Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1274: Ye family fourth!

Wang Wei was anxious and shouted: "Go! You guys go quickly!"

Ye Jinxiu sneered, "I'm here now, still want to leave? It's just a dream!"

As he said, he laughed loudly: "Uncle Si, I can also trouble you to take a shot and leave these little boys behind!"

In the dense forest, a person walked out slowly, this person was more than forty years old and looks thin.

Behind him is a long sword.

He looked indifferent, looking at Chen Feng and others, his eyes were full of overlooking.

Obviously, Chen Feng and the others were not in sight at all!

He looked at Chen Feng and the others, and said lightly: "Splendid, this kind of person also lets me take action. Isn't it too big and underwhelming?"

Ye Jinxiu smiled and said, "Sixth Uncle, you also know that I really can't do my cultivation. It's hard to keep them!"

The man he called the Fourth Uncle took a look at him and said coldly: "The old man has been too accustomed to you since he was a child, and he is not as accustomed to you as your younger brother!"

"Ye Tian, ​​your brother, is four or five years younger than you, but he is already very strong! Although not very powerful, he is much stronger than you!"

A look of shame flashed in Ye Jinxiu's eyes, but he did not dare to attack.

His fourth uncle is strong and has a strange temper.

If it annoys him, I'm afraid it will teach him directly.

"Four uncle? Do you call him Fourth Uncle?" Wang Wei seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly looked at the middle-aged man and exclaimed, "You are the fourth of the Ye family, Ye Donglai?"

The middle-aged man smiled slightly and said, "Yes, I am Ye Donglai."

A look of despair appeared in Wang Wei's eyes, looking at Chen Feng and the others, her eyes were full of sadness. Repeatedly said:

"Sorry, I hurt you, today we are afraid we will die here!"

Chen Feng smiled and asked, "Is Ye Donglai very powerful?"

Wang Wei said sadly, "Ye Donglai, one of the masters of the Ye Family, is already in the early stage of the seventh stage of Soul Condensation!"

"Even in my heyday, I can't be his opponent, let alone now."

"You know, he is a realm higher than me!"

Ye Donglai looked at Chen Feng and the others, his eyes were indifferent and said: "You three juniors, let's judge yourself!"

"As for this girl, my nephew probably likes you a lot, so you stay and don't die."

"As long as my nephew is served comfortably, not only will he save his life, but the rest of his life will be more prosperous and wealthy."

But Chen Feng suddenly asked at this moment: "You call Ye Donglai, then Ye Tian, ​​who are you?"

"Ye Tian?" Ye Donglai raised his brows and said, "Do you still know Ye Tian? He just entered the Crazy Battle Academy this year!"

Chen Feng laughed: "No wonder, no wonder."

Ye Donglai looked at him and asked in astonishment: "No wonder what?"

"No wonder Ye Tian's dog thing is so virtuous, it turns out that your family is like this!"

After hearing Chen Feng's words, Ye Donglai's expression instantly turned gloomy.

He looked at Chen Feng and said coldly: "Boy, you could have been arbitrarily arrogant, and I can make you die happy, but you dare to slander my Ye family, I will never spare you!"

"I want to torture you well, let you see the methods of my Ye Family, and then let you die!"

Wang Wei also showed annoyance on her face, and said, "Chen Feng, why do you have to be so quick? To provoke him, you are asking for trouble!"

"Chen Feng?" Ye Donglai frowned when he heard the name, looked at Chen Feng and said, "Your name is Chen Feng?"

Chen Feng nodded slightly: "Yes, it's me."

Ye Donglai's face became darker and colder: "Before, Ye Tian's nephew told the family that he was bullied by a man named Chen Feng when he had just entered the Crazy Battle Academy. It seems it is you!"

Chen Feng laughed: "Yes, it's me."

"That dog, Ye Tian, ​​was so frightened in front of me that he kept kowtow and I spared his life!"

Ye Donglai looked at him and said coldly, "You untouchable, dare to bully Ye Tian, ​​I will vent my anger for him today!"

"Don't worry, even if you kneel in front of me and kowtow, I won't forgive you!"

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Before I taught Ye Tian, ​​Ye Tian said the same."

"What? You untouchable, what are you talking about?" Ye Donglai showed an expression of disbelief on his face after listening.

He looked at Chen Feng and said, "Do you know what kind of master I am? Do you know what level I am? How dare you speak to me like this?"

"I'm the Seventh Condensed Soul! And you? You are just a little cub with the Condensed Soul Three Layers!"

"I am four levels higher than you, it is easy to kill you!"

Chen Feng smiled slightly and said, "I know! But what?"

"Well, untouchable! You are so bold!"

Chen Feng laughed loudly: "Yes, I am a pariah, but I am a pariah, upright and upright. I don't know how many times more noble than you bastards!"

Ye Donglai didn't say a word, but just smiled coldly, and the long sword in his hand was unsheathed sharply and stabbed at Chen Feng fiercely.

The long sword in his hand is icy blue, shining with cold light.

A sword stabbed, and the temperature in the air seemed to drop dozens of degrees.

The air directly condensed into countless ice clouds, and this sword pierced out, enveloping the strength of the seven-level master of the soul condensing state.

This huge and extremely powerful momentum pressed Leng Xi and others directly on the ground, unable to move at all.

All of them shed blood.

This sword had made them so miserable before it attacked them!

This is the strength of the Seventh-layer Ning Soul Master!

They looked at Chen Feng with worry, Chen Feng faced this sword, and the pressure was greater than them.

And Wang Wei over there sighed softly in her heart: "It's over, Chen Feng, it's over, it is absolutely impossible for him to stop this sword!"

At the moment when everyone looked down on Chen Feng, he suddenly let out a fierce roar, raised the Dragon Slayer knife high, and slashed towards Ye Donglai frantically!

With a loud bang, the Dragon Sword and Ye Donglai's long sword collided.

Chen Feng thumped back four or five steps in succession, and Ye Donglai, too, was shocked so that his arm was numb, and he took a step backwards.

There was a touch of shock on his face, looking at Chen Feng, he said in amazement: "You, can you actually block my sword? I am four levels higher than you!"

Chen Feng laughed: "What's impossible?"

Ye Donglai suddenly looked at the Dragon Slaying Sword in Chen Feng's hand with extremely greedy eyes, and said loudly, "It must be the credit of this sword!"

"This knife is absolutely incomparably powerful. It is a treasure, even better than the long sword in my hand!"

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