Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1181: Arrogant Lin Zhengdong

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and he whispered to himself: "What's the matter? How could the transparent divine light become so tired?"

Finally, Chen Feng didn't know how many stimulations, the transparent divine light finally trembled, and the light flickered slightly.

Chen Feng was overjoyed immediately, feeling a strong spiritual force rising.

His mental power is much stronger than others.

Suddenly, driven by Chen Feng's mental power, he induced the killing cage to operate his mental power according to the mental method of killing the prison.

After a while, ten meters away in front of Chen Feng, the air trembled, and then an invisible barrier was formed.

This invisible barrier is only about half a meter high and the size of a shield.

Just as Chen Feng was about to increase its size, the transparent divine light shivered, and it became extremely calm again, without any movement.

The mental power disappeared in an instant, and with a brush, the air barrier that had just formed a little disappeared.

Chen Feng shook his head helplessly, looked at the transparent divine light and said: "You lazy fellow, let me say what you are, it's really uncooperative!"

This practice was considered a failure, but Chen Feng was not in a hurry.

Cultivating refined and mysterious skills is a very long-term thing, and it is too late.

The next day, Wei Tsingyi's injuries have fully recovered, and his whole body is refreshed and energetic.

It seems that the spirit is much better than before the injury.

Chen Feng accompanied the two of them back to Tongtian Peak. Chen Feng had to hand over several tasks. Before leaving Ziyang Sword Field, he also accepted several tasks.

The rewards of the tasks are also quite generous.

As soon as I came to the core square, I saw a group of people walking across.

All the people in this group were wearing purple robes, and there was a cloud of clouds on the purple robes.

Obviously, they are all from Zixia Peak.

They had nothing to do with the three of Chen Feng, and they couldn't run into each other.

But suddenly, one of them saw Chen Feng and immediately said a few words.

Then, the group of them immediately walked towards Chen Feng and the others and stood in front of Chen Feng.

One of them, looking at Chen Feng with a proud face, let out a disdainful sneer, and said coldly, "Chen Feng, I'll take your life!"

When Chen Feng heard this, he was stunned and glanced at him.

This person is about thirty years old, short and thin, with a sickly face and a yellowish complexion.

But he was full of arrogance, raised his chin, looked at Chen Feng from the corner of his eye, and seemed extremely disdainful of Chen Feng.

Chen Feng asked faintly: "Who are you?"

"Who am I? Haha, you don't even know who I am? How ignorant!"

"It's worthy of a waste from Broken Edge Peak, with low strength and short knowledge."

Chen Feng's brows wrinkled, and this person was provoked as soon as he came up.

What's more, Chen Fengfeng has never been a good-tempered person.

This person looked at Chen Feng contemptuously, and said proudly: "Tell you who I am? I am the first disciple of Zixia Peak, Lin Zhengdong!"

He looked at Chen Feng and said with disdain: "I heard that you were famous in Ziyang Sword Field during this period of time and defeated many people!"

"Someone even named you the number one master of the younger generation in Ziyang Sword Field."

He let out a sneer of disdain: "Haha, it's ridiculous, you just defeated a Tu Yuwu by chance!"

"Do you know that Tu Yuwu can't even get through ten tricks under my hand."

"I left Ziyang Sword Field to practice abroad some time ago, so I gave you a chance to succeed. If I were there, how could this young generation's top master take your turn?"

"Yes, Brother Lin is right." A Zixiafeng disciple behind him smiled and said, "What kind of **** is the first master of the younger generation? I really don't know how high it is!"

"Senior Brother Lin can easily defeat you within three moves. You have never seen what a real master is!"

"Haha, isn't it normal for this kind of ignorant people from Broken Edge Peak to have such a performance? Right?"

"Yes, after all, places like Broken Edge Peak cannot be compared with our Zixia Peak."

Those Zixiafeng disciples made a burst of laughter.

Chen Feng's brows were already twisted, and a murderous intent flashed across his eyes.

Lin Zhengdong coldly shouted: "Chen Feng, dare to fight with me?"

Chen Feng looked at him and said lightly: "I'm still busy handing over tasks, get out of here!"

"Haha, hand over the task? What excuses do you make? Just say it if you are afraid!" Lin Zhengdong looked at Chen Feng and said with disdain.

"This Chen Feng is really a cowardly person who dare not fight with our brother Lin, so he can find such an excuse."

"Haha, handing over the task, it's fortunate for him to figure it out! This person is really innocent. Seeing that Brother Lin is so powerful, he shrank."

Lin Zhengdong stood in front of Chen Feng, looked at him, and said proudly: "If you want to fight with me today, you have to fight. If you don't want to fight, you have to fight!"

"If you dare not fight, I will kill you directly!"

Chen Feng squinted his eyes and looked at him: "You are so sure that you can kill me easily?"

"It's not that I can kill you, but that I can kill you easily." Lin Zhengdong deliberately emphasized the word'easy', and laughed: "Within three moves, I can kill you!"

Chen Feng smiled faintly: "Since you do not live or die and want to reincarnate in such a hurry, then I will fulfill you!"

Lin Zhengdong's expression changed, and he said grimly: "Chen Feng, you are arrogant, but I tell you, your arrogance ends here."

"You can't live to see the sun tomorrow!"

Wei Qingyi walked to Chen Feng and said in a low voice, "Lin Zhengdong is very strong, and he is the number one master of Zixiafeng's younger generation."

"It's not even worse than some great elders, it should have reached the middle of the Heavenly Sea Realm, you should be careful."

Hearing Wei Qingyi's words, Lin Zhengdong laughed triumphantly, with a hint of licentiousness in his eyes, and said:

"Wei Qingyi, are you worried about your little lover so soon? Haha, don't worry, I won't show any mercy."

"Your little lover, I will directly kill you then!"

Wei Qingyi's eyes were full of evil, and he said coldly: "Lin Zhengdong, keep your mouth clean."

Lin Zhengdong smiled coldly: "You dare to talk to me like this? Don't worry, you will feel better after I killed your little lover."

He swept his eyes on the two sisters Wei Qingyi and Wei Hongxiu, and let out a lewd smile: "At that time, you two sisters will be mine!"

"I will ravage you as much as I want!"

He looked at Chen Feng and suddenly smiled: "Chen Feng, I changed my mind. I don't want to kill you. I want to abolish your cultivation base and let you be a slave under my sect."

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