Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1175: Oriental inflammation! Kill!

His expression was extremely excited, and tears rolled in his eyes.

Chen Feng patted her hand lightly, smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine, how long has it been now?"

Hua Ruyan said softly: "Three days have passed."

Chen Feng sighed softly: "Three days have passed."

He didn't expect that he would be in a coma for such a long time, and the words of the two caused Jiang Yuechun to quarrel.

His eyes were still a little confused, but instinctively his hands stretched into Chen Feng's arms, hugged him tightly, his ears pressed against his chest, and he muttered:

"Master, you are awake. When you wake up, I will feel at ease."

Chen Feng rubbed his head lightly, and said softly, "Silly girl."

Chen Feng struggled to sit up, although his whole body was still in severe pain, but at least he was able to move.

Both girls were too tired, Chen Feng drove them out and told them to go to bed quickly.

Then he got out of bed and walked gently two steps.

At this moment, his body was weak, the ocean of true essence in his body was extremely dry, and there was still no drop of true essence.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, then took out the beeswax, swallowed a large amount, and sat cross-legged, the nine-yin and nine-yang magical power began to work wildly.

But this time when he was practicing, he felt that the nine-yin and nine-yang divine art was very stagnant.

The True Essence flowing in his body is also very stagnant, like a rusty machine, it becomes smooth again after a long time.

But there are many places in the body that are painful, and there are always some uneasy feelings in some places.

Chen Feng felt that the speed of his cultivation seemed to be much slower than before, and he didn't know if it was an illusion.

An old man appeared next to him at this time, looked at him for a while, and said softly: "Do you feel that your body is about to rust? There is always some stagnation in cultivation?"

Chen Feng nodded and said, "That's right."

An Lao sighed and said, "Because you have been injured too many times, and you have been seriously injured and dying too many times. Even if it can be healed, your body cannot reach the original level."

"And you were injured this time, especially deep. Almost only your bones and internal organs are left, and you have lost about 60% of your skin and flesh."

"Even if it fully grows back, it will have a considerable impact on cultivation."

"You were originally a god-given divine body, but you can't stand such a bad practice."

He looked at Chen Feng and smiled faintly: "If you come back so many times, you will need to reconsolidate your body."

Chen Feng only treated him as a joke, and didn't take it to heart. He laughed and said, "Then I will gather together."

In the Tulong Mountain Range, Chen Feng was hurried on his way.

Passing through the Tulong Mountain Range, there is a shortcut to Ziyang Sword Field.

Chen Feng was anxious to go back now and found this shortcut.

This is a long gorge, and Chen Feng is rushing through it.

It has been half a month, and Chen Feng has been recuperating for half a month, that is, he has recovered to 30% of his previous strength.

He knew that he was definitely not the opponent of the golden bee queen bee in a short period of time. It was a fluke to escape this time.

If you go again, you might be left behind.

Before leaving, Chen Feng looked at the direction of the valley from afar, and whispered in his mouth: "Wait, I will be back eventually."

"At that time, I will definitely take out the Jin Jingyuan in your stomach, and the ancient treasure under your lair that may be made of metal. It must also be in my bag!"

Although he was on the road, he was still practicing.

Although he hasn't reached the Soul Condensation Realm and can't fly, his speed is extremely fast.

With a light touch of your toe, the ground swept out a full tens of meters, like a white lightning.

The cold wind rushed towards him, blowing Chen Feng's face, and the wind swelled his clothes.

Chen Feng suddenly smiled at the corner of his mouth and began to use the Heavenly Dragon Step. With a single stroke, he swept hundreds of meters away.

Then the Tianlong step reappeared, and with a sigh, it swept hundreds of meters away.

Chen Feng is equivalent to practicing his own Tianlong Step!

Suddenly, just as he used the Heavenly Dragon Step again and his figure was about to reach the next node, an extremely powerful coercion slammed it down.

With a ‘bang’, Chen Feng fell directly to the ground and fell heavily to the ground, vomiting blood.

In this one meeting, he was already seriously injured.

The injury on his body was not healed, and it was even worse at this time.

Chen Feng was extremely shocked. This person didn't do anything at all, just relying on his aura to crush himself into this way!

The strength of this person is definitely far better than himself, reaching the soul condensing state and even in the soul condensing state.

Chen Feng didn't stay in the slightest at all, and ran wildly in the other direction, using all his true energy.

Tianlong step limit play!

At this time, a soft laugh came: "I came to the door, still want to run? You are dreaming!"

Then Chen Feng suddenly felt the air in front of him condensed directly, and with a bang, he slammed into the air.

At this time, the air actually condensed like a huge wall.

Chen Feng hit it, feeling as if he was hitting an iron mountain, and was immediately bounced back tens of meters, spouting a big mouthful of blood!

Chen Feng didn't hesitate at all, and immediately got up again and used the Heavenly Dragon Step again.

Swish, swept directly towards hundreds of meters away.

But this time, when he was about to reach the next node, the air in front of him once again condensed into a high iron wall.

Chen Feng slammed into it again this time, and vomited blood again.

Until then, Chen Feng slowly stood up, he took a deep breath, and his eyes showed a sense of awe.

That is a desperate determination.

At this time, his expression was still calm, and he said lightly: "Come out!"

A figure in a purple robe slowly jumped down from the cliff in front.

He jumped down from above, but did not land quickly. Instead, he fluttered like a feather, flying over a thousand meters in the air, and came to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng saw that this was a middle-aged man in his forties.

He has high nose and deep eyes, looks a little weird, with red hair like fire, and his robe is as brilliant as fire.

With a few tens of meters away, Chen Feng felt that his body was extremely hot, and the huge heat rushed toward him directly.

Chen Feng looked at him coldly, and said lightly: "Who are you? I don't remember having a grudge with you."

"Remember my name, I am Dongfang Yan!"

Dongfang Yan said lightly, "Yes, you and I have no grudges, but today I want to kill you."

Chen Feng said coldly: "Why?"

(There are two more chapters in the evening.)

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