Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1154: Xiang Liu Wuhun, devour it!

Of course Mu Chengxiong knew that as long as he survived this period of time, he would win.

He wanted to escape, but how could Zhou Hongcheng and Sun Zhufeng give him such a chance?

The two chased wildly, not defending themselves at all, just a desperate attack.

The offensive fell on him frantically.

'Boom boom boom boom' Mu Chengxiong was constantly hit on his body, vomiting blood crazily, he was not the opponent of the two people teaming up at all, he was severely wounded and dying in an instant!

Mu Chengxiong was also fierce and roared: "Since you are going to work hard, then I will fight with you too. The big deal will die!"

He also let go, using his most powerful moves to keep attacking.

The time for a stick of incense quickly passed, and all three of them were seriously injured and dying.

And Zhou Muxing, at this time, stepped aside to watch the battle. He knew that he was mixed in, and it would be death to be touched!

Finally, the medicinal effect of the disintegration of the **** pill was about to arrive. Zhou Hongcheng and Sun Zhufeng looked at each other, and both raised all the true essence in their bodies and launched the strongest blow towards Mu Chengxiong.

Mu Chengxiong also roared frantically and took the final blow!

With a loud ‘bang’, Mu Chengxiong, Zhou Hongcheng, and Sun Zhufeng crashed together!

Mu Chengxiong was hit and flew for thousands of meters, fell heavily to the ground, was seriously injured and looked unconscious, motionless.

He had only one breath left, and at this time an ordinary person could even kill him.

At this time, the time limit for the disintegration of the **** pill was also reached.

Zhou Hongcheng and Sun enshrined the two, at the same time their bodies were broken, separated into countless light spots, and dissipated in the air!

The master disappeared, and the two martial souls also disappeared directly.

But at this time, the golden three-headed giant python was beaten terribly and faltered.

Zhou Muxing looked at the opportunity at this time, and shot out from the diagonal stabbing, with a boom, he used his strongest trick to bombard the golden three-headed python.

The golden three-headed python, not to be outdone, all three huge heads slammed heavily on him.

Zhou Muxing was smashed and flew hundreds of meters away, vomiting blood, and was also seriously injured.

However, he still maintained his combat effectiveness, and his move just now directly blocked the golden three-headed python.

The golden three-headed python, unable to maintain the entity for an instant, became incorporeal again.

His figure shrank so much that he turned into a little Wuhun less than half a meter long, looking very cute!

At this moment, Chen Feng's eyes flashed: "It's now, this is the best opportunity!"

He leaped up in the air and directly copied Mu Chengxiong, who had been seriously injured and unconscious, and then the Tianlong Step launched, instantly crossing several hundred meters, coming to the golden three-headed giant python martial arts, and grabbing it!

The golden three-headed giant python martial arts had no resistance at this time, and was easily grasped by Chen Feng.

Then, Chen Feng grabbed the two of them, once again launched the Tianlong Step, and ran out quickly.

At this moment, Zhou Muxing even just reacted. After he recovered, he was frustrated and shouted:

"Feng Chen, it's you again!"

Chen Feng had time to turn his head back and grinned, with a cold smile: "The surname Zhou, this is just the beginning!"

His figure quickly dissipated outwards, and Zhou Muxing chased him frantically.

But he was already seriously injured, and Chen Fengtian was extremely powerful, and he chased him for a long time, and he chased him further and further.

Chen Feng has been rushing towards the depths of the Tulong Mountain Range, and has reached the third level of the Tulong Mountain Range.

At this time, with Chen Feng's current strength, it was already enough to survive on the third level of the Tulong Mountain Range!

When he arrived in a hidden cave, Chen Feng sighed softly, calming down the rapid breathing and the shock of the true essence.

Then, he began to look carefully at the two trophies in his hand, with a smile on his mouth.

He held the golden three-headed giant python Martial Spirit with his left hand, and Mu Chengxiong, who was still in a coma, with his right.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and he threw Mu Chengxiong to the ground with a cold expression and said, "Don't pretend, I know you are awake!"

