Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1224: Overbearing!

Master Zixia looked at Chen Feng and jokingly said, "Have you seen? The old man is now the second peak cultivation base of Soul Condensation!"

"What about you? Let me see what kind of strength you have? If you remember it well, you haven't even entered the Soul Condensation Realm!"

"A trash that hasn't even entered the Soul Condensation Realm, dare you still say to kill me?"

Chen Feng laughed loudly and proudly: "You can still be killed without entering the soul condensing state!"

As he said, he hit his chest with a fist, and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the mustard bag.

Then in the next instant, a huge dragon-slaying knife appeared in his hand!

The Azure Dragon Martial Spirit suddenly appeared behind him, a cyan light wave refracted onto the Dragon Slaying Sword, and on the Dragon Slaying Sword there was a strong iron light reflected into the Azure Dragon Martial Spirit.

The two resonated, and the Azure Dragon Wuhun gave a long roar, full of joy.

Above the Dragon Sword, there was a buzzing sound.

Chen Feng's strength has doubled, and he can also use the Dragon Slaying Knife.

He strode towards Master Zixia to kill, holding up the Dragon Slaying Sword.

After seeing the weapon in Chen Feng's hand, Master Zixia immediately exclaimed: "This, is this Dragon Sword?"

"That's right!" Chen Feng laughed loudly: "It is the Dragon Slaying Knife, it is my Broken Edge Peak treasure! The Dragon Slaying Knife!"

These three words, he just roared!

He slashed out with a slash, and roared with hatred: "Aren't you squeezing me out of Broken Blade Peak? Don't you want to kill me at the top of Broken Blade Peak?"

"Today, let you die under the treasure of my Broken Blade Peak!"

With that, the Dragon Slaying Sword had already been cut down with madness.

Feeling the overwhelming momentum, Master Zixia's heart even instinctively gave birth to a hint of despair.

That was a kind of despair that naturally emerged in my heart when faced with an unstoppable might.

He screamed frantically, using his strongest trick, and violently colliding with the Dragon Sword.

This move is full of the power of the dual peak of the Condensing Soul Realm. After the two palms are shot, nine palms are formed in the air in a row, and the purple light waves are engulfed, just like nine huge purple waves.

Guanghua shines, and the momentum is extremely magnificent!

However, it has no effect at all.

The nine waves were easily smashed by the Dragon Sword, and then the Dragon Sword slammed on him frantically.

With a wow, Master Zixia spouted a big mouthful of blood.

The place hit by the Dragon Sword was not a broken tendon or a serious injury, but the part of the body that was directly smashed into a piece of tissue!

It was flattened directly!

The power of Dragon Slaying Sword is so domineering!

He fell heavily to the ground, severely wounded and dying, and even had no resistance to resist.

With one stab, Chen Feng only took one stab, and it was a stab without any tactics, and he beat Master Zixia, who was at the second peak of Soul Ning, into this way.

Then Chen Feng looked at Ren Qingzhu again.

Ren Qingzhu saw this scene, did not hesitate, turned around and fled, the speed is extremely fast.

Chen Feng smiled coldly: "Isn't it too late to run now?"

The Tianlong step under his feet suddenly started, flashed twice in succession, and suddenly came to Ren Qingzhu.

Then, the Dragon Sword slashed severely.

Ren Qingzhu can only block!

He let out a scream, and shouted loudly: "Wan Zhu Chuanxin!"

With a fierce slap of both palms, the blue true essences condensed in the air, and thousands of them were formed in an instant, huge and sharp like a spear-like blue bamboo.

Then, these green bamboos smashed madly at Chen Feng.

It is overwhelming and forms a hill.

Chen Feng smiled coldly, and swung out the Dragon Sword, directly smashing the countless sharp bamboos like a small mountain into pieces.

Then Dragon Sword smashed heavily on Ren Qingzhu's side, and directly smashed him out a few hundred meters, then fell back to the previous position, just falling down next to Master Zixia.

The place where he was hit was also alive and beaten!

But at this time, Chen Feng was so tired that his face was pale, and his whole body was shaking.

As soon as he loosened his hand, Tulong Knife was brushed and disappeared.

Behind him, the Azure Dragon Martial Spirit was also lingering, disappearing directly, obviously having exhausted all its strength.

Chen Feng's strength at this time, even if supported by the Azure Dragon Martial Spirit, could only use two moves.

Even strictly speaking, he can only use one move, and the remaining one can only be used by overdrawing the potential in his body.

Chen Feng walked slowly to the side of Master Zixia and Ren Qingzhu, and said lightly: "I said, I will kill you myself."

"You two, how do you choose to die?"

Master Zixia and Ren Qingzhu yelled: "Little boy, kill if you want, where is so much nonsense?"

"Oh, it seems that you two don't want to die very happy." Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Okay, I have a way."

Half an hour later, there was a screaming scream in the dense forest.

The screams were also mixed with a weird laughter, as if he couldn't control his body while crying and laughing.

Master Zixia and Ren Qingzhu felt that they were itchy to the extreme, desperately trying to scratch and scratch, but their limbs were interrupted, and they couldn't move at all.

Even if they want to roll their bodies and rub their itch with the ground, they simply can't do it.

While crying and laughing, the two of them begged Chen Feng loudly: "Chen Feng, you kill us! Please, kill us!"

They are suffering to the extreme!

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Want to die? How can it be so easy? This is just the beginning."

He stretched out his palms and pressed them on Master Zixia's back, absorbing the true essence from his body frantically.

Master Zixia's strength is the triple level of soul condensing. Although she was seriously injured at this time, at least half of her true essence remained, very vigorous.

Chen Feng felt that the true essence poured into his body like a waterfall, absorbed by the nine-yin and nine-yang divine power, transformed into Chen Feng's own true essence, and poured down.

In Chen Feng's dantian, it was like a rain of true essence spilled!

Chen Feng's strength climbed crazily, and his true essence continued to increase. In the ocean of true essence, a joyous emotion was exuding, and stormy waves were set off.

The thunder and lightning dragon that has gradually taken shape is also flying up and down in the ocean of true essence, extremely happy!

Finally, Chen Feng absorbed all the true essence in Master Zixia, and slowly retracted his hands.

At this time, behind Chen Feng, a scene of Tianhai quietly appeared. In the sky, nine big stars were shining brightly.

These nine big stars are all bright to the extreme.

Chen Feng's strength has already stepped into the peak of the Nine Stars in the Sky Sea, only a thin layer from the Soul Condensation Realm!

Master Zixia fell to the ground like a corpse.

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