Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 1099: Save people

The nine-yin and nine-yang divine art in the body is even more eager, and he can't wait to pounce directly on the woman's body to absorb the true essence!

Chen Feng knew very well that at this time, as long as he played, he would definitely improve his strength.

Luo Zilan is a master of Soul Condensation after all, even if she is seriously injured now, the amount of True Qi in her body is still extremely large!

Chen Feng estimated that after absorbing her true essence, he could at least increase his strength by four or five small realms.

For him, this is really an extremely powerful temptation.

But Chen Feng took a deep breath, and after all he retracted his hand, with a wry smile on his face.

He can't do it, really can't do it.

Chen Feng can absorb the true essence of a person who wants to kill him without hesitation.

However, Luo Zilan is different!

She had nothing to do with herself, and even to some extent, he helped herself.

If it weren't for her, he wouldn't be able to come here.

And Chen Feng didn't even realize that, deep down in his heart, he felt a little sympathy for Luo Zilan.

This girl has paid so much for this task.

After being ruined by that old man for five years, Chen Feng felt sorry for her after thinking about it.

He patted his face lightly, and suddenly laughed and said, "Chen Feng, Chen Feng, why have you become so sentimental?"

With the fact that Honglian Earth Heart Fire escaped, the Flying Dragon seemed to have forgotten the existence of Luo Zilan.

He flew directly back into the huge cave, seeming to be healing.

Chen Feng swept around, seeing that no one was paying attention, he immediately hugged Luo Zilan, and then quickly left here with an extremely swift and extremely concealed movement.

He didn't chase the heart of Honglian, Chen Feng still didn't know where the heart of Honglian had gone.

And now that there are so many people chasing after him, Chen Feng feels that if he joins in now, he is purely seeking a dead end!

Chen Feng did not go back to the residence of Chonghuo Palace.

He didn't think there was any need to go back, it was good, and it made people think that he died during the siege of the Palace of Fire by Shenlong Sect.

In this way, at least after he disappears for no reason, Lu Yaru will not be implicated!

This is one place. The cave is located in the mountain range where the Palace of Heavy Fire is located, but it is a hundred miles away from the Palace of Heavy Fire.

Even if the disciples of the heavy fire palace searched, it was impossible to search here.

Chen Feng held Luo Zilan and carefully placed her on a clean stone slab in the cave!

Anlao appeared beside him, frowned at him, and said, "Do you have to save her?"

"You have to know, she is probably a big trouble, and when she wakes up from alcohol, she might kill you instead."

Chen Feng looked at An Lao, smiled and said, "An Lao, don't worry."

"I have weighed the weight." He paused and said, "To be honest, I actually admire her very much and sympathize with her a little bit."

"If I don't save him, she will definitely die. I can't bear it."

An old man shook his head and sighed, and said helplessly: "You, you kid, you do a lot of things casually, but it's really hard to do.

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "If I'm not doing it casually, I'm afraid the speed of cultivation will not be so fast."

An old man listened, froze for a moment, and then laughed: "This is true."

At this time, Luo Zilan's situation was very bad.

She was still in a coma, her brows were tightly furrowed, her breathing was short, she was panting hard, her face flushed.

Chen Feng touched his forehead and it was extremely hot.

But her body is cold.

On the body, many wounds had already stopped the blood, but at this time, the blood seemed to burst a bank, and it couldn't be sealed.

Chen Feng hurriedly asked, "Old An, what should I do? I think his injury seems very serious."

An old man said: "His current situation is caused by too much blood loss. First of all, you have to stop his blood."

Chen Feng nodded, but when he heard this, he felt calmer.

There are still a lot of hemostatic drugs in his mustard bag for internal use and external application, which can be used.

But when he was about to start fighting, suddenly his body froze, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Anlao looked at him playfully beside him: "Why, feel embarrassed?"

Chen Feng nodded: "She is a woman after all."

Moreover, she is an extremely beautiful woman in her prime.

To stop the bleeding, he must first take off the other party's clothes before cleaning the wound and applying wound medicine.

An old man was beside him, laughed, and said jokingly: "Why, is it possible that you still want my old man to help you?"

Chen Feng gave a wry smile and gritted his teeth.

He first picked up a lot of spring water from a spring at the bottom of the cave, came to the side, then lowered his head, looked at Luo Zilan's beautiful face, and said softly:

"Sorry, I'm really sorry, but I can't help it. If you don't wash the wound and apply wound medicine, you will die soon."

"So, offended."

Luo Zilan was beaten and bruised all over her body, and many of her clothes were broken, directly sticking to her skin.

Chen Feng had to pull her clothes into strands, and then drag them down a little bit. The cloth sticks to the wound, and the skin and flesh were involved. Luo Zilan, who was still in a coma in pain, frowned. .

Chen Feng finally tore off all the fabric and cleaned the wound.

During this whole process, he didn't even dare to look directly at Luo Zilan's body.

People who have been gazing at it from the corner of the light can also see that Luo Zilan's body is white and flawless, extremely beautiful and extremely attractive.

At this moment, he had no evil thoughts in his heart, and he quickly applied medicine to Luo Zilan, and after the bandage was completed, he quickly took out a piece of his own clothing from the mustard bag and put it on her body.

After doing all this, Chen Feng took a long sigh of relief, softened, and sat down beside him.

He was sweating profusely, and he felt more tired than fighting a powerful enemy!

An old man couldn't help it finally, and he laughed without any image beside him.

Chen Feng looked embarrassed.

At the beginning of the night, Chen Feng sat cross-legged at the entrance of the cave, practicing nine-yin and nine-yang magic.

Despite being separated by hundreds of miles, there was a sudden hum from behind.

Chen Feng immediately turned around and said with joy, "Are you awake?"

Luo Zilan opened her eyes, her eyes were out of focus. After a while, she could see clearly that the place where she was should be a cave.

At this moment, beside her, a tall and handsome young man was looking at her with concern, smiling and asking something.

Luo Zilan didn't hear clearly. After a while, her whole talent was fully awake, feeling no pain anywhere on her body, but it seemed that the wound had stopped bleeding, and she was bandaged.

"I seem to be safe, I am not dead, and it seems that I was saved by the boy in front of me."

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