Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1199: Only hope

He is breathing very fast now, his face is flushed, and he even feels that he is about to coma, almost losing consciousness.

The disciples who escorted him down have already left, and there are only him and Minglan here.

When Minglan saw Chen Feng look like this, she was shocked and exclaimed, "Chen Feng, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

Chen Feng did not answer.

He was short of breath at this time and had fallen into a semi-conscious state, Ming Lan's first shout was extremely far away to him.

It is extremely difficult for him to even open his mouth, and the serious injury has already put him on the verge of death.

At this time, in Chen Feng's dantian, the ocean of true essence was pitch black, like a frozen iron block, without a trace.

Above the green shackles, two tyrannical forces penetrated directly into Chen Feng's body and into Chen Feng's dantian.

His dantian also seemed to be blocked alive, without a trace of light!

Chen Feng even had hallucinations. In this hallucination, he saw the master, saw the senior sister, and saw all the people he cared about.

And behind them, there was a thick fog. Through the thick fog, Chen Feng could still see two figures, but they couldn't see their faces clearly.

Just when Chen Feng was about to cast aside the thick fog and look at the two figures, suddenly at this moment, his eyes turned into darkness with a brush.

Then Chen Feng felt that his body continued to sink and float downward, as if falling like an abyss.

Chen Feng felt a stunned: "Am I going to die?"

He knew that this was a precursor before death. Once he fell to the bottom, his consciousness would completely disappear, his soul would dissipate, and the whole person would be completely dead.

But at this moment, two lights suddenly appeared in Chen Feng's dantian.

These two lights are one red and one blue, one yin and one yang, one hot and one cold.

After these two rays of light appeared, they immediately pierced the black power.

But the shackles suddenly buzzed, and black power poured in, but they could not have any effect on the red and blue rays.

After the two sides confronted each other for a while, the black power seemed to have acquiesced to the existence of this situation and stopped instilling it.

Then, the red and blue rays of light instantly combined to form a cyclone, which slowly turned.

Although it turned countless times slower than usual, and its strength was countless times weaker, it was a force that gave birth.

The gentle power pouring into Chen Feng healed Chen Feng's body.

Chen Feng was shocked, and suddenly stood up straight, sweating profusely, and immediately woke up.

He had lingering fears, and he almost really died just now. Fortunately, the nine-yin and nine-yang magical powers played a role at the critical moment.

Chen Feng whispered to himself: "Nine Yin and Nine Yang Divine Art is really amazing, and it can still work in this situation!"

Although the operation of the nine-yin and nine-yang divine art brought life to Chen Feng and made him sober, it was not enough to restore his combat effectiveness.

In fact, at this time, the nine-yin and nine-yang divine art was only trapped in a small area of ​​the dantian, and could only barely maintain it to prevent Chen Feng from dying.

Want to break free from the shackles, that is really a dream.

Seeing Chen Feng panting heavily, it was no longer the way he was dying just now, Ming Lan was a little relieved.

She looked at Chen Feng and whispered: "Chen Feng, what happened to you just now?"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Don't worry, don't worry, I'm fine."

Minglan looked at him and sighed faintly: "Chen Feng, I am very touched by you, but you are really stupid. Do you know what I expect of you?"

"Even if something happened to me, I don't want it to happen to you. As long as you are here, the inheritance of Broken Blade will not be cut off!"

Chen Feng was silent for a while, and suddenly said softly: "It's just that some things must be persisted after all."

Minglan sighed faintly and said nothing.

Although she complained about Chen Feng, she was extremely relieved that Chen Feng could treat her like this. Looking at Chen Feng, her eyes were exceptionally soft.

Chen Feng said: "First seat, are we going to be trapped here?"

Ming Lan shook her head: "Not necessarily, things may turn around."

"This time, while Master Yuan Ling was in retreat, Master Zixia and Ren Qingzhu colluded with Yin and mercilessly and usurped the power of the sect."

"However, this time will definitely not last too long. As long as Master Yuanling leaves the barrier, they will be finished immediately."

A complex color flashed in her eyes and said, "Although Senior Brother Yunling, he also excludes Broken Blade Peak very much and despise us, but he will at least not do that."

"As long as Master Yun Ling goes out and regains control of the situation, he will definitely release us."

He looked at Chen Feng, smiled slightly, and said, "Not to mention, he values ​​you so much."

Chen Feng listened, feeling a little relieved.

At this time, in the depths of Tongtian Peak, outside a secret stone room, He Yanxiao was standing there.

At this time, in the secret stone room, Master Yun Ling was retreating.

And He Yanxiao is guarding for him outside at this time. He Yanxiao is the Supreme Elder who is most trusted by Master Yun Ling. Every time Master Yun Ling is in retreat, He Yan laughs outside for him. guard.

He Yanxiao has been so old and has experienced countless winds and rains. He always seems to be calm and calm.

But at this time, he was full of irritability and restlessness. He glanced at the door of the stone room from time to time. He wanted to speak several times, but finally held back.

Just this morning, I heard a loud noise, which caused a huge vibration, and even the underground stone room seemed to tremble.

He Yanxiao knew very well that in order to reach this underground stone chamber at a depth of several thousand meters in the middle of the mountain, the vibration must be extremely large.

He knew that something big must have happened in Ziyang Sword Field.

He wanted to go out and check it out, but he thought that Master Yunlin was still in retreat and his behavior was directly related to the life and death of the first tower of Tongtian Peak, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

He knew very well in his heart that Master Yun Ling could feel the shock in the stone chamber, but Master Yun Ling did not react at all.

He Yanxiao somewhat understood what was going on.

Because Master Yun Ling once told him before this retreat that this retreat is extremely important, and whether it can break through the bottleneck depends on this time.

He suspected that Master Yun Ling had clearly sensed it, but it might be a breakthrough in the bottleneck, so he ignored it.

He Yanxiao was fidgeting here. Suddenly, he stiffened suddenly, looked towards the end of the passage, and shouted: "Who? Sneaky, get out!"

"Haha, I didn't expect to see each other in a hundred years. The little boy who followed me at the beginning has become a master now. He is really impressive!"

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