Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1129: I want his life!

Those big talks, at this time, are extremely mocking!

He suddenly gritted his teeth, turned and left the small building, and walked towards the family main hall.

After a while, he saw Mu Ziyuan.

Mu Ziyuan said in shock: "What? You can't know the composition of this pill?"

"Nonsense!" Mu Lianxia said irritably, "I'm not a god, how can I be able to judge every kind of pill?"

"This pill is extremely ingenious, and it's normal if it can't be analyzed."

Mu Ziyuan ignored her ridicule and said anxiously, "What should I do?"

"Now, everyone in Big Moon City is talking about Xiao Huan Dan, they are all talking about the Zhou family, and the Zhou family is talking about this Xiao Huan Dan, and the situation has been reversed in an instant."

"If they wait until three days later, they will release a second wave of small rewards, then the situation that our Mu Family has worked so hard to create will be completely reversed!"

"Our advantage will be gone, and if the third wave of small redemptions are released, we will be crushed by them!"

Mu Lian Xia Langlang said, "I have a way."

"What way?" Mu Ziyuan asked.

Mu Lianxia smiled coldly: "Since we can't fight them, then cut this thread off from the root."

"I know the Zhou family's pharmacists very well. None of them can refine the small pill. They are all a bunch of waste."

"The Zhou family's appearance of so many Xiaohuan Pills at one time indicates that there must be a foreign pharmacist who came and brought this pill."

There was a fierce and murderous look in his eyes: "You immediately send someone to inquire about the news and find out this pharmacist. I will kill him myself."

"Of course, before he is dying, I will definitely torture the prescription of Xiao Huan Pill from his mouth. By then, this Xiao Huan Pill will be our Mu's thing."

"Okay, just do it!" Mu Ziyuan gave an excited high-five and said, "I will let you get the news tomorrow morning at the latest."

Mu Ziyuan didn't boast, but the next morning, he got what he wanted.

After all, the Mu's family has been here for thousands of years, and there are their spies in countless places.

"This person's name is Feng Chen. He came to Dayue City four days ago. As for how he met Zhou Muxing, the Patriarch of the Zhou family, no one can tell."

"However, a spy who worked as a maid in the Medicine King's Palace told me that just yesterday, after the sales of Xiaohuan Pill were extremely hot, Zhou Muxing had met Feng Chen in a secret room in the Medicine King's Palace."

"Then Feng Chen left the city and went missing!"

"However, I have now accurately grasped his location, he is in a cave in the north of the city!" Mu Ziyuan showed a cold smile on his face, and handed a piece of paper to Mu Lianxia who was sitting opposite.

Mu Lianxia glanced briefly, her eyes seemed to be burning like a flame, full of greed, desire, and expectation.

He stared at the handsome young man drawn on the piece of paper, as if to swallow him, his eyes were extremely fierce!

He patted the table, stood up, and said, "What are you waiting for? I'll go over and kill him!"

"Oh, don't worry first." Mu Ziyuan said: "When the fifth elders come back, I will go with you."

"The Fifth Elder? The Fifth Elder is a master of the Heavenly Sea Realm. In our family, besides you and the two old immortals, he can also be ranked in the top five."

"He followed me just to kill a sixteen or seventeen-year-old pharmacist. Are you too careful?" Mu Lianxia let out a sneer, very disdainful.

Mu Ziyuan shook his head and said: "It's better to be careful. If the five elders follow, I am completely relieved."

"No matter how strong the kid is, he can't be the opponent of the five elders!"

"As for me and the two supreme worshipers, our identities are sensitive and we are always stared at and cannot leave the city easily. I leave the city on the front foot, and the people from the Chengtian Gate and the Alchemist Association on the back foot can catch up!"

In the cave, Chen Fengfeng was sitting cross-legged, concentrating on refining Xiaohuandan.

At this time, more than 70 pieces have been refined.

Chen Feng estimated that one hundred of them should be practiced tomorrow morning and sent to Zhou Muxing.

Above Chen Feng's finger, the flame flickered.

But at this moment, Chen Feng's heart suddenly moved, and the flame above his finger suddenly trembled.

Chen Feng's brows wrinkled immediately, thoughtfully.

Then, he put away the Qingmu Wangding, stood up slowly, and came outside the cave.

At this time, it was the setting sun, the evening shepherd refining the clouds like blood.

Facing the setting sun, Chen Feng stretched lazily.

In the evening breeze, the big sleeves fluttered, as cool as a fairy.

He smiled and said, "Since they are all here, don't hide your head and show your tail. Get out!"

Before the voice fell, a hoarse voice sounded like a crow croaking:

"Quack, I didn't expect that you, a kid of unpredictable origin, have a good sense of detection, but I don't know if your skills are ordinary!"

With that, the green color of the woods in front of Chen Feng suddenly turned into scorched black.

An extremely fishy, ​​nasty smell filled the air instantly, and then, these charred and dry trees turned into countless flying ash.

Chen Feng frowned, and the trees instantly became like this. His power of thunder could also do it, but it was a completely different power from the power of thunder.

Then, after Chen Feng, he felt a hidden power and attacked him directly.

There was a sneer at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth. It seemed that the person who came was a master poisoner.

This poison is silent and extremely hidden.

If it weren't for Chen Feng's strength, it would be impossible to detect it. If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that it will be directly hit.

Chen Feng's complexion didn't change in his body, and the magical power of nine yin and nine yang was turned into nothing!

Then, Chen Feng heard heavy footsteps.

A strange giant wolf appeared. The wolf was completely dark, about two feet tall and three feet long. It was not very huge, but it was very strange.

There were countless rotten sores on his body, and his whole body looked like it had been rotten for half a year, and even bones were exposed in some places.

Pus dripped out of those huge abscesses, falling on the ground, corroding the ground to blackness.

On top of the giant wolf, there was a dry and thin old man riding.

Dressed in black, his face was wrinkled like dry tree bark, and there was a touch of insidiousness in those muddy eyes.

The aura on his body was quite huge, and Chen Feng knew that he had reached the middle stage of the Heavenly Sea Realm.

And on top of this giant wolf, there was another person, a young woman in her twenties, with a very beautiful appearance, but with a mean and vicious look on her face.

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