Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1194: It turned out to be you!

"Who is she, who is she going to kill again?"

Chen Feng slowly opened his eyes, and there was an indescribable loss in his eyes.

Because, he judged that this figure was Zhang Bing.

The tent that Zhang Bing touched in was that of Bishui Zongan Xueqing.

Chen Feng quickly left his tent, his figure only flashed, without disturbing anyone, he appeared in An Xueqing's tent.

At this time, An Xueqing was drowsy. She seemed to be quite depressed today. She drank a lot of alcohol and became a little drunk soon.

At this moment, Zhang Bing knelt beside him and raised the sharp blade high, but her body was trembling, but she never stabbed.

His face was extremely painful, tears fell, and his face was struggling!

Finally, she took a deep breath, as if she had made a decision.

Then, she slowly inserted the black blade into the sheath, stepped back and prepared to leave.

At this time, Chen Feng, who had been watching by the side, also nodded slightly, feeling relieved.

Zhang Bing made the right choice. If Zhang Bing dared to kill him just now, Chen Feng would definitely kill him.

This time Zhang Bing was equivalent to redeeming herself.

Zhang Bing turned his head and saw Chen Feng standing beside him.

When she was shocked, Chen Feng didn't know how long she stood here, but she didn't even notice it.

She opened her mouth instinctively, and she was about to let out a scream. At this moment, Chen Feng gently waved her hand, and an invisible and intangible true essence came out quietly, directly sealing her whole body.

Then Chen Feng grabbed him and flew out without making a single movement.

An Xueqing still sleeps very sweetly.

Chen Feng directly grabbed Zhang Bing, went behind a huge boulder in the distance, put her on the ground, and waved her hand to unlock her meridians.

Zhang Bing hung his head, his body trembling, he was obviously scared to the extreme.

Chen Feng said lightly: "Why do you do this?"

Zhang Bing didn't say a word, his body trembling more severely, his body twitched and his shoulders shook violently.

Suddenly, she raised her head, and Chen Feng saw that Zhang Bing was already full of tears at this time, and his eyes showed extreme pain.

She looked at Chen Feng and said softly: "You kill me!"

Chen Feng said lightly: "What did I kill you for? You just need to make things clear."

"To clarify, make it clear, I still treat you as a friend."

Zhang Bing looked at Chen Feng: "You, really treat me as a friend?"

Chen Feng nodded slowly.

Zhang Bing seemed to have received endless encouragement from this action. She suddenly covered her face and started crying, her voice sad, as if she was venting.

Fortunately, it is very far away from the camp, so I am not afraid of being heard.

Zhang Bing cried for a long time before speaking slowly, and said softly, "My family is a commoner, and neither of my parents has any cultivation skills."

"One night, I was suddenly taken away. When I woke up, I saw that there were hundreds of children around me, all about my age."

"This is the beginning of a nightmare!"

There was a look of pain in her eyes, and her body couldn't help trembling. It was obvious that she was still extremely afraid when she thought of that memory.

"We were taken to a secret underground base where we didn't do anything, we just did one thing and learned the techniques of killing!"

Her eyes became cold: "Ten years later, I became an excellent killer."

"At that time, only three of our group of 500 children survived. Of the 497 who died, 130 died under my hand!"

"If I don't kill them, I will die."

"Then, I was put into the Bishui Sect by the organization's best efforts. I have stayed in the Bishui Minutes until now. For five full years, the organization has not looked for me again."

"To be honest, I even forgot about the existence of the organization. Sometimes I really think of myself as an ordinary girl, a female disciple of Ziyang Sword Field who was born in a pure Bishui Sect."

"I even had a dream. Will the organization really forget me?"

"From then on, I can learn martial arts in Ziyang Sword Field, and I can be with Zheng Hongchao forever, and even get married with him and have children in the future."

"But just three days ago, the dream was broken and the nightmare came."

"They suddenly came to me and asked me to kill Sister An."

Her body trembled violently: "I dare not disobey their orders. My fear of them has penetrated into my bones and soul. I can only do it obediently."

Chen Feng looked at him by the side, frowning slightly, he could understand this mentality.

This is a complete fear and compliance from the mind to the body.

"That killer organization is not simple, it can do this step." Chen Feng said in his heart.

He asked: "Why do they want you to kill An Xueqing?"

"I don't know." Zhang Bing shook his head: "However, they told me that after killing An Xueqing, I was asked to disguise the scene as a fire system killing."

"What?" Chen Feng was shocked and lost in thought.

After a long time, he had some eyebrows in his heart, and continued to ask: "Then what is the name of this killer organization? What's the background?"

Zhang Bing continued to shake his head: "I don't know."

She raised her head and smiled bitterly, looked at Chen Feng and said, "We are killing machines. As for the organization, I don't know anything."

"I only know that our organization is called Snake Tooth!"

"Snake Tooth!" Chen Feng's heart jumped after hearing these two words.

The fangs of a poisonous snake are sharp, fierce, and deadly in one blow.

Chen Feng thought for a while and said, "In other words, you don't know anything except the name of this organization, including the method and purpose of their placement in the Bishui Sect."

Zhang Bing nodded slowly.

At this time, Chen Feng had already caught a clue.

He had a palpitating heart: "This snake's tooth is terrible. Did they count on this day five years ago? They started to calculate my Ziyang sword field?"

"This is obviously to frame the Burning Fire Branch Sect, and the Burning Fire Branch Sect and the Bishui Sect are inherently contradictory. If this happens, there must be trouble!"

"Moreover, I don't believe that there is only one flag like Zhang Bing. There must be others!"

Seeing Chen Feng's silence, she begged softly: "Don't tell others if it's okay, especially don't tell Zheng Hongchao."

"I'm afraid that after he knows, he will never want me again."

Chen Feng looked at her, smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, no one will know about this except me."

Chen Feng asked Zhang Bing carefully about the location of the secret base.

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