Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1217: Dragon Sword!

But at this moment, a figure that pierced the sky and the earth suddenly appeared, raising the giant knife in his hand and slashing down at the giant dragon.

The dragon was cut in two directly and uttered a scream, blood sprayed from the air like a waterfall.

In a blink of an eye, the earth was submerged and turned into a sea of ​​blood.

And the figure, holding the giant knife high, laughed up to the sky.

With a swish, Chen Fengfeng withdrew from this fantasy.

He was pale, sweating profusely, panting violently, and took two steps backwards.

Then Chen Feng looked at the giant knife in front of him and exclaimed: "This, this knife?"

"Yes, this knife is the one you saw just now."

Minglan laughed softly: "It seems that you are really related to this knife. Most people who see this knife can't enter the illusion at all."

"Unexpectedly, you actually entered!"

In the illusion, the giant sword that slayed the dragon was almost exactly the same as the giant sword in front of him.

But Chen Feng felt that this giant knife seemed to be a bit shorter!

Minglan looked at Chen Feng and said softly, "Chen Feng, you must remember the illusion just now."

"That illusion is actually a kind of inheritance."

Chen Feng nodded lightly, keeping in mind.

Minglan looked at Chen Feng and smiled and said, "Chen Fengfeng, do you know which one of the top ten artifacts of Ziyang Ziyang Sword Field?"

Chen Feng said, "Could it be the giant knife in front of you?"

"Yes, it's the giant knife in front of you."

Minglan said softly: "Actually, the entire Ziyang Sword Field has only one artifact, this giant sword."

"Master Patriarch has created the foundation of Ziyang Sword Field for thousands of years with this giant sword, and passed this giant sword to the Patriarch of Broken Blade Peak, that is, the big brother of their generation!"

"This move caused great dissatisfaction with the first seat of the other main peaks."

"Later, in order to resist the powerful enemy, our Patriarch of Broken Edge Peak fought desperately, so that artifact was also used by the powerful enemy with supreme mana in the fierce battle and directly cut off. Only this half-cutting knife is left!"

Chen Feng suddenly said, "No wonder this knife seems to be short!"

Minglan continued: "The broken blade was later taken away by the ancestors of the other nine main peaks, and then used to cast nine weapons."

"These nine weapons, plus our half-cut knives, form the top ten artifacts of Ziyang Sword Field!"

"Haha," she said with a look of contempt on her face, "Those chicken dogs are also worthy of juxtaposition with giant swords?"

"Even if it is a giant knife after the break, they still stabilize their heads!"

Chen Feng was shocked when he heard it. You know, the clear water purple spirit sword is a fifth-grade spirit weapon.

The giant sword after the break had to surpass the clear water and purple spirit sword, it was at least a sixth-grade spirit weapon!

How powerful is the giant sword in its perfect state!

Minglan said softly: "Because I always have this giant sword at Broken Edge Peak, the other major peaks are actually all hateful and scared to us!"

Chen Feng gently stroked the blade and asked obsessively: "What's the name of this knife?"

Minglan said word by word, with a solemn expression: "This knife, it is said that after it was cast, it once killed a dragon!"

"It, that is, Dragon Saber!"

"Long Sword!"

When hearing these three words, Chen Feng couldn't help but shudder, as if blood was burning in his heart.

It was an inexplicable sentiment. It seemed that the name alone was enough to make Chen Feng feel extremely shocked and excited.

Minglan looked at him and said softly: "The Dragon Sword, made from the ancient nine-turn profound iron, weighs 999,000 catties!"

"Today, when I pass the Dragon Slayer Sword to you, I will give you the entire Broken Blade Peak. You must retrieve the other nine artifacts and restore the Dragon Slayer Sword!"

"Now this half of the Dragon Slaying Knife is enough to reach the level of a seventh-grade spirit weapon."

"And if the Dragon Sword is restored, it can even go beyond the scope of the spirit weapon and reach the next level!"

"You use this as a weapon to re-illuminate my Broken Blade Peak and even Ziyang Sword Field again!"

Chen Feng nodded his head heavily, his expression extremely solemn.

He said softly: "First seat, don't worry, I will definitely retrieve the other nine artifacts and recast the Dragon Slaying Sword!"

Minglan struggled to move towards him, Chen Feng hurriedly walked over, came next to her, and sat down gently.

Minglan stretched out her right hand tremblingly, stroked Chen Feng's cheek, and said softly:

"Chen Feng, Chen Feng, do you know how reluctant I am?"

"I don't miss this world, I just can't bear you."

She laughed at her expression: "The two of us are so much different in age. You are just an 18-year-old boy, but I don't know what happened. From the first day I saw you, I have had a strange feeling for you."

"It can't be said to be admiring, but it's just worrying, as if we two should be relatives by nature."

Chen Feng grabbed her hand, covered her face with both hands, tears came down, and at first he just sobbed softly.

Later, he held Minglan and cried.

Chen Feng could feel that kind of affection, just like a big sister who loved herself.

Minglan smiled and said, "I don't know if I like you, but from today onwards, none of this is important."

She suddenly raised her face, looked at Chen Feng, and said softly: "Chen Feng, you, can you hug me?"

There was a look of expectation in his eyes.

Chen Feng nodded desperately, stretched out his hand, and took Minglan into his arms.

Minglan hugged his waist, pressed her face against his chest, twisted twice in his arms, and found a comfortable posture.

With ears pressed to his chest, he felt very relieved to hear his pounding heartbeat.

Minglan sighed comfortably and smiled softly: "With this hug, I have not lived in vain in my life."

There was a touch of shyness in her expression, and she giggled, showing a bit of girlishness: "I knew you were so comfortable in your arms, I let you hold me long ago..."

The sound stopped abruptly.

Chen Feng's body suddenly stopped. After a while, he picked up Ming Lan's body and let out a long, sorrowful cry from the sky!

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