time, Chen Feng seemed to be unable to fight back.

Luo Xiaoran suddenly screamed, his figure flickered, and he stood directly in front of Chen Feng, and said coldly: "Chen Feng is a student of my Crazy Battle Academy. If you want to do it, at least ask me first!"

Lu Shengquan stared at him with cold eyes.

He wasn't very afraid of Luo Xiaoran. In terms of power, the Lu family was not much smaller than the Crazy Battle Academy.

He smiled and said without a smile: "Deputy Dean Luo, I advise you not to drip in this muddy water, otherwise, it will be easy to take your life in."

Luo Xiaoran said coldly: "I just want to go, so what?"

Lu Shengquan stopped talking nonsense and yelled: "Do it!"

With that said, he and the other two elders of the Lu family, three masters of Soul Condensing Eightfold Peak, surrounded Luo Xiaoran and began to besiege.

Luo Xiaoran's strength was in the early stage of the Ninth Layer of Soul Condensation.

Being besieged by the three of them, they were not opponents at all for a time, and the beaten back again and again, and instantly suffered multiple injuries on their bodies and fell into a disadvantage.

And the other dozens of Lu Jia Ning Soul Realm masters with seven layers and eight layers were pushing towards Chen Feng.

All of them made moves at the same time, bombarding Chen Feng with their strongest moves.

In the next instant, Chen Feng was about to be killed and turned into a fan!

Suddenly at this moment, a red light wave flashed past and hit these people.

These people seemed to have been hit by a sledgehammer, banging banging, being bounced for tens of meters, and after landing, they staggered back for several steps before stopping.

A touch of horror appeared on their faces.

This force was strong and gentle, not hurting them a bit, but it bounced them all out.

Everyone was extremely shocked, and saw that the person who shot, was amazingly Invincible!

Qing Wudi stood up slowly and walked to the side of Chen Feng.

A high-ranking elder of the Luo family said boldly: "Sir, you, what do you mean?"

Qing Wudi said lightly: "You can't just kill him like this."

The elder said angrily: "Your Majesty, you are unreasonable, Chen Feng just killed our Patriarch."

Qing Wudi smiled coldly, looked at him, and said with disdain: "Can it be the same?"

"Since your Patriarch humiliates a weak woman who has no power to bind a chicken like that, you must be ready to be killed by a man!"

"Your Patriarch, bullying the weak and small is really despicable! It is a shame that there is such a noble Patriarch in Qingzhou City!"

"Your Patriarch was killed and Chen Feng was seriously injured, which is equivalent to a dispute over this woman. It has passed."

The elder said loudly: "Then, Chen Feng also killed the two sons of my Lu family!"

Qing Wudi looked at the Lu family coldly and said, "Since Lu Shengyue is such a person, then I have reason to suspect that Qing Wudi lied to me before!"

"There are some things, I want to ask Chen Feng clearly!"

"Compared to your Lu family, I believe in Chen Feng! I didn't allow you to kill him before I figured it out! If it is true as your Patriarch said before his death, I will kill Chen Feng myself!"

Qing Wudi said righteously!

As he said, with a flick of his hand, a green ball of light fell on Chen Feng.

Chen Feng suddenly felt excited and woke up.

Qing Wudi looked at him and asked, "Chen Feng, what Lu Shengyue accused you of before are all true? Did you kill his son?"

Chen Feng laughed: "Yes, I did kill him, but don't you ask why?"

"What's the reason?" Qing Wudi asked.

Chen Feng told the whole story exactly.

After Qing Wudi listened, his face was expressionless, and then he stretched out his hand and directly repelled the few who besieged Luo Xiaoran.

Lu Shengquan was frightened and angry, and said, "The princess, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Qing Wudi said indifferently, "Of course I took Chen Feng away!"

"Then our Lu family?"

"Your Lu family? You still have the face to say?" Qing Wudi said coldly, "These things that your Lu family did are really disgusting!"

"If it weren't for Lu Shengyue's death, I would also severely punish Yu for what he did!"

He solemnly said: "I am invincible, I only accept reason!"

Lu Shengquan knew that after letting Chen Feng leave this time, it would be extremely difficult to kill him again.

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