Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1235: Battle against the King of the Golden Beetle!

He was extremely leisurely, and in a blink of an eye, there were already more than hundreds of gold-eaters that died under his hands.

And the giant golden bees seemed to have discovered Chen Feng, and they immediately madly broke the waves towards Chen Feng!

Chen Feng laughed loudly, swiftly swept away, and directly rushed into the swarm of giant gold-eaters, shouting loudly: "Beast, die!"

He blasted out with both palms. Since these golden bees were extremely dense at this time, Chen Feng could kill dozens of giant bees with one palm.

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of golden bees died under Chen Feng.

At this time, these gold-eaters with high IQs all showed fear in their eyes, and seemed to realize that Chen Feng was a person who could not afford to offend, and they backed away.

It seemed that he wanted to escape.

Chen Feng laughed: "Want to run? Can you run?"

The figure jumped forward, and the figure flew out frantically, like a flash of lightning, immediately caught up with these gold-eaters, and started killing again!

At this moment, suddenly, a buzzing sound similar to that of ordinary golden bee humming came, and it quickly approached here.

When Chen Feng looked sideways, he immediately saw that dozens of bronze giant peaks rushed towards this side!

These gold-eaters are all wise and smart.

Being wise means that they will be afraid.

Chen Feng madly chased and killed these golden bees. It is fleeing in all directions.

Thousands of giant gold-eaters were killed by Chen Feng and fled, in a panic, shrill calls rang out in the valley!

At this time, the dozen or so bronze giant bees had already arrived in front of Chen Feng.

Then, one of the bronze giant bees let out a fierce howl and rushed towards Chen Feng.

The huge blade foot slashed at Chen Feng fiercely, as sharp as a knife.

Chen Feng let out a sneer, then punched out.

With a bang, he directly smashed the foot of the knife, and then Chen Feng was extremely fast, and with a sigh, he came to him and threw three punches one after another.

After these three punches were blasted, they directly hit its belly into a mess.

Then Chen Feng stretched out his hand and inserted it inside, feeling that he had grasped something, and pulled it out.

Then, Chen Feng saw that a piece of golden beeswax had appeared in the palm of his hand.

This golden beeswax is four or five times larger than the beeswax obtained from the ordinary golden beeswax, and it is filled with a strong smell, which makes people feel sweet when they smell it.

This giant bronze bee uttered a terrible scream.

Chen Feng kicked him into the air and slammed into the cliff, seeing that he couldn't survive!

Then Chen Feng made three fists and two kicks to kill another giant bronze bee.

These dozen or so bronze giant bees came violently and thought they could easily kill Chen Feng.

Unexpectedly, Chen Feng would kill all of them in the time of a cup of tea.

The other golden bees even hid beside them, not dare to come over to fight.

At this moment, in the deepest part of the lair, a scream of anger suddenly sounded.

In the cry, there seemed to be infinite majesty.

All the golden bees, all leaned down, seemed to be greeting something.

Then, the next moment, the Gold Devouring Giant Queen Bee, with a single stroke, appeared directly in front of Chen Feng.

His speed is still as fast as before!

Chen Feng stared at the golden giant queen bee icyly, and this giant golden bee queen seemed to recognize Chen Feng and screamed in anger.

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Long time no see, this time I have come to take your life!"

The golden bee queen seemed to understand what Chen Feng said, with a humane disdain in his eyes, and suddenly said:

"Humble human, do you know how arrogant you are? I am the king of the golden bee, a dignified eighth-level spirit beast, how dare you say this to me?"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "What can't you dare?"

"How about you being an 8-rank spirit beast? You will die by my sword after all today!"

The Gold Eater Queen Bee was furious and screamed: "Then try it!"

With that, its figure turned into a golden lightning, and with a flash, it came directly in front of Chen Feng.

The two feet are more than a meter long of a samurai, and they are extremely sharp, like a big sword, and severely slashed towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng slammed a punch, and with a bang on the blade foot, a crack opened, and green juice flowed out.

And Chen Feng was also shocked by several tens of meters, with blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

The Gold Eater Giant Bee King felt the pain from the Bladefoot, and was even more furious, and attacked Chen Feng several times.

Every time, Chen Feng would inflict a little bit of damage on the Gold Eater Queen Bee, and he would be beaten by several tens of meters.

The Gold Devouring Giant Queen Bee suddenly stopped his body, Jie Jie said with a strange smile: "Humble human, I admit that your strength is indeed much stronger than before, and you can even cause me harm."

"But that's all! Your offensive can only cause me slight damage!"

"Even if this kind of injury is 10,000 times, it won't have any effect on me! And you? How many more can you support?"

Chen Feng laughed: "It seems that we still have to use the Dragon Sword!"

As he said, he stretched his hands back and grabbed the Dragon Slayer directly in his hands.

As soon as the Dragon Slaying Knife was held in his hand, Chen Feng's whole aura immediately rose wildly.

Behind him, the Azure Dragon Martial Spirit also appeared, and the noble cyan light and the thick iron light converged together, intersecting on Chen Feng.

Then, the golden-eater, the giant queen bee, felt Chen Feng's aura, overwhelming the sky, rising up and pressing against him!

There was a look of astonishment in the eyes of the Gold Eater Queen Bee. Before he could speak, Chen Feng had already let out a fierce roar, raised the Dragon Slayer high up, and slashed towards the Gold Eater Queen Bee!

The gold-eater giant bee queen, with huge sword feet, swept over, intending to resist.

If it had been the case before, Chen Feng would have been beaten directly into the air. At this time, the Dragon Slaying Sword slashed down horizontally, and with a bang, it actually cut off the huge foot of the sword directly!

A huge amount of green liquid sprayed out from the inside, and the painful Golden Bee Queen screamed.

Then, Chen Feng was extremely fast again, and directly smashed in front of the Giant Golden Bee Peak King, severely slashed out, and directly cut off his two compound eyes.

The Dragon Slaying Knife even penetrated five or six meters deep into its body.

Chen Feng also stirred it fiercely inside, and he felt as if something had been stirred.

The Gold Devouring Giant Queen Bee convulsed all over, and let out a sharp and painful scream, his eyes showed terrible hatred, countless knife feet, and he slammed Chen Feng fiercely.

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