Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1307: You like it? Take it away

He said again: "180,000 yuan stones."

Not surprisingly, Yang Chun added another: "180,000 yuan stone."

He looked at Chen Feng and laughed triumphantly: "Untouchables are untouchables, so stupid to death."

Chen Feng glanced at him coldly, suddenly added another 10,000 yuan stone, and shouted: "190,000 yuan stone."

The crowd was in an uproar, and many people looked at Chen Feng with disdain.

"This person should be stupid. He has made it clear that they are trying to fool him, but he is adding ten thousand to ten thousand. It is really stupid."

"Yes, he should have been irritated by Yang Chun to lose his mind."

And Leng Xi and others next to him, with a look of worry on their faces, whispered to Chen Feng, "Chen Feng, let's not fight him with this anger, otherwise we don't want it."

"In this thing, I don't know what it is, it may not be so precious!"

Chen Feng slowly shook his head. He didn't speak, just looked at Yang Chun.

Yang Chun added another yuan stone, and looked at Chen Feng, smiling even more proudly.

He despised Chen Feng extremely, and felt that this time he played with Chen Feng, it was a great sense of accomplishment and a great success!

For two people, one is ten thousand, one by one, and so on.

Soon, Chen Feng had already sold 300,000 yuan stones.

Everyone shook their heads, this thing was not worth 300,000 yuan at all.

"This boy is really stupid and impulsive!" someone said.

Yang Chun laughed and said, "Three hundred thousand and one yuan stone."

Talking. He was triumphant and looked at Chen Feng like a demonstration, waiting for Chen Feng to make an offer.

However, Chen Feng laughed, leaned against the back of the chair, and sat there leisurely without saying a word.

An ominous premonition surged in Yang Chun's heart and shouted: "Untouchables, why don't you bid?"

Chen Feng glanced at him lazily, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth: "If you like it, just take it. It's too expensive. I can't afford it. You are a nobleman. If you have money, you can buy it!"

Yang Chun was stunned immediately, looked at Chen Feng with a face of disbelief, pointed at him and said, "You, you didn't even bid?"

Chen Feng smiled and said: "Don't you want to buy it? Then I will fulfill you, and I won't fight with you."

The people around were stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter. Looking at the two of them, their gazes were completely opposite to those just now.

Just now, they despised Chen Feng very much, but at this time, they all looked at Chen Feng with profound eyes, and the object of contempt was changed to Yang Chun.

"So this boy is not stupid at all!"

"Haha, did he deliberately set Yang Chun to get him hooked?"

"Haha, that's right, he deliberately pretended to look what he wanted, just for Yin Yangchun."

"Up to now, with such a high price, Yang Chun can't afford it. If you don't buy it, you have to buy it!"

"Haha, this thing is not worth so much money at all, and Yang Chun is just the young master of a small family. These two hundred thousand yuan stones are already equivalent to half of their family's wealth."

"He lost so much money today, let him know that he must be killed."

"Hahaha, this idiot!"

Everyone looked at Yang Chun gleefully.

Yang Chun's face swelled like pig liver, and became angry, staring at Chen Feng suddenly, and said cruelly: "Untouchables, hurry up and bid!"

"Otherwise, if you get out of this auction house, I will let you die without a place to bury you!"

Chen Feng smiled coldly, his eyes suddenly flashed murderously.

This Yang Chun, really stupid and arrogant, first provokes himself not to say, even dared to say such things.

He sneered and said: "Okay, then I will wait for your means!"

At this time, Lu Zisong had already asked three times, the hammer fell, looked at Yang Chun, smiled and said:

"Young Master Yang, this treasure is yours, two hundred thousand and one yuan stone, remember to take it out on time."

Yang Chun looked extremely ugly, staring at Chen Feng with bitter eyes.

He blamed Chen Feng for all this, but he didn't want to think that Chen Feng was the one who provoked him first.

He was full of pain and said, "Okay, just buy it, isn't it just two hundred thousand yuan stones?"

As he said, he smiled pretendingly.

But people who know his details are showing contempt and disdain, knowing that he is pretending.

Someone mocked and said, "Okay, Yang Chun, don't pretend."

"Who doesn't know, the total wealth of your family is only four to five million yuan."

"You buy such a piece of scrap iron and take out half of the property. If your father knows about it, it will definitely break your dog legs!"

Yang Chun looked ugly, but could not refute it.

Suddenly, he looked at Chen Feng and said with a superior expression: "Little boy, have you seen it? This is the handwriting of a nobleman like the master!"

"Untouchables like you, I'm afraid I have never seen what the 200,000 yuan stone looks like? Do you know how many there are?"

"If you have the ability, you can also buy a 200,000 yuan stone for the master? Haha, you untouchable, I'm afraid you can't make so much money!"

"If you can't afford it, just get out of here, this is not a place where poor ghosts like you can come!"

He scattered all the fire on Chen Feng, thinking that it was because of Chen Feng that he was in such a dilemma.

Chen Feng glanced at him coldly, without speaking.

Seeing him like this, Yang Chun thought he was showing weakness, and then he felt a little more balanced in his heart.

He said disdainfully: "If you don't have so much money, don't be embarrassed here, get out!"

"This is not a place where poor ghosts like you can come."

The auction continued downward, and soon dozens of lots were already sold.

When the auction was in the middle, Lu Zisong took out a long sword from the jade box in front of him.

He pulled out the long sword, and saw that a fire phoenix was engraved on the body of the long sword, which was extremely beautiful and elegant.

Above the sword, the flame element was engulfed, and the temperature rose within a radius of more than ten meters.

And on the sword. It's as beautiful as a giant fire phoenix.

Chen Feng's eyes widened when he saw this sword, his whole body tensed, and his heart was shocked:

"How is it possible? How can this thing appear here?"

Lu Zisong smiled and said, "This sword is called Fire Phoenix Sword."

He didn't say the way, he said directly: "The Fire Phoenix Sword is a fifth-rank spiritual weapon. Although only the fifth-rank, these five supernatural powers are quite rare abilities, and their value is not inferior to the sixth-rank spiritual weapon. ."

With that, it was an introduction.

Chen Feng muttered to himself: "Sure enough, it is the Fire Phoenix Sword."

"It's just, how did the Fire Phoenix Sword end up here?"

It turns out that the Fire Phoenix Sword is one of the nine main peaks of Ziyang Sword Field.

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