Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1214: Luo Zilan's mind

The voice fell, and among the trees, a figure in a blue shirt walked out slowly, looking beautiful.

She looked at Chen Feng with extremely complicated eyes.

This person is Luo Zilan.

Luo Zilan looked at him, sighed faintly, and walked two steps forward, just about to say something.

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly stood in front of Wei Qingyi and Wei Hongxiu, looked at her coldly, and said in a cold voice:

"If you kill me, you can, but you can't touch them both."

After Luo Zilan watched it, her heart suddenly felt sorrowful and unspeakable.

At this moment, she looked a little dazed, remembering when she was sixteen years old, picking wild fruits on the mountain and eating a fruit.

The sourness seemed to penetrate into my heart all the time.

And the taste at this time is really like that.

She swallowed what she said to her lips, but changed her rhetoric. Looking at Chen Feng, a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth. She pointed to Wei Hongxiu and Wei Qingyi, and said lightly:

"These two are your little lovers, right?"

Chen Feng looked at him vigilantly, and said, "So what? So what? Not so? What does it matter to you?"

"Yes, yeah, what does it matter to me?" Luo Zilan's eyes showed a touch of sadness, and her eyes suddenly became fierce.

Her figure flashed, swiftly, extremely fast, and directly bypassed Chen Feng and came behind him.

Then he grabbed Wei Tsing Yi and He Wei Hongshou directly with his hands.

She is extremely powerful, Wei Qingyi and Wei Hongxiu have no ability to resist at all, they are directly sealed by her meridians and held in their hands.

She pinched the necks of the two of them, and gradually began to exert force.

Wei Hongxiu and Wei Qingyi, their faces flushed, opened their mouths wide, and their eyes turned pale, as if they were suffocating at any time!

Seeing that the two of them were about to be strangled to death by Luo Zilan, Chen Feng was shocked and angry, and shouted, "What are you doing?"

Luo Zilan looked at him, raised the corner of her eyes lightly, and said with a smile, "The life and death of the two of them is at my hands. If I want to kill them, I will kill them. What does it have to do with you?"

Her words are to return everything Chen Feng said just now.

Chen Feng shouted angrily: "Let go of them."

"Oh? Let go of them? You let me let go and I let go?" Luo Zilan said coldly, "What is your relationship with me?"

Chen Feng flushed with anger, and wanted to do something with her, but he was always a little bit unable to do it.

Seeing Chen Feng's look like this, Luo Zilan suddenly twitched the corner of her mouth, giggled, and let go of the two of them.

Wei Qingyi and Wei Hongxiu backed back again and again, clutching their throats and coughing violently, looking at Luo Zilan with horrified eyes.

On the side, Ming Lan looked at Chen Feng and Luo Zilan again, suddenly a strange smile appeared at the corner of her mouth.

Luo Zilanhua waved her hand and said, "Okay, let's go. If you delay for some time, the chasing soldiers of the Shenlong Sect will catch up again."

Chen Feng looked at her and said in surprise: "You? You won't kill me?"

Luo Zilan sighed softly in her heart, and muttered secretly: "It's really incomprehensible."

She said angrily: "If I killed you, I killed you just now, so why bother to talk so much?"

"Okay, you go quickly"

Chen Feng was a little surprised. If she was not hostile to herself, why did she do that again just now?

He suddenly moved in his heart and guessed something. He looked at Luo Zilan, with a touch of excitement in his eyes, and whispered, "Sister Saint..."


Luo Zilan stretched out her hand and pointed to the distance, and said: "Hurry up! Otherwise, it will be too late."

Chen Fengfeng nodded, picked up Minglan's first seat, took a deep look at him, took Wei Qingyi and Wei Hongshou, and left quickly.

Seeing his leaving figure, Luo Zilan sighed softly and sighed softly: "It's really incomprehensible."

"How could I kill you? I would rather be hurt than see you suffer!"

"People did that just now because they were jealous! Who told you to be so close to those two little hooves? You didn't forget to bring them when you escape!"

"Huh, you guy, do you still want to be both sisters? I have a lot of appetite!"

She was thinking about it for a long time, and a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of her mouth, with some inexplicable joy, she giggled and said:

"Before I left, you said that to me, thinking about it, you also know what I think in my heart."

"If you don't hate me, I will be happy. Chen Feng, Chen Feng, really are the evil fate of the last life."

With that, Luo Zilan turned her head and walked towards Tongtian Peak.

However, she did not notice that, on a cliff next to him, behind the bushes, one person saw this scene in his eyes.

At this moment, there was a touch of doubt and a touch of shock in those charming eyes.

But soon, this look changed, turning into a hint of pride and coldness.

After Luo Zilan left here, the figure walked out from behind the bushes. After turning around twice, she suddenly giggled and said softly:

"Unexpectedly, Luo Zilan, you **** actually hooked up with Chen Feng."

"Tsk tusk, Chen Feng is so much younger than you, you really are an old cow who eats tender grass, do you have to eat it?"

"Haha, if the leader knows that his forbidden, his lover has hooked up with a disciple of Ziyang sword field, how angry would the leader be?"

"Haha! Luo Zilan, you have been pressing on my head, this time, I will press you down!"

After Chen Feng left here, he ran all the way with the two sisters Wei Qingyi, and soon came hundreds of miles away, found a very secret cave, and put them down.

Then, he told the two women to take good care of Minglan's first seat.

And he ran quickly in the direction of Ziyang Sword Field again.

With a "wow", Yue Linglong spouted a mouthful of blood, staggered, and took more than ten steps back.

And before she could stand still, another long sword stabbed next to her.

This time, Yue Linglong couldn't resist anymore, and a stern shout came, and a waterspout next to it rolled over and hit the Shenlong Sect disciple's long sword heavily.

With a bang, the long sword was hit and flew.

An Xueqing hurried up from the side, protecting Yue Linglong behind her.

Yue Linglong said softly, "Sister An, thank you very much."

An Xueqing shook her head, with a trace of sadness in her expression: "Today, we will all die here. If we live for a moment, it's just a lingering moment!"

"Thank me, it's no use."

Yue Linglong heard this, her heart was suddenly dim, she looked around, nodded lightly, and said, "Yes!"

At this time, there was already a killing field all around.

Here is the Outer Sect of Ziyang Sword Field, Monster Beast Square City.

Countless disciples of the Shenlong Cult in blue robes slid into them and killed them when they saw them.

As long as they see people who are not wearing the costumes of the Dragon Cult and go up immediately, they will kill.

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