Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1272: trap

Wang Wei smiled slightly and said, "I am the sixth level cultivation base of the Soul Condensation Realm, and only half of my spirit is condensed into an entity."

"Moreover, my martial arts spirit is not a big one. There is a place for people to sit on it, but now it cannot hold so many people."

"Furthermore, Wuhun is not the same as spirit beasts. Wuhun flies and exhausts energy easily."

"And if it is forced to be activated, it will have a very bad effect on Wuhun!"

Soon, the cyan skylark had reached the Dragon Mountain Range. After reaching the third level, the cyan skylark hovered twice in the air, and then landed on a cliff.

After the skylark fell, Wang Wei looked at everyone and said solemnly: "Everyone, this time you go to perform the task, and I will go with you."

When everyone heard this, they were all a little surprised.

Wang Wei said: "I know you must be very strange in your heart. After all, this task, logically speaking, you can just go, why should I go with it?"

She whispered: "After I finish speaking these next words, if you regret it, I can send you back to the academy."

When everyone heard it, they were shocked.

Wang Wei said: "That's it. Actually, it's not just my nephews who disappeared in the Tulong Mountain Range."

"Even my senior brother, their mentor, disappeared half a month ago in order to find them."

"What?" After listening, everyone was shocked.

You know, the missing of a student and the missing of a tutor are completely different concepts.

The students in the Mad Fighting Academy have high and low strengths, and it is normal to disappear, while the instructors in the Mad Fighting Academy are not weak in strength.

Especially this person is Wang Wei's senior.

Chen Feng immediately raised his brows and asked, "Dare to ask Mentor Wang Wei, how strong is your senior?"

Wang Wei glanced at Chen Feng approvingly, and said, "You asked the most important point."

"My brother, the strength is higher than me, and he has reached the sixth peak of soul condensing!"

"Sixth peak of soul condensing?" Leng Xi and the others all took a breath.

People of such strength will disappear. It can be seen that the danger of this mission is definitely not low.

Wang Wei looked at them and said, "That's why I said, if you want to go back after listening, I will send you back."

She suddenly took two steps back, bowed and said, "I'm sorry, I did deceive you just now."

Several people hurriedly said that they dare not.

Wang Wei's move made their impression of Wang Wei even better!

Wang Wei looked at them with a hint of hope in her eyes.

But Leng Xi's four all looked at Chen Feng and asked, "Chen Feng, what do you think we should do?"

Before they knew it, they already regarded Chen Feng as their backbone.

Chen Feng smiled slightly, looked at Wang Wei and said, "Tutor Wang Wei, you should be able to perceive their general location, right?"

"If we can't even perceive it, the Dragon Slaying Mountain Range is so big, we are like looking for a needle in a haystack, we can't find it at all."

When Wang Wei heard this, she was immediately overjoyed and asked, "You mean, did you agree?"

Chen Feng smiled and nodded: "I promised, we will follow you."

"This task, since we are next, naturally there is no reason to shrink."

Wang Wei said, "It's great, thank you so much!"

"Don't worry. The main reason for bringing you here is to expand the scope of the search. Once you encounter danger, I will naturally take action. I will definitely not let you fall into danger."

Chen Feng smiled slightly and said nothing.

In Wang Wei's eyes, the five of them are very weak.

Then the group of people got on the blue skylark again and flew towards the fourth floor.

Soon, he reached the fourth floor of the Tulong Mountain Range.

Wang Wei said to everyone: "The range of their disappearance should be within three hundred miles. I will let the blue skylark fly over the three hundred miles."

"And here I have a treasure."

With that, she took out a blue jade pendant from her arms and said, "I have a blue jade pendant here, and my brother also has one. As long as the distance between the two is within ten miles, this jade pendant will glow slightly!"

Everyone nodded, and then Wang Wei controlled the blue skylark, circled and slowly descended, and came to a position about two to three hundred meters above the ground.

The cyan skylark began to fly at a speed that was not too fast.

Soon, the whole afternoon passed, but everyone found nothing.

It was already sunset.

The Dragon Slaying Mountain Range at night is extremely dangerous.

Wang Wei sighed and said with some disappointment: "Let's go, let's go back first, and come back tomorrow."

Everyone nodded and was about to talk. Suddenly at this moment, Wang Wei cheered in surprise.

It turned out that the jade pendant in her hand gave out a misty blue light.

Everyone immediately became excited, Wang Wei controlled the blue skylark, hovering down in the air, and soon landed on the ground.

This is a small grassland outside a dense forest.

Wang Wei took the jade pendant and turned around, then pointed to the dense forest in front of him and said, "This is it!"

"My brother must be inside!"

Everyone walked towards the dense forest.

Wang Wei walked in the forefront, looked at the crowd, and whispered: "You must be careful. If you encounter danger, don't force it, I will deal with it for you!"

In the dense forest, it is extremely dim, and from time to time one can hear the roar of insects and beasts.

After walking a few hundred meters inside, suddenly, Tang Ziyan next to him pointed to one of them and screamed: "Chen Feng, look!"

Chen Feng immediately looked there, and then his eyes suddenly became cold.

After other people looked at it, there was a hint of anger in their eyes.

It turned out that there was a rope hanging from the branch next to it, and a dead body was tied to the rope at this time.

The chest of this corpse was completely torn apart, and it looked like it was torn open by some wild beast directly with its claws.

The heart inside is gone!

Wang Wei stepped forward and looked at it, her face became extremely angry, and she whispered: "This is my nephew!"

"Who did it on earth? It's nothing more than murder, but you still want to get your heart out?"

She said coldly: "If I find them, I will kill them!"

Chen Feng was beside, thoughtful.

Then everyone continued to move forward.

After walking two or three hundred meters, I ran into a dead body again.

This dead body was a woman, naked and messy. It was obvious what kind of humiliation she had suffered before she died.

Her face was solidified with extreme shame and fear, as well as deep pain.

And her heart was also directly dug out by something.

The anger on everyone's faces became more concentrated, and a sharp murderous intent flashed in Chen Feng's eyes.

After walking hundreds of meters, there is another corpse!

Seeing this, Chen Feng said slowly: "I think we might have fallen into a trap."

"What? Trap?" Wang Wei said in surprise: "You said this is a trap?"

"That's right." Chen Feng said slowly: "If I expected it well, if we walk a few hundred meters forward, we will definitely encounter a corpse."

"The enemy is very likely to get your senior brother's jade pendant, and then use this jade pendant to draw us over!"

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