Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1232: Heaven-defying martial arts supernatural power!

An Lao appeared quietly next to him, and said softly: "Chen Feng, your Azure Dragon Martial Spirit, this ability is really against the sky."

Chen Feng vaguely guessed something, and asked with a trembling voice, "An old man, what do you mean, the ability of the Azure Dragon Wuhun turned out to be?"

"Yes!" said An Lao: "The Azure Dragon Martial Soul can swallow other Martial Souls and reveal this Martial Soul on the golden pillar."

"And as long as it appears on the golden pillar, this martial soul can become your new martial soul, and you can drive it at will! This is your third martial soul!"

He looked at Chen Feng with a look of wonder in his eyes: "Do you know how valuable this is?"

"The vast majority of them are clutching, there is only one martial soul, and very few people have twin martial souls. With your current level strength, it is difficult to see such an existence."

"And you, you can actually have three martial arts! It's simply..."

"You martial arts supernatural powers are simply against the sky!"

Although Chen Feng had guessed it, he was admitted by An Lao at this time, and Chen Fengfeng was still very excited when he said it from An Lao.

Three martial arts, means more powerful strength!

Chen Feng suddenly asked, "An old man, then I can have several spirits at the same time? I think it can't be infinite development, right?"

"It's impossible for me to swallow a martial soul and have a martial soul. In that case, it's too bad." Chen Feng asked.

"You kid is accurate when you look at things, and you have the idea right away." An old man said:

"It can't be that defying, I guess, you can only have three or three martial arts at the same time."

Chen Feng nodded, he guessed it, but even so, it was a surprise!

Chen Feng walked to the side of the demon cow slave, slapped both palms, and severely wounded him, no longer able to fight back.

Then, pressing his hands on him, sitting cross-legged, began to absorb the true essence.

But Chen Feng quickly widened his eyes and said with a face full of disbelief: "How is it possible? Me, I can't absorb the true yuan?"

It turned out that he discovered that although there was a Dantian in the Demon Cow Slave's body, there was no drop of true essence in it.

Chen Feng had to admit the fact that the Demon Cow Slave had no true essence at all, and had no realm of cultivation at all. He just relied on physical strength to fight himself.

Chen Feng let out an exclamation, looked at the demon cow slave, and said softly: "I really don't know how powerful your bloodline is, you are so powerful! Your physical strength is so powerful!"

An Lao watched carefully for a long time, and said softly, "I can't tell, what kind of species is it?"

"I can only judge that it was born from the intermarriage of humans and which race, otherwise he would not have a martial spirit."

Chen Feng nodded, the Demon Cow Slave had no effect anymore, Chen Feng directly killed him with a palm, and then walked towards Lu'an City.

But as soon as he arrived in Lu'an City, Chen Feng felt that the atmosphere here was a bit wrong.

Before he entered the city gate, there was still a line behind him, and he saw a man wearing an extremely exquisite battle dragon armor standing at the city gate, checking everyone one by one.

This person was extremely powerful. As soon as Chen Feng touched it, he felt as if he was stabbed with a needle, his whole body aching.

Chen Feng was shocked: "This person is obviously extremely powerful. Just now, it almost damaged my soul."

Chen Feng didn't dare to test anymore. In front of such a master, it is better to be honest!

Chen Feng asked the person in front of him: "What is this doing?"

"What else can you do? Check Wuhun!" The 30-year-old warrior in front of him complained:

"These days, I went to three or four cities, every place where the entrance to the city, I have to check the martial arts."

"Check Martial Soul?" Chen Feng suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart, and asked, "Why do you want to check Martial Soul? What kind of Martial Soul?"

The person shook his head and said, "I don't know. I heard that the main check is for the spirits that have just awakened this month, especially the spirits awakened by some young people."

He looked around suddenly, then lowered his voice and said to Chen Feng:

"I heard that they seem to be looking for someone who has awakened the dragon spirit."

"What? What about the awakened Dragon Martial Spirit?" Chen Feng's heart jumped sharply, and his heart contracted violently.

But his face still looked as if nothing had happened, and said softly, "Why is this?"

"Hey, who knows? How can we figure out the things above?"

"I heard that these people have very big backgrounds, and no one dare to provoke them! Later, you should be honest! Otherwise, they will slap you to death if they get angry!"

Chen Feng nodded and said, "Thank you, brother for reminding me."

He bowed his head, lost in thought.

"I can basically conclude now that these people should have come for me, but what is their origin? And what purpose?"

Chen Feng made up his mind and must not be exposed, otherwise he might cause death!

Chen Feng's heart was thinking about telephony, thinking about how to deal with this matter.

The crowd in front passed quickly, but it was a tea time, and it was Chen Feng's turn.

Before Chen Feng walked to the city gate, five meters in front of him, stood the sturdy middle-aged man wearing a red dragon armor.

Chen Feng looked at him with some hesitation.

This sturdy middle-aged man didn't urge, but just looked at him with interest.

Chen Feng hesitated for a while, and the two people standing behind Chen Feng became very dissatisfied.

The corner of one of the people's mouth crooked, and he urged impatiently, "The kid in front, hurry up, what's your **** ink? Hurry up and let this adult check your martial arts!"

The companion next to him laughed, disdainfully said: "It's nothing more than the spirit level is too low, the strength is too bad, and he doesn't want to take it out for fear of embarrassment!"

"Haha, I think so too!" The person who spoke at the beginning laughed: "I guess that his martial arts may also be the first and second yellow ranks, so I dare not put it out for shame!"

"Yes, not everyone's martial arts soul can reach the fifth grade of Yellow Rank like you, Brother Liu!"

He deliberately increased the volume when he talked about the four characters of the fifth grade of yellow rank.

That Big Brother Liu also raised his head, with a proud look on his face.

The two sang and sneered at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng didn't even turn his head, as if he hadn't heard what they were saying, completely ignored them.

Both of them were flushed with flushed faces, then Big Brother Liu had a cold face, and said to Chen Feng in a cold voice, "Boy, you are quite courageous, you dare to ignore me!"

"Tell you, soon I will let you taste the fate of ignoring me!"

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