Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1297: Blue Dragon Remnant Soul!

A sorrowful smile appeared on Long Houshui's face. He just looked at Chen Feng and coughed violently: "Chen Feng, do you think you have a chance to win?"

"Tell you, this is a dream!"

As he said, a red crystal suddenly appeared in his hand, and a drop of something like blood was sealed inside.

Then, he suddenly yelled and slapped the red crystal directly.

The blood in the crystal also disappeared.

And following his action, the thousands of Shenlong Sect disciples present suddenly all made a crashing explosion in their bodies, their bodies exploded and blood flowed.

All Shenlong Sect disciples will never survive.

Their blood filled the square.

In an instant, blood flowed into a river on the square.

This scene shocked everyone.

"Is Long Houshui crazy? What is he doing? He even massacred his own disciples?"

"He must have a purpose in doing this, Long Houshui has a deep heart." Someone said.

Chen Feng's eyes were indifferent, and as the blood seeped into the ground, suddenly, lines flashed in the square.

These lines will appear only when they are soaked in blood.

In an instant, these lines began to shine, and then formed a huge strange magic circle.

This magic circle coiled around the entire square, like a huge giant snake, enclosing the entire square.

The light became brighter and brighter, and finally rose to the sky.

And the entire square was trembling violently, as if something was about to break out of the ground under the square!

Long Houshui held a sharp blade, sliced ​​open his chest, and dropped it on the ground, which was like the last firewood.

With a bang, the light on the square instantly tripled.

Then the next moment, the entire square trembled violently.

Countless huge stones kept trembling, and under the ground, there was a huge thing that broke through the ground and went straight into the air.

He hovered in the air, making a huge roar.

This roar can be heard clearly for hundreds of miles.

The crowd around the audience felt severe pain in their heads from the roar, and blood was flowing out of the seven orifices.

Many people with weak cultivation bases were directly shocked and their heads exploded.

Everyone is shocked, what powerful existence is this? Just this roar, it is so!

Then everyone looked up.

I saw a dragon hovering in the sky,

This is not a giant python, nor a dragon, but a real dragon.

The body is more than 500 meters long, and the body is as big as a five-story pavilion.

His body is full of scales, and on top of his head, the dragon's horns are magnificent.

The dragon's whiskers fluttered around his lips.

The dragon's tail swept away, and in the air, the clouds disappeared instantly, revealing the vast blue sky.

This astonishingly is a huge blue dragon!

His aura has surpassed the spirit beast and reached the level of the profound beast!

However, only half of his body, the other half disappeared out of thin air.

It looked like it was cut off from the middle.

And above half of his body, almost 30% of the position is empty.

The other entities are also inconsistent and unstable.

Obviously, this is not a profound beast, but a martial soul! A somewhat incomplete Martial Soul!

Long Houshui laughed and said, "Chen Feng, have you seen it? This is the guarded sacred beast of my Shenlong Cult, the blue dragon remnant soul!"

"Blue Dragon Remnant Soul?" Everyone was surprised when they heard it.

Long Houshui laughed loudly: "Have you never heard of it? Haha, tell you! This blue dragon remnant soul was originally a martial soul owned by a powerful man in the Martial King realm three thousand years ago."

"Later, the Martial King realm powerhouse died in battle, but the martial soul has been completely transformed into an entity. Under certain circumstances, it was actually condensed and never disappeared with the master."

"Instead, I came here until our Shenlong Sect appeared and discovered this red dragon. Based on this, the Shenlong Sect was created.

"The martial souls of our Shenlong Sect are all giant snakes and giant pythons, because they are all born out of this blue dragon soul! The power that the blue dragon soul bestows on them is extremely powerful!"

He laughed and said: "Chen Feng, do you think my Green Water Dragon Martial Soul is very powerful? But I tell you, he is no match for this red dragon remnant soul at all!"

After hearing what he said, everyone was shocked, looking at the blue dragon spirit above the sky.

This sacred beast of the Shenlong Sect is actually a blue dragon martial soul!

So powerful, it was actually the martial soul of a powerful man in the Martial King realm!

Long Houshui struggled to kneel to the ground, knocked his head a few times towards the remnant soul of the blue dragon, and shouted loudly: "Please protect the beast and kill this kid."

"He is the enemy of our Shenlong Cult and has almost destroyed the foundation of our Shenlong Cult!"

The Blue Dragon Remnant Soul slowly nodded, turned his head, and stared at Chen Feng with a cold gaze. After that, Chen Feng felt like two sledgehammers smashed it over, making him involuntarily take a step back.

Chen Feng was shocked in his heart: "This Blue Dragon Remnant Soul, as expected, has reached the level of profound beasts. From this look, it has such power!"

Chen Feng secretly measured it in his heart, and then he was shocked to discover that the strength of this fierce beast was almost equal to the strength of the Ninth Soul Condensing Soul, and even higher human power.

It was already beyond what his own Fire Dragon Nine Heavens and Thunder could defeat.

The odds of winning against him are extremely low.

But, so what? But a battle!

Chen Feng, full of pride!

The Blue Dragon Remnant Soul looked at Chen Feng and suddenly said, "Human, I got a breath of the same kind on you!"

His voice was grand and unusual, and everyone could hear it clearly.

And hearing this sentence, many people's faces are full of doubts.

"The same kind of breath, the Blue Dragon Remnant Soul, actually felt the same kind of breath from Chen Feng, what does this mean?"

After hearing this, Zhao Honglie suddenly remembered as if he had remembered something, his face changed suddenly.

Then he immediately called out loudly: "Come on, expel all the miscellaneous people and others."

"Yes." The three city lord's in charge behind him all responded.

Then they sent a signal. Suddenly, the violent sound of horse hooves rang down the mountain, and thousands of cavalry with powerful monsters came here.

Then, all the tens of thousands of onlookers were dispersed from the foot of the mountain.

The Patriarchs of those big families looked at each other with amazement when they saw this scene.

This Zhao Honglie really had a deep heart, and he still ambushed such a powerful man and horse under the mountain, and he didn't know what his intentions were.

Long Houshui laughed miserably: "Zhao Honglie, I really underestimated you."

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