Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1119: The momentum crushes you!

Chen Feng shivered, and said falsely: "Yes, I'm so scared!"

His face was full of mockery.

The long-sword cavalry's expression became even more gloomy: "Little bastard, you have released your aura!"

At this time, Chen Feng still had no momentum on his body, making people unable to see his strength.

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "If I let out my momentum, I'm afraid I will crush you to death."

"Hahahaha, you little bastard, you are so brazen, you dare to say such things in front of me!" Longsword Iron Knight laughed, his face was full of disdain, looking at Chen Feng, he obviously thought he was talking big.

And the other twelve meniscus cavalry were also full of disdain, and they laughed at them!

One of them laughed loudly and said: "Little bastard, what's the use of just talking, you are letting out your aura!"

"I want to see, why are you scaring us to death, do you crush us to death by talking big?"

Chen Feng glanced at him lightly and walked forward slowly.

He has a leisurely look, like walking in a leisurely courtyard.

And every time he took a step forward, his aura rose.

The eighth floor of the Divine Sect Realm... the ninth floor of the Divine Sect Realm, when his strength climbed to the ninth floor of the Divine Sect Realm, the faces of these people were all shocked.

Long Sword Iron Cavaliers exclaimed: "You, you are also a master of the ninth building in the Divine Sect Realm?"

Chen Feng paused and smiled slightly: "The ninth building of the Divine Sect Realm, also worthy of being called a master?"

"It's really a group of arrogant and ignorant people sitting on the well and watching the sky!"

After speaking, Chen Feng smiled slightly, took another step forward, and his strength directly climbed to the tenth building of the Divine Sect Realm.

Then, it climbed up frantically, the eleventh building, the twelfth building...Tianhe one star!

But at this time, when his strength climbed to Tianhe One Star, the Long Sword and Iron Cavalry and others were already showing despair on their faces.

Their faces were earthy, their eyes were full of fear, and their bodies began to tremble. This was an expression of extreme fear.

The long-sword iron rider's teeth trembled, and his voice trembled: "You, are you a master of the Tianhe realm? You have surpassed the gods realm?"

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Tianhe Realm, is it worthy to be a master?"

Others are going crazy. In their eyes, the Tianhe Realm is a legendary existence, but in Chen Feng's view, even a master?

As Chen Feng said, his strength continued to rise.

Behind him, a Tianhe suddenly appeared, a big star brightly lit up, and two big stars brightly lit up.

Until the end, nine big stars are brightly lit up!

At this time, the twelve meniscus cavalry was numb, they watched this scene blankly, they didn't dare to imagine how strong Chen Feng really was.

And Mu Chunxue, Yu Laosan and others were also dumbfounded.

Mu Chunxue suddenly screamed in excitement, and said: "Chen Feng, it turns out that you are so powerful! You have reached the legendary Tianhe Realm!"

"That's too good, you are too good!"

The guards, looking at Chen Feng at this time, showed a strong admiration in their eyes, as if they were looking at a mythical figure.

Chen Feng's strength was already beyond their imagination.

Chen Feng slowly shook his head, did not speak, and his strength continued to rise wildly!

Finally, it has climbed to the first star of Tianhai!

Behind him, a scene of the sky suddenly appeared, the waves were turbulent, and the momentum was extremely strong.

At this time, everyone was completely sluggish, looking at him stupidly, and they didn't even react.

This person is simply a miracle!

How can he be so strong? How can strength be so high?

They even had an illusory sense of uncertainty at this time, feeling like they had hallucinations.

"Did this really happen?"

His aura suddenly gushed out, and he directly fell to the ground heavily under the pressure of the twelve crescent cavalry.

They were crushed on the ground, unable to get up at all, screaming in their mouths.

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Didn't you just let me release my aura? Now I release it, why, it seems that you can't hold it a little bit!"

Hearing this, Mu Chunxue giggled: "Chen Feng, you are so bad!"

Chen Feng smiled and continued to press down on them, twelve crescent moon riding their crotch demon wolf. Are directly pressed into meatloaf.

And they feel like they are pressing on a mountain.

In the seven orifices, blood flowed out, even in every pore, blood flowed out.

They feel like they will be crushed into meatloaf in the next moment!

The extreme fear caused them to scream and cry out loudly for mercy!

Among all the people, the loudest begging for mercy and the most miserable cry was the Longsword and Iron Cavalry.

He lay on the ground, hissing and screaming, and suddenly he saw a pair of boots in front of him.

He raised his head with difficulty, and then saw Chen Feng.

At this moment, Chen Feng lowered his eyes slightly, lowered his head, and looked at him with a touch of joking at the corner of his mouth.

Chen Feng said lightly: "Just now, didn't you say that you would solve me with three moves?"

"Just now, wasn't it so horizontal? Why are you asking for mercy now?"

Long Sword Knight screamed: "I don't know Taishan. I offended you. I didn't expect you to be such a master!"

"You raise your hands high and spare my life."

"Spare your life?" Chen Feng's expression turned cold: "I know that your twelve meniscus cavalry are cruel, and kill countless people. Have you ever spared those people when they begged you before they died?"

Chen Feng smiled coldly and continued to increase his momentum.

These people were so crushed that they felt the last breath in their chests and lungs were pressed out, their faces flushed.

If Chen Feng killed them directly, they might not have been so afraid.

But Chen Feng at this time. Little by little, they felt that life was gradually leaving.

That kind of pain, this kind of despair, almost collapsed them!

Chen Feng said in a slow voice: "Just now you said that the Patriarch of the Mu Clan of Dayue City has a great use for Chunxue, what's the matter?"

When these people listened, all of them hesitated.

Chen Feng didn't talk nonsense at all, and directly began to increase the pressure, and immediately suppressed them screaming again and again.

After being tortured, their emotions were almost collapsed at this time. As soon as Chen Feng asked, they all said one after another, for fear that Chen Feng was not satisfied.

"I said, I said that the Patriarch is going to take him captive, and then strip the firewood body from him, and inject this blood into the Patriarch's biological daughter."

"What? You say that Mu Chunxue is a body of firewood?" Chen Feng raised his brows and glanced at Mu Chunxue. As a result, this girl was shocked and looked dazed.

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