Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1281: Three different treasures!

Then, from all over this space, countless black rays of light poured into the body of the golden skeleton.

Then, the golden skeleton suddenly grew muscles, and after an instant, it became a tall middle-aged man in his forties.

This tall and middle-aged man has white skin like jade, looks extremely powerful and domineering, and has black hair fluttering without wind.

He looked at Chen Feng coldly, and suddenly said slowly: "Young man, since you are here, you have a destiny with me."

"Since you have inherited my mantle, then naturally you will inherit my legacy."

Suddenly, in front of Chen Feng, a phantom appeared.

In this illusion, a huge mansion actually appeared, the pavilions are continuous, extremely luxurious, and people come and go.

And above the mansion, there was a big plaque with two big characters: Ji Mansion!

At this moment, suddenly, the illusion suddenly changed and he backed away quickly, and then Chen Feng saw that a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy was standing in front of Ji Mansion at this time.

His face was full of stubborn perseverance, and he was carrying a bag.

Suddenly, he turned his head, knocked his head a few times in front of the mansion, and then walked away without looking back.

Soon, this mansion fell behind.

The boy walked all the way, walking through mountains and rivers.

He grew older and fought with countless enemies and fought countless monsters.

The strength continues to improve, finally becoming the peak powerhouse of Martial King Realm!

Then, the picture suddenly freezes, and then, with a bang, and with a huge explosion, the entire illusion is exploded to pieces and disappears instantly!

The black-haired middle-aged walked up to Chen Feng, staring at him, and his voice was indifferent: "My name is Ji Changyun. I belong to the Ji family of the Eastern Yuan Empire."

"I left home when I was young, and my long-cherished wish in this life is to return to my hometown. Unexpectedly, when I broke through the Martial King realm, my inner alchemy burst and my soul was destroyed, leaving only a ray of remnant soul in this world!"

"Since you have my inheritance, you must remember that if you are alive, you must protect the Ji family!"

"If you can't do it, I will turn into a ghost, and I will never let you go!" he suddenly roared.

In the next moment, the muscles on his body were stripped away, and in an instant, the ashes disappeared.

Only the bone remained, sitting on the golden seat.

Chen Feng suddenly opened his eyes, took a few steps backwards, panting heavily, dripping with cold sweat.

Old An dared to appear at this time, when Ji Changyun appeared just now, he even disappeared directly!

Otherwise, his soul will be rushed.

An old man said with some lingering fear: "This Ji Changyun is definitely one of the best in the martial arts realm, and his remnant soul is so powerful."

Only then did Chen Feng calm down, nodded lightly, then walked to the bones of Ji Changyun and said:

"Don't worry, senior, I will never forget your request!"

He raised his right hand high and said loudly: "I, Chen Feng, swear here that I will definitely go to the Eastern Yuan Empire and find the people of the Ji family!"

"As long as I Chen Feng is alive, I will protect the Ji family's safety."

It seems that after hearing what Chen Feng said, the golden bone suddenly shattered and turned into countless debris, blowing away with the wind!

Chen Feng, also from the storage ring, felt a sense of communion.

When he moved his heart, he saw three things inside the storage ring.

On the left is a jade box, in the middle is a yellowed book, and on the right is a black crystal ball.

In the crystal ball, something similar to black mist was sealed, but I didn't know what it was!

Three different treasures!

Chen Feng's thoughts flashed, and the jade box appeared directly in his hand.

Then, Chen Feng opened the jade box, and the fragrance was immediately overflowing. Smelled. It all made people feel comfortable for a while, and the pain in the body seemed to be reduced a lot.

This is an ice-white pill, but the surface is not smooth, but has numerous snowflake-like raised patterns.

Although it is not smooth, it makes people feel perfect. It seems that this thing should be like this.

After An Lao looked at it, he suddenly exclaimed: "This is a fifth-grade pill, ice and snow chalcedony pill!"

"Ice and Snow Chalcedony Pill? Five-grade pill?" Chen Feng's eyes lit up after hearing this.

An old man looked at Chen Feng, hehe smiled and said, "Little guy, your luck is really good, do you know that even in the five-grade pill, this ice and snow chalcedony pill is known as the holy product for healing."

Chen Feng hurriedly asked: "Then how does his healing effect compare to Da Huan Dan?"

An old man shook his head disdainfully, and said, "Can the Great Huan Pill be compared with it? Its healing effect is hundreds of times more than that of the Great Huan Pill."

"Like this kind of injury on your body. If you raise yourself to recover, you won't be able to recover after a year or a half."

"But, after you swallow this pill, I'm afraid it won't be long before the injury will be restored!"

"What's more, this ice and snow chalcedony pill in your hand is of super quality, the most perfect!"

Chen Feng heard this, overjoyed, and said: "It's not too late, then I will swallow it now."

An Lao nodded, then Chen Feng. Sit down here cross-legged directly, and take the Ice and Snow Chalcedony Pill directly into the entrance.

After entering the ice and snow chalcedony danna, Chen Feng felt that a cold breath gradually melted in his mouth, and then poured directly into Chen Feng's body, turning into countless ice-like gurgling streams, entering all parts of Chen Feng's body.

In Chen Feng's body, there was originally an extremely painful and burning feeling everywhere.

But at this time, as soon as the medicinal power of the Ice and Snow Chalcedony Pill entered his body, it immediately extinguished the burning sensation.

The cold medicinal power began to heal the injuries on Chen Feng's body, very fast.

Almost in an instant, all the injuries in Chen Feng's body healed.

Numerous wounds were cracked open on the surface of his body, and blood gushed crazily from inside, and then new blood was continuously born under the power of ice and snow medicine.

Chen Feng felt that there was fluid under his tongue, and his body was refreshing and very pleasant.

Then, infinite medicinal power poured into Chen Feng's dantian.

Chen Feng's Ocean of True Essence immediately came alive and began to be rough again.

The Thunder Dragon also started surging again.

The golden spring began to gush upward. At this moment, Chen Feng was directly radiated with vitality and vitality.

Then, the wound on Chen Feng's body surface also healed, giving birth to new flesh.

Soon, the blood scab fell off and his body was extremely smooth, as if he hadn't been injured.

Chen Feng clenched his fists, feeling the surging power in his body.

He opened his eyes, looked at An Lao, and said in surprise: "An Lao, my injuries have recovered!"

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