Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1166: Aoki Wangding, broken?

An hour's time is basically healed.

It was Chen Feng. In fact, the injury was really serious, especially the two blows on the chest, which had already injured the internal organs.

However, in Chen Feng's current state, swallowing the first- and second-tier healing medicines had no effect.

Only third grade or even higher healing medicines are effective.

However, even though Chen Feng was already a third-rank pharmacist, he had just entered the third-rank, and only succeeded in refining a great pill. The other third-rank pill had not been refined yet.

He can only rely on Nine Yin and Nine Yang Divine Art to heal his injuries.

The whole night passed, Chen Feng opened his eyes, looked at the bright sky outside, and sighed softly.

He coughed violently, full of blood, the wound on his chest was broken open, and blood oozes out.

Chen Feng smiled bitterly: "There is no healing medicine. I only rely on my own strength to heal the injury. The speed is too slow. Yesterday I was seriously injured, not to the point of dying."

"But even in this case, it only takes half a month of recuperation to barely recover, and there may be sequelae."

"No way, the higher the level, the harder it is to heal after being injured."

He wiped his hand on his lips, looked at the blush on his palm, and said softly, "It's time to find some third-grade healing pills. I am seriously injured at every turn and I really need this."

The shadow did not come again, and Chen Feng's heart gradually settled down.

He also thought about it clearly, the shadow should be directed at himself.

If you are here, he will come here.

If he left by himself, he wouldn't be able to come to Elixir Town again.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about Hua Ruyan's safety.

Due to Chen Feng's injury, he did not go anywhere the next day, but stayed quietly in the room.

After three full days, Chen Feng let out a sigh of relief, and his injury finally recovered by almost 50%. Next, he will take care of him.

Chen Feng walked slowly to the window and looked outside.

It was already deep winter, and heavy snow fell, and between the sky and the earth, a silvery white.

The snow hasn't stopped yet, and the north wind is whistling, blowing from the direction of Tulong Mountain, sweeping snowflakes.

At a glance, the sky and the earth are vast.

Chen Feng sighed softly and muttered to himself: "It has been several months since I came out. I originally wanted to win the heart of Honglian, but I think about it, it was too naive at the time."

"Honglian Earth Heart Fire is such a powerful profound fire, at least it needs a soul condensing master to control it slightly."

"With my strength at the time, even if I get the Red Lotus Heart Fire, I must be swallowed by it to go!"

"But under the circumstances, I got the Golden Flame of the Sun and became a third-rank pharmacist, and my cultivation level has also improved a lot. Now I can refine the Great Return Pill."

Chen Feng's eyes were deep: "I have been with them for a few days in Lingyao Town. Then, I will return to the sect quickly!"

"Senior Sister Tsing Yi needs to be cured as soon as possible, and I will also start preparing for next year's Qingzhou Nine Counties Competition!"

"If nothing happens, I will represent Ziyang Sword Field in the Zongmen Grand Competition."

He clenched his fist, "Although Ziyang Sword Field is mean to me, but He Taishang and Minglan are the first to have a great kindness to me, and I must not let them down!"

Chen Feng decided to stay for another day, refine the pill, and leave tomorrow.

Chen Feng took out the Qingmu Wangding and began to refine the Great Return Pill, and he had to finish the Great Return Pill before returning.

At the beginning, Chen Fengfeng was very calm and in excellent condition. For the first time, he successfully refined a Great Return Pill.

But then, he failed a dozen times in succession.

As a result, Chen Feng began to become impetuous, and the refining system failed ten times, but he did not succeed.

The best time was only halfway through, and it failed halfway.

Chen Feng showed a sense of impatience in his eyes, and slammed a fist to the ground.

He took a deep breath, glanced at the mustard bag, there were still ten big Huandan medicinal materials left in it.

There are still ten copies left, and he can't let him waste any more.

Chen Feng forcibly suppressed the impatient feeling in his heart, and then restarted the refining. This time it was much smoother than before, and soon reached the final stage of medicinal liquid fusion.

However, just as the liquid medicine finally merged, suddenly, with a thud, a black smoke appeared above the Qingmu King Ding.

Then, Chen Feng heard a loud bang, the Qingmu King Ding and Ding Li flew out, and the Ding body shattered directly.

The golden flames of the blazing sun in the tripod also went out directly.

Chen Feng was stunned immediately: "What is the situation?"

An Lao appeared next to him, shook his head, and said softly, "This Aoki King Ding, after all, is a little lower in level."

"When refining the first and second grade pill, it can withstand it, but now you refining this is the third grade pill, and you use a tyrannical flame like the sun golden flame."

"Aoki Wangding has been smoked for a long time and cannot bear it, which is normal."

Chen Feng smiled bitterly: "Old An, I don't even have a medicine cauldron now, and there is no way to refine a pill!"

An old man thought for a moment, and said, "I know that there are several specific clues that cherish rare and powerful medicine cauldrons, but unfortunately, your current level is too low. You can't use this kind of medicine cauldron at all. "

"Moreover, those places are too dangerous for you."

It is also unimaginable for a time.

Early the next morning, Chen Feng was about to leave, and Ran Yuxue, Chen Xiao and Gao Yan all came over and came to see Chen Feng.

Invite him to take a look at the ancient medicine field he found.

Chen Xiao smiled and said, "Brother Feng, I know you seem to have been collecting some medicinal materials. There are all kinds of rare medicinal materials in the ancient medicinal fields. You can go there to find them."

Chen Feng nodded: "That's also good."

He really looked forward to it!

Although the disciples of Qian Yuanzong concealed Chen Feng's identity very strictly, they always called him a big brother and would not directly call him by name, but Gao Yan and Chen Xiao also knew about it.

He wasn't called Feng Chen, his real name was Fengfeng, but they all had a tacit understanding of it.

The group left the spirit medicine town and entered the Tulong Mountain Range.

Going deeper for more than three hundred miles, came to a valley.

The valley is very large, and inside is a large area of ​​abandoned medicine fields, with a radius of tens of miles.

Although it has been abandoned, Chen Feng can still see that there are many lines carved on the ground here.

Obviously, there used to be formations here, and the soil here, after holding it up, he found that the land here is extremely fertile and has a strong aura, which is absolutely different from the soil in other places.

At the same time, it gave Chen Feng a very familiar feeling.

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