Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1203: This is the end of dissatisfaction!

"Okay, we should go out." Yin ruthlessly said indifferently.

Suddenly, he glanced at He Yanxiao who was blocked by meridians and threw it on the ground, and said lightly: "You two, solve him."

"Yes." Master Zixia and Ren Qingzhu both responded, sneering and walking towards He Yanxiao. .

The old and fearless laughter came, and then it stopped abruptly.

Soon, the three people returned to the surface.

In the central hall, there are two Master Zixia. Move the throne that belongs only to Master Yunling to the outside of the hall, above the steps.

The disciples on the square outside the main hall showed surprise on their faces after seeing this scene.

Then in the next instant, something that shocked them even more appeared.

Yin Ruqing actually sat directly on the seat, and the disciples below suddenly made a commotion.

"How can Yin Ruqing sit on it? Doesn't this position belong only to the first Yunling Master on Tongtian Peak?"

"That's right, and it seems that Master Zixia is supporting Yin Ruqing to do this?"

"Isn't that because Master Yun Ling was in retreat, he was temporarily ruled by Yin Ruqing? Why did he sit on it himself?"

There are even a lot of disciples whose faces are directly dissatisfied.

They talked a lot, wondering what happened.

At this time, Master Zixia stood beside Yin Ruqing and said loudly:

"The disciples listened to the order. The first Yunling Yunling Master on Tongtian Peak accidentally got into a demon and burst into death while practicing."

"When I am dying, I will pass down my last words and let Senior Brother Yin take over as the first tower of Tongtian Peak! Dominate the nine main peaks of Ziyang Sword Field!"

"What?" Hearing these words, everyone was stunned, were they all shocked, all stupid.

"Master Yunling, who was the first in Tongtian Peak, who ruled Ziyang Sword Field for decades, died? He died after practicing kung fu exploded?"

Countless people were shocked, and some people didn't believe it at all. Their faces showed extreme sadness and anger.

At this time, Master Zixia and Ren Qingzhu had already walked to the bottom of the steps, knelt to the ground with a bang, kowtow to Yin Ruthlessly, and shouted: "See the first seat."

Seeing how the two of them did this, the two of them and the other leaders behind them looked at each other, and they could only kneel down helplessly.

And seeing them, most of the thousands of disciples on the square knelt on the ground, kowtow to Yin and mercilessly.

Yin ruthless laughed, his expression extremely triumphant.

He stood up suddenly. Opened his arms, his face was extremely excited, and he laughed loudly: "This Tongtian Peak is mine, and this Ziyang Sword Field is mine."

"Yun Ling, I have taken back everything that should have belonged to me."

He was so happy that he felt that he had never been so glorious in his life.

But suddenly, the smile on his face stagnated, he looked at the front coldly, and said cruelly, "You guys, why don't you kneel?"

When he said so, everyone looked back.

I saw that dozens of disciples were standing proudly, without kneeling at all.

One of the disciples said loudly: "Uncle Yin, we are not satisfied with this result!"

"You said, Yun Ling passed the first seat to you before he died, is there any evidence?"

"The first seat is obviously my good point. Why did it suddenly explode and die? Why did it pass to you who had never appeared in the sect before?"

Yin ruthlessly said coldly: "Are you questioning me?"

This disciple said boldly: "Yes, I'm just questioning you. You said that Yun Ling was the first to pass the position to you, and you have to show evidence."

"As far as I know, Mrs. He will guard Yun Ling's first seat every time. If Yun Ling's first seat is mad this time, he will definitely be watching by the side and he will know."

"Then you invite him out, as long as he comes out to say a word, we will be convinced!"

Yin Ruqing said indifferently: "He Yanxiao, he is also dead."

"What? He Taishang is also dead?" The disciple laughed loudly: "You don't want to tell us that He Taishang is also going crazy, right?"

"Is it possible that Uncle Yun Ling and Mrs. He both exploded and died together?"

Hearing this, many disciples' expressions became extremely angry.

Many people have also heard it, and there must be something abnormal in it!

Yin Ruqing suddenly showed a smile at the corner of his mouth, with a trace of **** grimness in his smile.

He looked at these dozens of disciples and slowly asked, "Do you all think the same thing?"

"Yes!" These disciples answered one after another.

"Well, in that case, then you guys..."

He suddenly shouted: "Go to hell!"

As he said, his body surged crazily, bang bang bang, all these dozens of disciples were crushed to pieces by his aura, turning into a mass of flesh.

Seeing this scene, many people gave out a huge exclamation at the same time, and their eyes flashed with puzzled anger and fear.

Yin and mercilessly glanced across everyone's faces, and said lightly: "I am the first seat of Tongtian Peak. I dare to question how I ended up."

At this time, no one on the square dared to speak.

"What? Master Yun Ling went crazy and burst into death?"

Two exclamations suddenly sounded in the underground prison.

Both Chen Feng and Ming Lan looked at Li Zitong in front of them with disbelief, with extremely shocked expressions on their faces.

Li Zitong smiled triumphantly when he saw this look on them. He laughed and said, "Yes, just an hour ago, Old Ghost Yunling, during his retreat, he went into a demon body and died after practicing."

"Before I die, Brother Yin has already been designated to take over the first seat of Tongtian Peak, and now Senior Brother Yin Ruqing is afraid to accept the congratulations of all the disciples on the Peak!"

"This is impossible!"

Minglan exclaimed in disbelief, "Yun Ling is powerful, and he is the most authentic Profound Sect magical skill in the Ziyang sword field he cultivated. How can he get into trouble?"

"His technique is the least likely to be insane."

Suddenly there was extreme anger in her eyes, as if she was going to be angry, she looked at Li Zitong and said coldly, "Yin and ruthless killed Yun Ling, right? Yin and ruthless killed him!"

Li Zitong looked at Ming Lan, sneered, and said: "Ming Lan is the first seat, there are some things you can't talk about!"

On the contrary, it was Chen Feng who could see clearly at this time.

He had recovered from the shock of the news of Master Yun Ling's death.

He looked at Minglan First Seat, and said softly: "First Seat, everyone knows that it was Yin Ruqing who killed Master Yun Ling, but Yin Ruqing is now in control, so who dares to say anything?"

"Haha, you kid, you can see clearly at a young age."

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