Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1121: Zhoujia

Chen Feng glanced at Yu Lao San and said, "Lao Yu, you are so old, you must have been to Big Moon City many times!"

Laosan Yu nodded quickly and respectfully said: "Yes, I have been there many times!"

"Then I ask you, is there a lot of masters in Big Moon City?"

Laosan Yu nodded: "A lot, a lot."

Chen Feng raised his brows and said, "Tell me more specifically."

Laosan Yu nodded, and then elaborated carefully.

Chen Feng was also quite shocked after listening.

It turns out that Dayue City is not only known as the city of medicinal materials, but also the second largest city in Suiyang County.

In the city, there are two top families, namely Zhou Family and Mu Family.

Among the two major families, the Patriarch is a master of the Soul Condensation Realm. It is said that there are one or two Supreme Elders in each family, or the worship hidden in the secrets of the family, and the strength is also reached. Condensing the soul realm.

There are one or two more masters in the Mu Family than the Zhou Family!

The Alchemist Association is also in the city, just west of the city.

The Pharmacist Association is extremely powerful, suppressing the entire Suiyang Town, and there are many masters in it.

There are at least a dozen masters in the soul-condensing state, and there are dozens of masters in the sky-sea state below the soul-condensing state!

In Suiyang County, there is also a repressive school, Chengtianmen.

Chengtian Gate is in the east of the city, and Suiyang County's suppression sect strength is not inferior to Ziyang Sword Field.

The three strongest forces in a county are the government, the suppression of the sect, and the Alchemist Association.

Among the three strongest forces in Suiyang County, two are in Dayue City!

Yu Lao San said: "Because of these great forces, no one in Big Moon City dared to make trouble."

"Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Zhou family to survive until now. The Mu family would have sent masters to step down the Zhou family."

Chen Feng nodded: "It turned out to be like this."

He frowned slightly, and muttered to himself softly, "It seems that the foundation of Big Moon City is very deep and there are many masters."

"In this case, I originally wanted to kill Mu's family directly and vent my anger for Mu Chunxue, but it won't work. It seems that some tricky methods must be used."

He thought about it carefully, and a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Looking at the corner of his mouth with such a smile, Mu Chunxue knew immediately that Chen Feng must have had a draft.

She immediately asked: "Chen Feng, have you figured out what to do?"

Chen Feng smiled: "Of course, this time I will not only be able to protect you, but I will also be able to smash the Shepherd's House in Big Moon City and avenge you!"

He smiled coldly and said: "Don't they like to hit their opponents in business? Okay, then I will treat them like others and beat them into a terrible way!"

Mu Chunxue was ignorant, but she only knew one thing in her heart: Since Chen Feng said it could be done, she would definitely be able to do it.

She now has unconditional trust in Chen Feng!

Dayue City is a city with a radius of thousands of miles and a population of 10 million.

The city is extremely huge, it is the second largest city in Suiyang County, and in terms of its prosperity, it is only a bit worse than Suiyang City!

In Otsuki City, there are countless streets and countless shops, and the most of all shops are shops that buy and sell medicinal materials.

As a result, the entire city seems to be floating with a faint fragrance of medicinal materials!

At this time, although it was already night, Great Moon City was brightly lit. On both sides of the street, countless shops were still lit, and there were also many huge auction rooms. At this time, lively auctions were being held and crowds were raging.

At least half of these auctions are related to medicinal materials!

There are two largest pharmacies in the entire Big Moon City.

The two largest pharmacies are controlled by the two largest medicinal business families in the city.

The shop opened by the Mu family is called Muxiang Pavilion, while the shop opened by the Zhou family is called Yaowang Palace.

The Yaowang Palace is 20 floors high, each floor is ten meters high, and the whole shop stands proudly more than two hundred meters, which is extremely tall and magnificent, like a majestic palace.

The Palace of the King of Medicine is so huge that it is said to be able to accommodate 100,000 people at the same time to buy and sell medicinal materials.

When the Palace of Medicine King was at its peak, the crowd was raging and bustling. When I never closed the business, I don’t know how many medicinal materials and pills are sold in one day.

But at this time, in the Palace of Medicine King, it was Men Ke Luo Que, and only a few people entered and left it.

Even the shopkeeper, sitting at the door, is lazy, looking at people with an expression of indifference!

Chen Feng looked up, looked at the huge plaque in front of him, and looked at the three words of the Medicine King Hall above, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Just relying on these three words of you, you have a destiny with me."

He remembered the time when he had just entered the Ziyang Sword Field, when Senior Sister Yue was abducted and tricked into the Medicine King Palace, and there were even more thrilling things behind.

Chen Feng packed up his mood, took a look, and then walked slowly toward a small alley next to the Medicine King Palace!

Chen Feng, Mu Chunxue and others entered the city in the afternoon.

They found a hidden inn to stay, and Chen Feng made Yu Lao San and the guards swear a poisonous oath.

Although Chen Feng has a broad mind, he is not a fool. He naturally knows that he must be defensive!

Behind the Palace of Medicine King is the Zhou family's house.

The Zhou family residence was extremely huge, with a radius of ten li, like a small city, with tens of thousands of people living in it, from family members to servants to maids.

The Zhou family is the top three rich family members in the entire Great Moon City, and has been prosperous in the entire Great Moon City for thousands of years.

This house is extremely prosperous, and it is a place that countless people admire and admire in Big Moon City.

At this time, the huge courtyard was also brightly lit. In many courtyards, there were waves of silk and bamboo singing and dancing, and there were also waves of lustful laughter and women's sweet laughter!

Obviously, this is the joy of the Zhou family enjoying the night!

Zhou Muxing, the Patriarch of the Zhou family, walked on the huge stone road in the center of the family and walked towards the depths of the house.

Hearing these voices in his ears, his already ugly face was as black as the bottom of a pot, and his brows were frowned tightly, as if he was about to explode at any time.

The faces of the people who followed him were full of horror, and they lowered their eyebrows and dared not speak.

They all know that the Patriarch is very upset today, and can even be said to be on the verge of rage. Although the Patriarch is usually gentle and mild-tempered, it is very scary to really get angry!

However, Zhou Muxing finally suppressed his temper, strode to the deepest hall of the house, and opened the door to enter.

The lights flickered, bright inside and out, he sat on the main seat and said coldly, "Let's start paying the bill!"

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