Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1105: breakthrough! Half-step holy beast!

The nine-yin and nine-yang magical arts quickly transformed it, and Chen Feng had no distractions, cross-legged, absorbing it frantically.

He knew that he didn't have much time, and he had to finish all this before the adult flaming flying dragon returned.

In an instant, the corpse of the flaming flying dragon cub shriveled, like a corpse that had been left for many years.

The surface of the body is rapidly aging and loosening, losing its vitality. The thick skin scales can even pierce a hole with a single poke.

At this time, Chen Feng had absorbed half of his body's true essence, and Chen Feng's strength had also risen crazily.

From the Seven Stars of Tianhu, directly to the Eight Stars of Tianhu!

At this time, Chen Feng could even hear, from a distance, the fierce flame flying dragon from outside the cave was mixed with a hint of anxious roar.

Chen Feng immediately took a deep breath, and finally exhausted all his strength, tried his best, and absorbed another force frantically.

Then, immediately turned around and ran directly outside the cave without hesitation.

While running, the Nine Yin and Nine Yang Divine Art transforms this force into Chen Feng's true essence.

Chen Feng felt that there was a buzzing in his brain, and the whole person seemed extremely light and agile, and the injuries on the surface of his body were suddenly healed.

Behind him, Tianhu suddenly appeared, among which nine big stars were extremely bright! Countless little stars, embellish it!

Chen Feng actually climbed directly to the nine stars of Tianhu!

Chen Feng tried his best to run wildly. He felt that he had never run so fast in his life.

Because he knows very well that if he is blocked in this cave by the adult blazing dragon, there is only a dead end waiting for him.

Chen Feng even ran crazy and vomited blood, but he vomited blood while moving forward.

Finally, he came to the cave entrance.

At this time, Chen Feng raised his eyes and looked out, his heart beating wildly, he almost hit the opposite side of the adult flaming dragon.

Just four to five hundred meters away, the adult flaming dragon was slamming into the cave.

After one percent breath, he will come to the cave.

Without hesitation, Chen Feng relaxed his body and jumped directly from the entrance of the cave. Like an iron weighing mound, he banged heavily on the ground.

He suffered a lot of fractures from the fall, but Chen Feng didn't have time to hesitate at all, and immediately fled madly into the distance at the fastest speed.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the cave, the adult flaming dragon suddenly stagnated and froze there, his face was extremely sad, and there were blood and tears flowing out of his eyes.

Because he can no longer feel the breath of his own child.

He knew very well that his child must have been killed by that damned human.

Because the **** human that ran out of the cave just now had a very strong smell of a blazing dragon.

Obviously, not only did he kill his own child, he must have absorbed something in his body.

Thinking of this, the adult flaming dragon let out an earth-shaking roar, a line of blood and tears flowed from his eyes, and his body suddenly swelled and enlarged!

Directly from more than 300 meters long to more than 500 meters long, the whole swelled in a circle.

And on his head, a single horn grew even more, and beside his two wings, two more wings grew.

It seems that he is even more powerful and mighty, and his aura is also climbing crazily, and he actually climbed up from the peak of the Ninth Stage!

In the next instant, he let out an earth-shaking roar: "Damn human beings, I must kill you!"

Then, shaking his wings, he chased in the direction of Chen Feng's escape.

The speed is almost 50% faster than before.

Luo Zilan in the distance saw this scene, shocked, and murmured: "This, this beast actually broke through!"

"Before he was a Ninth-Rank Peak Spirit Beast, but now he is already a Half-Step Saint Beast!"

Chen Feng rushed forward.

This is his fastest speed, but it is still not enough.

The distance between the blazing dragon and him was constantly being drawn closer.

Suddenly, Chen Feng felt a burst of extreme heat coming from behind him.

Then he turned his head back and was shocked to see that the blazing dragon had already reached the top of his head. At this time, he spewed out a red pillar of fire.

In the red pillar of fire, there are golden traces. It was Chen Feng's unique trick when he saw the blazing dragon is very powerful.

Chen Feng was shocked, this red pillar of fire, even the ice giant python can directly smash it, let alone face him!

The red flame has a high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees. Before Chen Feng's body was close, Chen Feng felt as if he was about to be scorched.

He immediately evaded to the side, but as one of the most powerful stunts of the Flying Dragon, how could the red and golden flames be avoided so easily?

Chen Feng dodged aside, the red flame seemed to be spiritual, chasing him, and continued to flood him.

Chen Feng was shocked. The next moment, he felt that he was about to be swallowed by the flame.

But at this moment, Chen Feng suddenly felt that his collar was caught by someone, and he flew up like clouds and mist.

The person who grabbed his collar was Luo Zilan.

Luo Zilan grabbed him and leaped for a full 100 meters in the air. The huge pillar of fire finally lost its direction this time, passing by Chen Feng's feet with a pop.

Then, directly burned a mountain of hundreds of meters in front of him to ashes.

Chen Feng couldn't help but feel lingering, if he was hit head-on, he would never be alive!

Luo Zilan carried him and ran across the woods, her speed was more than four or five times faster than Chen Feng's speed, and gradually, she opened the gap with the flame dragon.

The blazing dragon uttered an angry roar from behind: "Little bitch, little beast, I knew you two belong together!"

"You wait. Both of you will be overtaken by me, and then tortured to death by me in the cruelest way!"

Luo Zilan giggled: "I don't know who chased me just now for a long time, and I haven't seen you able to catch up. I only know that you are blowing the air. Is it possible that all of you flame dragons are all this virtue?"

The flame dragon was so angry that she roared and chased him frantically.

Luo Zilan was obviously good at speed, even though she was carrying Chen Feng, she was still very fast.

Moreover, she was still thinking about talking to Chen Feng. She glared at Chen Feng, looked at Chen Feng angrily and said:

"You guy, are you not greedy enough? I think I have bought enough time for you. You can run away quickly before this blazing dragon returns, so that he can't catch you at all!"

Chen Feng was a little ashamed, and said, "Sister Zilan, I am indeed a little greedy!"

Luo Zilan shook her head and said, "Forget it, forget it, don't talk about these things."

"Dragon Blood Dew has been obtained, so everything is fine."

Chen Feng nodded and smiled: "Dragon Blood Dew is already in hand!"

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