Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1173: Encircled!

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "And what I hope more is that we, Qian Yuanzong, can stand on this continent in the future and no longer be humiliated by anyone."

The disciples were so excited by this speech that they shouted yes.

Chen Feng smiled and distributed the melted beeswax to each of them. These disciples drank the beeswax one after another.

Suddenly, I felt an extremely gentle force exploding in my body.

Although the strength is mild, it is extremely majestic, pouring into all parts of their bodies, transforming their muscles, meridians, acupuncture points, and bones.

Many disciples, sitting cross-legged, immediately entered the state of cultivation.

And on their bodies, in the pores, there are countless black substances oozing out.

In the hall, it instantly became extremely fishy, ​​and the smell was very unpleasant.

Ran Yuxue immediately started to rush people: "Okay, okay, don't be ashamed here, go back and clean it up."

"Don't forget, taking advantage of the best time to practice, maybe it can directly improve you one or two small realms."

The disciples left one after another.

Jiang Yuechun and Hua Ruyan naturally didn't use them, and Chen Feng had swallowed them two days ago.

Chen Feng looked at Ran Yuxue and smiled and said, "Uncle Ran, this thing is also useful for the cultivation of the gods."

Ran Yuxue was a little bit shy, turned around, walked away quickly, and left a sentence: "I will swallow it after I get back to the room."

Chen Feng was stunned, then knocked on his head, but he was a little bit improper.

Uncle Ran is a woman.

The beeswax of this golden bee is indeed a treasure of heaven and earth. The next day, Chen Feng received good news one after another.

After the Qianyuanzong disciples swallowed these beeswax, their qualifications were greatly improved.

Not only that, but many people took advantage of this opportunity to directly break through the bottleneck. Two people directly improved three small realms, while 17 people broke through two small realms.

Everyone else has also improved.

As for the two of Hua Ruyan Yan and Jiang Yuechun, their aptitudes were extremely good. At that time, they directly improved five small realms overnight.

Chen Feng deeply felt that the beeswax of the Golden Beetle was really a good thing.

So that night, Chen Feng went to the outskirts of the valley again. Following the method last time, it attracted less than a hundred golden bees.

Then, lead them to a valley dozens of miles away and start killing.

Chen Feng now has a good understanding of the shortcomings of the Golden Devouring Giant Bee, and kills them faster than before.

It took half an hour to kill them all.

But at this moment, an extremely violent buzzing sound suddenly sounded in Chen Feng's ear.

The next moment, Chen Feng looked up, his expression suddenly changed.

He saw that the huge golden golden bee-eater was flying towards him.

Behind him, thousands of giant golden bees surrounded him aggressively.

In a blink of an eye, he was in front of him, encircling the valley up and down, and enclosing Chen Feng in the middle.

In an instant, Chen Feng changed from a hunter to a prey.

Chen Feng didn't hesitate at all, and immediately used the Heavenly Dragon Step, and ran away frantically.

But when he used the Heavenly Dragon Step and ran out for ten seconds, suddenly, a golden figure flashed in front of him.

The golden bee queen came directly to him, with a bang, a huge sickle-shaped foot more than fifty meters long, and slapped Chen Feng.

Chen Feng felt as if he had been hit by a mountain, his whole body was in severe pain, he vomited blood, and his bones were broken.

It was like a pebble that was kicked flying, but was beaten back to the previous position.

The Golden Bee King stared at Chen Feng coldly, with a look of joking and disdain, as if mocking Chen Feng's ignorance and weakness.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "I'm really going to plant this time. I didn't expect these giant golden bee peaks to be so smart."

"After being deceived by me once, the second time a tactician came and just surrounded me!"

After the Gold Devouring Giant Bee King flew Chen Feng, he did not attack, as if he was considering his dignity and disdain to attack Chen Feng.

He just let out two sharp screams, and then other golden bees rushed towards Chen Feng frantically.

Formed a black cloud, covering Chen Feng in the middle.

Chen Feng went up and down, left and right, in all directions, all of them were golden bees.

All he could see in his eyes were the cyan-black ferocious mouthparts of the golden bee, the sharp long needles, the huge compound eyes...

Countless gold-eater giant bees slammed into Chen Feng, Chen Feng uttered a fierce roar, Broken Yue knife swept out frantically, and swept out seven or eight gold-eater giant bees.

However, it didn't bring them any real damage, just shattered their armor.

But their fighting strength was still there, and they rushed up again.

Chen Feng cast an angry thunder and cracked the mountains and rivers one after another, beheading more than a dozen golden bees.

But at this time, his power was almost exhausted.

With a bang, Chen Feng was directly pierced by a golden bee. The venom was injected in and his whole body was paralyzed instantly.

Then the next moment, the toxins of a dozen other golden giant bees were injected at the same time!

A giant golden bee slammed into Chen Feng, breaking his tendons and fractures.

Another golden bee's mouthpart bitten Chen Feng fiercely, and directly tore a large piece of meat from Chen Feng.

At the same time, more than a dozen gold-eating giant bees bit Chen Feng and tore at the same time. At this moment, Chen Feng was torn off more than a dozen pieces of flesh, which was already inhuman form.

Even revealing the bones and internal organs inside! Bloody!

These golden bees all showed a playful color and began to play with Chen Feng.

They were like bouncing leather balls, a giant golden bee bounced Chen Feng away, and then another one tore off a piece of flesh from Chen Feng's body.

Then he used a huge knife foot to cut Chen Feng's body into a wound, and then bounced beside another golden bee.

In this way, Chen Feng was bounced back and forth like a ball, and every time he bounced, a scary wound appeared on his body!

Seeing this scene, a humane triumphant smile appeared in the eyes of the gold-eater, then turned around and left quickly.

Obviously, he thought that he was no longer needed here, and the remaining gold-eaters would be enough to kill Chen Feng!

Chen Feng was tortured into a human form, and the violent toxins also invaded her body madly at this time.

This toxin seems to be able to melt muscles. Chen Feng felt that his muscles, bones, and internal organs seemed to be melted away, leaving only a skin sac.

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