Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1263: What I say is the rules!

Especially bullying these freshmen, has never encountered any resistance.

At this time, he was hit to death by this person who had just entered the Crazy Battle Academy for only a day.

He knew that he was waiting for someone to kick on the iron plate.

This boy is extremely powerful!

Where can he dare to say anything cruel? Suddenly fell to his knees, kowtow again and again.

Chen Feng laughed loudly.

At this moment, a group of people came up from the steps below.

These people, apparently just came out from below.

When they saw this scene, the short and stout young man in the lead looked at Chen Feng, frowned, and said coldly: "Are you a freshman who just entered the Crazy Battle Academy? Junior, you broke the rules!"

"Yes! Junior, do you know that if you dare to continue like this, someone will soon teach you!"

"I just entered the Crazy Battle Academy. I don't know the heights of the sky and the earth. I think I have some strength and dare to behave, break the rules, and die sooner or later!"

They ridiculed and took responsibility for Chen Feng.

Obviously, it was a new born to bully Chen Feng.

"Rules? What are rules?" Chen Feng raised his brows, murderous!

He said coldly: "A big fist is the rules!"

"Strength is respected, is rules!"

"I can kill you, you can't kill me, so what I say is the rules!"

His last sentence almost roared out, his voice rumbling!

His voice is domineering!

The faces of these people are very ugly. What else the short young man wants to say, Chen Feng's hand is already pointing forward:

"I am a person who likes to go straight, what do you think? Just do it!"

Those people were suddenly stagnated, and no one dared to speak.

Chen Feng's cut just now was extremely tyrannical, and they all felt the immense momentum and murderous intent.

They asked themselves, no one can beat Chen Feng, how dare to speak?

Chen Feng laughed, looked at them with disdain, and said coldly: "If you dare not, then get out!"

The expressions of these people were extremely ugly. They had just spoken out to teach Chen Feng, but they didn't expect that Chen Feng would ignore them at all.

And they really didn't have the confidence to be Chen Feng's opponent.

So, all dingy quickly left!

Tang Yanran was so excited that she almost jumped up and laughed: "Chen Feng, you were too powerful just now!"

Liu Mang chuckled: "These people still put on the predecessor's frame to reprimand Chen Feng, but Chen Feng was reprimanded just like his grandson. He didn't dare to put a fart and left. Haha, really enjoyable! Really relieved!"

Chen Feng looked at the four of Leng Xi, smiled and said, "Let's go down!"

On the steps going down, Leng Xi and others exclaimed: "Chen Feng, you are so powerful."

"You are obviously only a dual-level soul, but you can cross-level challenges and beat them these senior students so embarrassed."

Chen Feng laughed: "Level, never determines everything!"

He took Leng Xi and others down two more floors, and came to the fifth floor.

On the fifth floor, the daily cost has reached 1,600 yuan.

One person costs 48,000 yuan a month!

Leng Xi grabbed Chen Feng by the sleeve and said with a wry smile: "Brother Chen Feng, we really can't go down anymore."

"We only have fifty thousand yuan stones, which is not enough!"

Chen Feng shook the mustard bag in his hand and said, "I just said that I will give you these stones."

"I have a total of 150,000 yuan stones in this, which is 200,000 yuan in total, enough for the four of you to meditate here for a month!"

"What? 150,000 yuan stone?"

All four of them stared wide-eyed and looked at the mustard bag in Chen Feng's hand with all their faces in disbelief.

Just now Chen Feng said that they would use the essential stones in this mustard bag. They thought there were only a few thousand 10,000 yuan in them, but they didn't expect that there were 150,000 yuan in them!

All four of them looked at Chen Feng with monster eyes.

After a while, Leng Xi shook his head, and said: "You are really better than others! Chen Feng, you are so amazing."

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Okay, okay, these yuan stones will be lent to you. If you have them, you will return to me, so don't refuse."

Chen Feng said it all, and Leng Xi couldn't refuse.

He looked at Chen Feng and nodded heavily and said: "Chen Feng, today's kindness, we have all recorded the four of us!"

Chen Feng smiled slightly, waved his hand and said: "Just keep it in your heart, don't say it!"

Soon, they found four empty training rooms.

A room with a green light above the stone gate means that there is no one, and a red light means that there are people inside.

Pour a huge amount of primordial stones into the magic circle, and then the four doors opened bang bang bang bang.

The circle began to move, and a strong vitality filled the room behind the door.

The breath that came out of the door made people immersed in it, and it felt extremely comfortable.

The Nine Suns and Nine Suns magical power in Chen Feng's body automatically operated, dripping a piece of true essence again!

The vitality concentration of the fifth layer is five times that of the first layer!

It's 500 times that of the outside world!

Seeing the four of them enter, Chen Feng smiled slightly, and then walked down.

Six floors, seven floors, eight floors...Soon, Chen Feng came to the eighth floor.

It's not that he didn't want to go down, but after Chen Feng came here, he suddenly found that he didn't seem to have much left of his original stone, and he couldn't support himself in cultivating here for too long.

Chen Feng counted the yuan stones in all his mustard bags and found that there were more than 400,000 yuan stones in total.

And on the eighth floor, the cost of one day's cultivation is twelve thousand eight hundred yuan stones!

Chen Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, feeling so poor for the first time.

He glanced down and found that red light was also shining in many rooms on the lower floors.

Chen Feng was a little surprised, I am afraid that these are all senior students in the Crazy Battle Academy, and I don't know how they have accumulated such a rich family background.

He didn't know that the more Silent Crypt went down to these rooms, the shorter the time for these people to practice.

Many people accumulate for a long time before coming here to practice for a day.

People like him who practice on the eighth floor for one month at a time are very rare!

Chen Feng came to an empty room, and then began to pour the primordial stones into the formation from a mustard bag and a mustard bag.

The yuan stones flowed out like a waterfall, poured into the magic circle, and the magic circle buzzed.

The whole door turned into a bright green color, making a heavy rolling noise, opening a thin slit.

The buzzing sound continued, and soon attracted other people on this level.

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