Mu Chengxiong trembled heavily, opened his eyes, looked at Chen Feng, forced a smile, and said:

"This little brother, I don't know the name of Gao?"

Chen Feng said lightly: "Feng Chen!"

Mu Chengxiong smiled and said, "Little brother, you saved my life. I must thank you very much."

There was even a bit of flattery in his expression, obviously knowing that people had to bow their heads under the eaves.

Chen Feng asked with interest: "Oh? What can you give me a lot of thanks?"

A cruel color flashed in Mu Chengxiong's eyes, and he said coldly in his heart: "If I regain my strength, I will kill you first and count it as a reward for you!"

But he concealed this cruel color, and smiled: "Our Mu's good things, everything we have!"

"At that time, little brother, you can give you whatever you want!"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Then I want your life, can I?"

"What?" Mu Chengxiong's expression changed drastically, his body shot up, and he wanted to run outside the cave.

Chen Feng smiled coldly: "Want to run?"

A palm hit his back. At this time, Mu Chengxiong's strength was less than one percent of his peak strength and had already fallen to the Heavenly Lake. Where is Chen Feng's opponent?

Chen Feng grabbed Mu Chengxiong, lifted it back, and sat cross-legged, pressing his hand on the back of his heart, and began to absorb his true essence.

Feeling his true essence pouring out wildly, Mu Chengxiong shouted in a panic: "You, what are you doing?"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Can't you see it?"

Although Mu Chengxiong had been seriously injured, the true essence in his body was still extremely strong and huge, constantly pouring into Chen Feng's body.

Behind Chen Feng, a sea of ​​sky suddenly appeared. There were originally four big stars bright, but at this time, the fifth big star also appeared.

And, from dim to bright, it is finally very bright.

Then, the sixth big star gradually began to form.

Chen Feng let out Mu Chengxiong with a long breath, shaking his hands.

At this time, Mu Chengxiong was already miserable, like a corpse, but he still took a breath.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth.

After being seriously injured, Mu Chengxiong brought Chen Feng to the five-star peak of Tianhai.

Only one step away, you can step into the six stars of Tianhai!

At this time, he stopped breathing, because Chen Feng needed Mu Chengxiong to keep a breath.

If Mu Chengxiong died, his martial spirit would dissipate!

Chen Feng certainly would not allow this to happen.

Chen Feng brought the golden three-headed giant python martial arts over. The golden three-headed giant python martial soul struggled hard, but couldn't get away.

And behind Chen Feng, Wuhun Xiang Liu suddenly appeared, with nine heads and eighteen eyes open!

Looking at the golden three-headed python with an extremely greedy attitude.

The golden three-headed python was cold and shivering, as if it had encountered a natural enemy, looking at Xiang Liu Wuhun with extremely panic.

Chen Feng laughed: "Old man, enjoy!"

After hearing this, Xiang Liu Wuhun screamed in unison among the nine huge mouths.

It was a joy at the soul level that Chen Feng could feel.

At the next moment, Xiang Liu Wuhun rushed forward and directly tore the golden three-headed giant python Wuhun into countless pieces, and then swallowed it!

Chen Feng looked at Xiangliu Wuhun extremely expectantly.

Xiang Liu Wuhun evolved into a nine-headed Xiang Liu, which was already the ninth-rank yellow rank.

Moreover, with the nine heads and the limit, Chen Feng is very much looking forward to what kind of martial soul he will possess next!

After the Wuhun Xiangliu swallowed the gold three-headed giant python, a thick golden light appeared on the surface of his body.

This golden light became stronger and stronger, and finally formed a huge golden silkworm cocoon.

There was a steady and long pounding heartbeat.

Chen Feng smiled slightly, knowing that Xiang Liu Wuhun was evolving, he didn't worry, and took the huge golden silkworm cocoon back.

Then, looking at Mu Chengxiong next to him, he smiled and said, "The spirit has been absorbed, and it's time for you to die!"

The Nine Yin and Nine Yang Divine Art was activated to absorb the last point of true essence in his body!

Watching Chen Feng disappear into the mountains in an instant, Zhou Muxing hit the ground with a fist.

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