Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1259: Almost crazy

"And now, he is already in the soul condensing state!"

"He is the only person in the world, wait, there will be one who will die, but it is not him, but you!"

"You **** who eats inside and out, get out of here! Get out!" Long Houshui was so excited that he almost went crazy, and shouted sharply.

Several guards strode in and pressed Luo Zilan down.

Su Na falsely persuaded her next to her with a false voice: "Master leader, calm down your anger."

"Don't pay attention to what this little **** said. She is deliberately **** you off? Don't be **** off for him, it is not worth it!

Long Houshui smashed the table in front of him frantically with both fists, and shouted: "Check, give me a job!"

"Be sure to find out where the little bunny went! Even if he digs 3 feet, I will find him and kill him!"

That night, Chen Feng sat cross-legged in his residence, practicing nine-yin and nine-yang magic.

Originally, the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Divine Art worked very smoothly.

But suddenly, Chen Feng felt that the cyclone in the dantian seemed to have countless black spots in an instant.

Then, these black spots spread and expanded rapidly, occupying a full one-third of the nine-yin and nine-yang magical power.

Then, everywhere in Chen Feng's dantian and meridians, there were countless blockages, just like blood clots appearing in the blood, instantly blocking the flowing true essence.

The Zhen Yuan in Chen Feng's body was completely unable to function normally at this moment.

Chen Feng opened his eyes and let out a muffled snort, a mouthful of blood spurted out, feeling a sharp pain in his chest!

There was also a very stuffy feeling in his chest, as if he couldn't even breathe.

Chen Feng said to himself in amazement: "What is this situation?"

Since he practiced the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Divine Art, he had never encountered such a thing.

Anlao quietly appeared beside him, looking at Chen Feng, his brows clenched.

He thought about it for a long time before he said: "Chen Feng, your current situation may be caused by the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Divine Art!"

"What?" Chen Feng still said: "Due to the nine-yin and nine-yang magic?"

"Yes." An old man said: "You have absorbed too much foreign true essence."

"These true essences, some are pure, some are mixed, and their attributes are different."

"Although the nine-yin and nine-yang divine arts are so magical that you can turn them into your own true essence for your use, they also leave countless hidden dangers."

"At this time, all of these hidden dangers have erupted. These true essences that have not been completely ablated have all appeared and blocked your meridian dantian. That's why this happened!"

He said with some rejoicing: "Fortunately, it was discovered early. If it suddenly broke out later, you might go into trouble, break your meridians, and burst into death!"

Chen Feng listened in a cold sweat, and said in amazement, "Old An, how could this be?"

"Nine Yin and Nine Yang magic arts, logically speaking, there shouldn't be such hidden dangers!"

"It really shouldn't!" said An Lao!

He twisted his brows and thought for a while, and suddenly said: "I understand, the nine-yin and nine-yang divine art is too high, and yours is too low."

"With your current strength, you can forcibly cultivate the nine-yang and nine-yin divine art, that's why it becomes like this. In fact, if you didn't have the yin and yang body, you wouldn't be able to cultivate this divine art at all."

"Even with the body of yin and yang, it is even quite reluctant!"

Chen Feng nodded, then he quickly asked: "Old An, what should I do now?"

An old man said softly: "From now on, stop absorbing other people's true essence, find a place full of spiritual energy and pure, retreat, meditate, and practice with concentration!"

Chen Feng nodded heavily, leaving a trace of haze in his heart.

The next morning, Chen Feng was meditating, and suddenly, an arrogant and domineering voice came from outside:

"Boy, get out of it!"

Chen Feng raised his brows: "Is this talking about me?"

Shaking his sleeves, he stood up and pushed open the courtyard door.

Then I saw that there were a dozen people standing outside the courtyard.

These people looked at Chen Feng with fierce or indifferent faces.

Moreover, their gazes towards Chen Feng also revealed a trace of greed.

But Chen Feng soon discovered that their greed was not directed at him, but at the courtyard behind him!

At the forefront was a burly man, who was now looking at Chen Feng with his arms in his arms, with a proud look.

After seeing Chen Feng come out, he snorted coldly: "Boy, get out of this yard now, let me live in this yard, and I will spare your life!"

Chen Feng looked at him, raised his brows, and said, "You mean, you want to take my yard?"

"Yes!" said the big man proudly!

Chen Feng quickly understood what was going on.

There are very few people who can own an independent courtyard in the Mad Fighting Academy, and the others are only a few talented people living in one room, so the arrival of Chen Feng must have caused their greed.

Chen Feng swept his gaze, and when he met the gazes of a dozen other people, he immediately understood.

These more than a dozen people, it is estimated that they want to take their own yard, but they are not so reckless, let this big man take the lead. Try your own weight.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "This is very interesting!"

The big man watched Chen Feng not speaking, and roared impatiently: "Boy, don't you understand human words? Get out!"

Chen Feng looked at him and smiled with interest: "Why are you so sure that you can easily eat me?"

The big guy laughed loudly: "I've seen a lot of **** like you! The reason why I can live in my own yard after entering here is because my family has a good background!"

"But, in the Mad Fighting Academy, do these have a fart?"

"Crazy Battle Academy, just look at one point, it is strength! Here, my strength is enough to crush you, so we can take your yard!"

"Oh, it turned out to be like this!" Chen Feng nodded slowly.

The strong here are respected, and the background is not that important.

He grinned suddenly: "If this is the case, then I understand!"

As he said, Chen Feng's figure suddenly flashed, and he came directly to the big man.

The big man was startled, roared repeatedly, and blasted his fists towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng slapped his right palm lightly, and slapped him fiercely on Dahan's left cheek.

The whole head of the big man shook violently to the side, and his neck made a sour clicking sound.

It gave people the feeling that it was about to be broken, and the person who was beaten sprayed blood, several teeth were lost, and a palm print appeared heavily on his face.

And his huge body was pumped out several tens of meters, and fell heavily to the ground.

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