Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1189: I'm here for revenge!

Master Zixia simply stopped struggling with this question, but kept her posture very low, begging, and loudly said: "Brother Yin, no one can save us now except you. Please, please, we must take action!"

Xu was their plea, making this brother Yin very happy.

He suddenly got up and turned around.

This is a skinny old man with a ugly appearance and sparse hair, only two or three.

The mouth is very big, and one mouth reveals a rotten tooth.

Only at this time, the aura revealed from him was extremely huge.

He said lightly: "If you want me to take action, you can. But there are two conditions!"

Master Zixia and Ren Qingzhu hurriedly said: "You said, you said."

"First, you must listen to me in everything you do."

The two hurriedly said: "This is natural."

"Secondly," Senior Brother Yin said again: "After everything is done, I will be the head teacher of Ziyang Sword Field..."

"Okay, that's natural." The two instinctively agreed.

After the words were spoken, the talented person on Zixia realized that it was wrong and exclaimed: "What? You are talking about the head teacher of Ziyang Sword Field? Not the first seat of Tongtian Peak?"

The big brother nodded gloomily, Master Zixia and Ren Qingzhu looked at each other, and both saw a shudder in each other's eyes.

"Brother Yin, ambitious!"

Since the creation of the Patriarch, Ziyang Sword Field has always stood side by side with nine peaks.

The nine main peaks stand, and among the nine first ones, although the master Yunling has the highest status, although the first one is headed by the first one, the first one does not have such great authority over the other peaks, nor can it be killed.

And he actually wanted to be the instructor of the entire Ziyang Sword Field, and he had to control the entire Ziyang Sword Field in his hands.

In this case, even if you kill Master Yun Ling, the two of them, and even the other main peaks, will become slaves.

The two suddenly hesitated.

"Why? Disagree?" Senior Brother Yin said coldly: "Then get out!"

His tone was decisive, with no room for negotiation.

Master Zixia and Ren Qingzhu wanted to have a bargain. When they saw this, they didn't dare to say a word, but kowtowed their heads and agreed: "Yes, we agree."

A smile appeared at the corner of Senior Brother Yin's mouth: "That's good."

He strode out and laughed loudly: "At the beginning, Yun Ling and I failed to compete for the top seat of Tongtian Peak. He was driven to this place. We will always live on the edge of the Ziyang sword field, and we must not step into the big lake."

"Haha, now, I'm back ruthlessly!"

This is the night when the Ural auction site is the busiest time.

It was extremely quiet outside, but through the big iron gate, Chen Feng seemed to be able to hear the noise from the Ural auction house.

He whispered softly: "Ural auction house, I'm Chen Feng, I'm back!"

"The person who caused me all the humiliation back then, you better not die!"

Outside the Ural auction house, as usual, more than a dozen men in black were standing there.

Seeing Chen Feng coming, some of the more than a dozen black-clothed men came up with an extremely arrogant attitude and coldly shouted, "Boy, where did they come from?"

"Now that the auction has begun, hurry up where to come and go, this is not a place for you to come!"

Chen Feng said lightly: "Get out of the way, I'm looking for someone who can talk to you in the Ural auction house."

"You still want to see someone we can manage? What are you? You deserve it?" The big man in black laughed and said with disdain: "I am in a good mood today, I don't want a businessman, so I just get out."

Chen Feng repeated it again: "Get out of the way!"

"Boy, are you looking for death?"

"Okay, then I will fulfill you!" A furious look flashed across the face of the man in black: "I don't know what to promote. Today I will teach you what rules are?"

With that said, when he walked forward, he would grab Chen Feng by the collar.

Chen Feng shook his head and said helplessly: "I didn't want your life, but unfortunately, you have to die by yourself, and I can't help it."

With that said, Chen Feng slapped it out with a light palm, directly blasting and killing the big man in black, who was not in the early stage of the Divine Door Realm.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the other big men in black showed shock.

Then Chen Feng, without even looking at them, went straight to the gate of the auction house and kicked the iron gate severely.

Then, walked slowly into the auction floor.

From beginning to end, the other **** men didn't even dare to do it again, or even say a word.

And they should be thankful afterwards, because it allowed them to escape.

Otherwise, they will turn into blood mist like the black man before!

At this time, in the auction hall, the auction is going on.

The moment Chen Feng stepped into the auction hall was almost the same as what Chen Feng had experienced before.

He came to this Ural auction site and waited to enter the cemetery of Real Thunder. It was only a few months ago, but when he thought of it, he felt like a world away, extremely far away!

Chen Feng shook his head, and then dispelled the emotion from his head.

The auction was going on. Seeing a young man rushing into the auction room, everyone's eyes immediately focused on him.

And more than a dozen black-clothed guards all came in one after another, shouting sharply: "Little bunny, how did you get in?"

Chen Feng said lightly: "Of course this is how I walked in!"

One of the leaders-like people shouted sharply: "Take him down and send him to the backyard!"

Chen Feng smiled coldly, and was no longer willing to argue with what they were doing. He shot out with both hands, an extremely vicious essence gushing out, plus the force of thunder and lightning.

In an instant, the dozen or so black guards were shaken into powder.

Seeing this scene, there was an uproar in the auction hall.

Many people were shocked and terrified on their faces, and some even wanted to escape.

Facing the crowd, Chen Feng said lightly: "Everyone, I'm just here to trouble the Ural auction house today. It has nothing to do with you."

"As long as you don't move, you will certainly not cause trouble!"

Hearing what he said, the auction house was quiet.

At this moment, a hoarse and old voice suddenly sounded: "Who dares to make trouble in the Ural auction house?"

As he said, a white-haired old man slowly walked out from behind.

He looked at Chen Feng, frowned, and said coldly, "Who are you?"

Chen Feng laughed: "Old man, don't you know who I am? We still had a fight back then!"

The white-haired old man is Miao Chenqing.

He sneered and said proudly: "I don't know how many people have fought with me? I don't know how many people have been humiliated under my hands. Where would I remember you?"

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