Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1137: breakthrough! Sky Sea Samsung!

Even, can see the scenery behind him!

He was pierced directly by this trick.

Already seriously injured and dying!

The four elders showed extreme horror in their eyes, turned around, fled out, and shouted: "Brother 3, Brother 3!"

He was frightened and frightened by Chen Feng. He didn't have the guts to fight Chen Feng anymore.

He is extremely fast, and in an instant he has escaped hundreds of meters.

He turned his head back, his eyes were cold, and he looked at Chen Feng with bitterness: "Feng Chen, wait for me. When my third brother arrives, the two of us will easily kill you!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "Really? It's a pity, you can't see that scene anymore!"

"What?" The expression on the face of the Fourth Elder suddenly changed, and then in the next instant, he saw Chen Feng's legs shine brightly.

In front of Chen Feng, a sky dragon phantom suddenly appeared, with six nodes shining brightly.

Chen Feng's figure flashed quickly between the six nodes.

With a brush, it was almost a tenth of the breath time, and he came directly to the sixth node and blocked him.

Then, Chen Feng's palms blasted out fiercely, and they were directly printed on his chest.

The four elders fought back frantically, and the waterspout hit Chen Feng's chest, vomiting blood from the serious injury in Chen Feng, but Chen Feng's palms were firmly stuck to his chest.

This time, the four elders could no longer break free.

True Qi, like the water flow after the collapse of the levee, crazily poured into Chen Feng's body.

In Chen Feng's body, the momentum skyrocketed, the true essence surged, and the momentum of the four elders became weaker and weaker.

He struggled frantically, but couldn't get away at all.

Finally, with a loud bang, the bodies of the four elders directly turned into countless flying ashes.

Chen Feng slowly retracted his palm.

In his dantian, the nine yin and nine yang divine powers quickly transformed, and the true essence dripped like rain.

At the bottom of the pubic area, the sky and sea, the waves are surging, and the momentum is getting stronger.

Behind Chen Feng, the sky surged, and the third star appeared fluttering.

Then, from illusory to solid, and then, the light from faint to bright, and finally the light shines!

The third big star, extremely bright!

Chen Feng directly broke through to Tianhai Samsung!

Then, Chen Feng didn't hesitate, and quickly left, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Just after he left, that was two breaths, a figure suddenly flashed, and with a flash, the third elder came here directly.

He looked at the two corpses in front of him, with extremely cold eyes in his eyes, slammed his fist on the ground, and snarled: "Feng Chen, I must kill you!"

He knew that even if he could kill Feng Chen in the end and return to the family, he would definitely be scolded by the Patriarch.

Because this time, in order to kill such a young man who had just entered the Heavenly Sea Realm, he had lost two masters with four stars or more in the Heavenly Sea, he was duty-bound!

Moreover, he is the strongest, this time he is the leader of the Mu family!

He seemed to have thought of something, and shouted loudly: "All Mujia Iron Guards, come and gather here!"

He is strong, full of energy, and his voice spread far away.

Soon, the Mujia Iron Guards came out of the dense forest and came to gather in this valley.

And when all the Mujia Iron Guards gathered here, the three elders counted the number of people, and the look in their eyes was even more gloomy.

Because at this time, the Mujia Tiewei who came here only had 13 people left!

Of course he knew very well that this meant that the other seventeen people had already died under that **** Feng Chen!

Some Mujia Tiewei showed extreme horror in his eyes after seeing the two unrecognizable and terrible bodies of Mu Dongge and the Fourth Elder on the ground.

Someone said to the third elder: "The third elder, this Feng Chen is powerful, we might as well return it and report the news to the family first, and then please send another expert from the family to come!"

As soon as he finished saying this, he immediately knew that he had said something wrong, and quickly lowered his head, afraid to look at the third elder.

Sure enough, the expression of the third elder became extremely gloomy. Looking at him, he said coldly: "You mean, am I not considered a master in the family?"

The Mujia Tiewei quickly explained, "No, no, the little one doesn’t mean that, the little one just said..."

"What are you just talking about?" The third elder stared at him, anger flashed in his eyes, and suddenly, a palm shot out, directly blasting him into a **** mist.

Then, he looked at the crowd and said with a cold expression: "This person dares to question the decision of the Patriarch, fearing the enemy, and retreating before fighting. How can he be the Iron Guard of our Mu Family?"

"I'm here to kill him directly. If anyone of you dares to say something similar, he will be punished severely, do you understand?"

The Mu family's iron guards felt resentful in their hearts, but no one dared to say more, they just nodded respectfully.

The three elders' eyes flickered and he had to do this.

Because, if he really returned to the Mu's family and complained to the Patriarch, then he could expect that he would be the first to be severely punished in the family.

"I don't work well, I will exaggerate the enemy's strength after returning..." He could almost think of what Mu Ziyuan would use to punish him!

Therefore, he must kill Chen Feng, and only by taking Chen Feng's head back can he offset his sin!

He said in a deep voice, "All the Mujia Iron Guards are not allowed to move within 20 meters of my surroundings. Let's look ahead!"

"Yes." All the Mujia Iron Guards nodded yes, but they didn't agree with them in their hearts.

"Everyone can't move within 20 meters of you. It's safe. If that's the case, how can you catch Feng Chen? How can you find Feng Chen's trace?"

Many people murmured to themselves.

However, they are also willing to do so, so at least they are not in danger!

Searching all the way forward, this search is one night's time passed.

Soon, it was the early morning of the next day.

In the distance, a round of red sun quietly peeked out his head behind him, feeling the glimmer of sunlight, the expression of the three elders became even more irritable.

Now, it was the early morning of the next day, and it was already the time limit set by the family, but he still did not kill Feng Chen!

He was extremely irritable, and another Muji Tiewei had died under his palm.

All the Mujia Iron Guards are silent, far away from him, and dare not say a word!

At this time, about twenty miles away from this team, on a cliff.

Sitting cross-legged, facing the rising sun, Chen Feng exhaled a deep breath, and suddenly stood up.

There was a strong smell of blood in that stale breath.

It was Chen Feng who vomited the bruises in his body together!

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