Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1185: Kill the small, come the old

With that, turned and left!

Lin Ming was still kowtow, but when Chen Feng walked away, he raised his head, his eyes showed a deep resentment.

Chen Feng was about to leave here, and suddenly a loud shout came from behind him: "Chen Feng, you wicked animal, stop for me!"

Chen Feng paused, stood there, turned around, and then he saw a purple glow drifting towards this side.

The purple glow dissipated, revealing the figure inside, who was Master Zixia.

Master Zixia first glanced at Lin Zhengdong who was lying on the ground, a look of extreme distress flashed across his face, and he walked quickly over and hugged his body in his arms.

After checking it again and again, it was confirmed that he was really out of breath.

He took a deep breath, with extreme anger flashing in his eyes, looking at Chen Feng, the killing intent was awe-inspiring in his eyes.

He stood up and walked slowly towards Chen Feng, his voice extremely cold.

"Chen Feng, Lin Zhengdong just wanted to learn martial arts skills with you, but in the end, you suddenly slammed the killer and killed him. It's absolutely rebellious!"

Chen Feng looked at him, feeling very funny, and said lightly: "Uncle Zixia, you mean, he can only kill me, I can't kill him?"

"When he kills me, I will stand there and can't resist. I will kill him to be rebellious, right?"

Master Zixia looked at Chen Feng and said coldly: "Strong words and sophistry, you are a disaster if you keep it."

"Today, I will clean up the door for the sect!"

Chen Feng laughed loudly: "Master Zixia, you just want to kill me with your hands. Why use those grand-sounding excuses? It's so hypocritical!"

"Kill the little one, and the old one is here."

Master Zixia looked at him with a gloomy look and said: "I only know the people who show off, today will be your anniversary next year."

As he said, he slowly walked towards Chen Feng, his momentum rose by a point every time he took, and in a blink of an eye he had reached the Soul Condensation Realm.

The soul-condensing realm was extremely huge, almost condensed into a substantive aura, the aura was overwhelmingly suppressed, and frantically rushed towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng's heart shuddered violently, feeling as if he was about to be crushed alive and crushed.

The force that was so tyrannical that he could not resist almost made Chen Feng vomit blood.

Chen Feng is very familiar with this feeling, and it was the same when he faced Dongfang Yan last time.

The momentum surged crazily, like tying Chen Feng with countless chains, making him unable to breathe.

Chen Feng's face was flushed, his body deformed, and almost all his blood had to be squeezed out.

Master Zixia looked at him with a smug look at the corner of his mouth: "Chen Feng, you rebel, I can crush you to death just by my aura!"

He laughed loudly and said, "Yun Ling is in retreat for the first time, while Ming Lan is out on business. This time I see who can save you!"

Many disciples around are secretly contemptuous, this person is really shameless, taking advantage of Tongtian Peak's first closed-door retreat, and Duanbian Peak first went out to kill Chen Feng!

"Really?" Chen Feng roared and roared up to the sky, struggling with both arms, as if to break away all the shackles tied to him!

Bang, bang, bang, a burst of explosions in the air sounded, and those invisible shackles were actually broken by Chen Feng!

Then Chen Feng retreated extremely quickly, and Master Zixia's gaze narrowed: "Chen Feng, I didn't expect your strength to progress very quickly. It is already the strength to reach the eight stars in the sky."

"No wonder, you can break free of my imposing shackles!"

He secretly said in his heart: "This son is extremely talented. If I don't kill him today, he will kill me in the future!"

"Today, we must take this opportunity to get rid of him!"

He looked righteous and awe-inspiring, and said loudly: "However, for a person like you, the higher the cultivation level, the more harm the world will be."

"It will eventually become a shame to the sect! Today, I will get rid of a scourge for the sect!"

Chen Feng felt ridiculous in his heart. This person kept saying that the sect went out to harm, but it was not for his own selfish desires?

He took a palm away and expelled it towards Chen Feng.

After the palm was shot, it became huge in the air, and pressed against Chen Feng, seeming to cover Chen Feng in all directions.

The powerful pressure from above directly solidified the air around Chen Feng, turning Chen Feng's surroundings into cast iron.

Where Chen Feng stood, he couldn't move.

Master Zixia showed a light smile at the corner of her mouth, and said: "Chen Feng, this trick, called Cast Iron Mystic Palm, is one of my Zixia Peak's secret skills, a mysterious fourth-rank martial skill!"

"After a palm is shot, all the air around your body will condense like cast iron."

"With my current cultivation base, you can't struggle at all now, you can't move a single move!"

There was a bit of bitter resentment at the corner of his mouth: "Chen Feng, just watch yourself being beaten to death like this!"

"I just want you to appear this kind of despair! Only in this way can I understand the cruelty of my heart!"

When the disciples around saw this scene, they all felt extremely disdainful.

As the first person, this person acts like this.

But no one dared to say anything, only Wei Hongxiu shouted: "Master Zixia, you are too shameless!"

"How can you do this to a younger junior?"

After Master Zixia took this palm, he didn't care about it anymore, and the palm slowly drifted towards Chen Feng.

It seems that it takes at least a dozen breaths to reach Chen Feng.

That's what he wanted to do, and it would take as long as possible to reach Chen Feng, so that Chen Feng would struggle for a while in the inevitable suffering.

The more painful Chen Feng is, the happier he is!

After hearing Wei Hongxiu's yelling, he immediately frowned, turned around, looked at Wei Hongxiu, and said in a cold voice:

"Your name is Wei Hongxiu, right? I remember you!"

"You should be the core disciple who entered my Zixia Peak this year."

He smiled coldly, waved his hand, and said, "I announce that from today, you will be expelled from Zixia Peak!"

"What?" Wei Hongxiu looked pale as if struck by lightning, looking at him in shock, and said:

"You are public revenge, why are you driving me out of Zixia Peak?"

This person was narrow-minded and avenged his personal revenge.

"Because I am the first seat of Zixia Peak, this is enough!" Master Zixia said lightly.

At this time, one person among the crowd strode out. In his forties, he was Ning Wugui and Wei Hongxiu's teacher.

He walked quickly to Master Zixia, fell to his knees with a bang, begged and said:

"The first seat, Wei Hongxiu is ignorant and offended you when he said something. Don't take it to heart. Please give him a chance."

He begged bitterly, his voice was sad.

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