Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1294: Long Houshui, defeat!

With that said, many disciples of the Shenlong Sect rushed outward.

Chen Feng was behind, chasing after him and killing wildly.

I saw Chen Feng alone, killing thousands of people and fleeing!

At this time, a loud roar came: "Stop!"

Then, more than a dozen figures rushed to this side, and the leader was Long Houshui.

They brushed, landed on the square, Long Houshui looked at the scene before him, his eyes were blood red, his eyes were cracked!

He did not expect. I was only here for a while, and so many disciples were killed!

He slowly raised his head, staring at Chen Feng with cold eyes, and said in a cold voice: "Little boy, hello, you are fine!"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Of course I am fine, but some people will be ill."

He stared at Long Houshui with cold eyes, and said softly: "You, and your Shenlong Cult, will soon disappear and be completely annihilated in this world."

"Haha, boy, you are talking big, and you are not afraid to flash your tongue!" Long Houshui smiled disdainfully:

"Do you mean that you will destroy my Shenlong Cult by your own efforts?"

Chen Feng smiled coldly: "Yes, I have this intention right now!"

"It's arrogant! Extreme arrogance!" Long Houshui screamed: "Don't say it's our entire Shenlong Cult, I'm alone, and you are not an opponent!"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Really? Then I really want to see and see."

Long Houshui laughed: "Then, I will let you see my true strength today!"

As he said, his aura rose from his body, from the condensed soul, he climbed all the way.

Ninghun's threefold, fourfold, fivefold... his aura has climbed to the sixth stage of Ninghun before stopping!

"What? Long Houshui turned out to be the Sixth Powerful Soul Condensation?"

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked.

The city lord of Danyang County, Zhao Honglie, showed a look of surprise on his face, and said softly: "It turns out that he is already in the Sixth Level of the Soul Condensation Stage! He is really, so concealed, we have not received any news!"

Zhao Qing fell on her knees and said ashamed: "The city lord, the subordinates are not able to detect intelligence."

"I can't blame you." Zhao Honglie said slowly: "This news, he kept secret, not only us, but even the Shenlong Sect people don't know it!"

Sure enough, just as he said, the reaction of the people of Shenlong Cult confirmed his guess.

Seeing Long Houshui's strength all the way up to the sixth level of Soul Condensation, the faces of everyone in the Shenlong Sect were surprised and happy.

"It turns out that our leader is not the soul-condensing first layer, but has quietly broken through to the sixth-layer soul condensing state!"

"Haha, Chen Feng, this bastard, will definitely die this time, there is no hope of victory!"

"If the leader is the soul-condensing five-fold, with his demonstrated strength. Maybe he still has the ability to fight, but now the leader is already a six-tier master, killing him is as light as killing a chicken! One level is a world of difference! "

"This bastard, this time is definitely seeking his own way!"

Everyone agreed with this statement.

The powerful strength that Chen Feng revealed just now made these Shenlong Sect people feel terrified. Many of them were extremely afraid, and even had a retreat heart.

They had no confidence just now, but now their confidence has been raised again.

They were silent just now. At this time, they laughed and humiliated Chen Feng loudly.

"Haha, Chen Feng, you will definitely die this time, I see how arrogant you are later!"

"Chen Feng, you idiot, you are throwing yourself into the net this time, and you will die at the hands of the leader in a moment!"

Chen Feng suddenly turned his head, looked at them, smiled slightly, stretched out his right hand, slapped it gently in the air twice, and said: "Wait and watch, I will slap you in the face later!"

Long Houshui suddenly raised his voice and said, "My Lord City Lord, as well as the big family patriarchs of Danyang County, now that you are here, don't be evasive. Let's go to the square and watch the ceremony!"

These people who were named by him were embarrassed to hide on the side anymore, and flew down one after another to the square.

When everyone saw Zhao Honglie, they all saluted respectfully and said, "I have seen Lord City Lord."

Zhao Honglie didn't say anything, but just led everyone to stand and watch.

The Patriarchs of the major families in Danyang County were all extremely excited at this time, and they got together and talked a lot.

"It turns out that Long Houshui turned out to be a six-layered soul condensing master! They are rigorous enough to conceal, no one knows!"

"Haha, if you know it, maybe Chen Feng won't dare to come!"

"This time, I caught Chen Feng by surprise, and he could directly kill Chen Feng!"

Some people even changed their minds quickly and immediately told their subordinates: "Hurry up and take people to deploy defenses near Shenlong Sect to prevent Chen Feng from escaping!"

The Patriarch of another family laughed and said, "Patriarch Su, you are fast enough to see the opportunity!"

"Even if Chen Feng is able to escape, he must be seriously injured. If we are caught by that time, it will be a great achievement!"

The Su Family Patriarch twisted his beard and smiled to himself, as if holding the winning ticket.

Long Houshui snarled: "Little bastard, die!"

With that said, he strode towards Chen Feng, and a spear appeared in his hand.

This spear is completely dark in color, has a bowl with a mouthful thickness, and is more than six meters long.

On the tip of the gun, a red spot, shining with red light, was thick and coquettish.

And after he stabbed with one shot, a full forty red stains of blood appeared in the air.

These red blood stains headed towards Chen Feng overwhelmingly.

On each of them, exuded the power of a six-layer condensed soul master.

With this shot, he was actually equivalent to making more than forty moves at the same time, each of which had the power of six levels of Soul Condensation!

Red stains of blood filled the sky, and everyone looked at it with horror and horror.

"It turns out that Long Houshui is not the first to enter the sixth level of soul condensing, but his strength has clearly reached the peak of the sixth level of soul condensing."

"Yes, his move is almost equivalent to a dozen soul-condensing six-level masters at the same time. Chen Feng can't resist it!"

The next moment, a smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and suddenly he jumped into the air.

Tu Longdao cut forty knives one after another!

The Dragon Slaying Sword in his hand was already as light as an ordinary weapon.

He slashed out forty knives in an instant, and each of these forty knives accurately hit a blood stain.

Bang Bang Bang Bang, these forty blood stains exploded at the same time.

The extremely tyrannical force diffused, and the entire square was hundreds of meters in the center, turning into a huge pit.

The people surrounding the audience, hundreds of meters away, were also directly lifted off by this powerful effort. I don't know how many people fell to the ground.

Then Chen Feng, extremely fast, flashed in his figure, and slammed directly in front of Long Houshui, slashing him madly!


There was a loud noise, the white light flickered, and Long Houshui let out a scream, and flew out, spurting blood.

Long Houshui was actually defeated!

When everyone saw this scene, they were extremely shocked, showing a color of disbelief!

"Chen Feng, is he so powerful?"

"Whoever Long Houshui has issued such a powerful move is helpless to him, and it seems that he can break this move so easily!"

"With one stab, he used one stab and wounded Long Houshui!"

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