Peerless Martial God

Chapter 997: Killing Tianlin

"You can still laugh out. [Baidu search God control the world full text reading, a very good-looking novel]" Tianlin son saw the smile on Lin Feng's face, he also laughed, smiled extraordinarily demon, come In the eight wilderness, this time, he would like to see what other means Lin Feng has.

"Tianwu is four heavy." Lin Feng saw through the other side's cultivation. During this time, Tianlin's son broke through the realm of Tianwu, and entered the Tianwu four, and the people around him were like him, all of them. It is the strongest of Tianwu.

"There is no reliance on the law, there is no protection from Hou Qinglin. I see how you die this time." Tianlin’s son stepped forward and his voice was cold. On that day, he attacked Tianchi, and his brother Yu Yu was also so strong. However, Lin Feng has killed countless people, and even among the crowd, he almost died, and the owner of the door broke off his arm.

Nowadays, he has become a four-stronger, more powerful, and still in the eight wilderness, he wants Lin Feng to die very badly.

"You seem to have forgotten that when Hou Qinglin and Yu Yu did not arrive, you, the Emperor of the Emperor, used the martial arts to crush me, but in the end, I was vomiting blood and losing to me. Later, Yu Yu arrived, you The disciples of the Emperor Wu’s own waste did not say that they wanted to rely on the hand of the scorpion to kill me. Why, Tianlin’s son had forgotten it.”

Lin Feng said with a smile, let Tianlin's son look stiff, his eyes glanced at the person beside him, and Lin Feng exposed his scars in front of his peers. His face became extraordinarily ugly.

"The tongue is like a spring, today, I will make you die very hard to see." Tianlin son stepped out, killing accidents, not killing Lin Feng, why save face.

"Hey, hey..." The wind and the wrath, Tianlin son did not hesitate to release his own storm martial arts, suddenly a terrible oppression and strangling force emerged from the storm, a bit stronger than ever. After entering the Tianwu Four Heavy, the power of the Storm Wushen is also more powerful.

"Kill!" Tianlin's son screamed and waved his hand. The horrible pressure of the squeezing force seemed to crush the space. A horrible storm condensed over Lin Feng's head.

A smashing force screamed at Lin Feng, and the mad tyrant was incomparable.

"If you are such a person, because you have the blood and soul of the ancestors, you will rely on it. You only know how to rely on the power of the martial arts to suppress the battle. How can you achieve great achievements, take away this martial arts, you and waste? No difference!" Lin Feng's eyelids reveal a sense of indifference, his body slowly rising toward the void, actually slamming the pressure of the storm Wuhun, the body slowly volley, overlooking Tianlin son.

"In the past, I concealed my identity and participated in the Wanzong Conference. You are in the position of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor. You are self-righteous, but you don't know that you are just above the top. There is no aura of the Emperor's disciple and the Wuhun. What are you? Really thought that I couldn’t kill you that day?"

Lin Feng looked down on Tianlin's son, and a hint of killing came out.

"I will tell you now that the disciples of the Emperor Wu gave you a halo, but how sad you are." The voice fell, Lin Feng's body, a sturdy blood filled the whole body, this moment, he only felt the whole body Up and down there is endless power, and in the void, there is a faint whistling sound of blood, such as the waves rushing, the wind screaming, and the Tianlin son and others are slightly stiff.

The power of a storm slammed toward Lin Feng. However, Tianlin’s son suddenly found out that on Lin Feng’s body, there seemed to be an invisible horrible force roaring, and the pressure of the storm was unable to go to his body. Oppress the past and be isolated in the void.

This scene made Tian Lin's face ugly, it seems to be the power of blood, Lin Feng how there will be such a terrible blood force.

"I don't believe that you can't kill you." Tianlin's son looked cold and cold, and the same, the **** power of his body was released wildly. In an instant, the storm will be in the space, the whole piece of emptiness flies away, and the wind blows in people's The body is like a sharp blade. Lin Feng’s head is over the sky. The terrible storm Wuhun is roaring, roaring, and madly spinning, as if to smash everything.

"Kill!" Tianlin's son screamed, and the storm of terror was oppressed, as if the heavens and the earth would collapse, and the endless storms would crush the space.

The palms are stretched out, the brilliance of the night is shining, and the dark light of darkness blooms in the darkness, revealing the power of the terrible seal. At the same time, the heavens and the earth are rolling, and the natural meaning of the road is condensed in the palm of Lin Feng. At this moment he The palm of the hand seems to be pulling the power of nature, so that the natural space of the whole space is under his control.

The power of the blood is boiling, Lin Feng quietly feels the power of the terrible blood in the body, rushing into the palm of his hand, let Lin Feng feel that this palm can break the sky, the blood makes him strong and confident.

The face of Tianlin’s son is getting more and more ugly. The horrible martial arts storm is released to the strongest, but he actually feels that there is a terrible invisible force above Lin Feng’s head to prop up the martial arts storm. .

How could this be the case, why Lin Feng suddenly became so powerful, and he did not know how much he was stronger than when he fought with him in the past!

"Sad man." Lin Feng looked at the changing face of Tianlin's son, indifferent: "If I used to hide my identity, I have not used it. It is easy to kill you. You are far worse than the enemy."

Lin Feng’s voice fell, and his palm finally moved, slamming into the void.


There was a muffled sound in the void, a terrible natural force carrying a terrible natural force, rolling into the void, the invisible waves rolling in anger, as if to wrap the martial arts storm. At the same time, the moment of this palm bloom, a terrible seal, the shape!


The sound of the dull cicada came out, the invisible pressure shrouded the void, and Tianlin’s son snorted and his face turned pale. His martial arts were swept up by Lin Feng’s palm and even had a The horrible power of the squad will bind the martial arts storm.

Lin Feng stood in the void, overlooking Tianlin Gongzi, his face was indifferent and cold, as if he was a **** and disregarded the soul.

"Wu Shou disciples, ridiculous!" Lin Feng's mouth spit out a cold and cold voice, and then stepped toward Tianlin's son, this step made Tianlin's mind slightly twitched, and actually felt a boundless chill Invaded his heart, so cold.

"Kill and kill him!" Tianlin's son roared and his body receded. His companion looked condensed and killed. In an instant, all of them released their own martial arts power.

"Hello, this matter has been revealed." One person spoke to Lin Feng, but saw Lin Feng sweeping him indifferently, continuing to step in the void, heading to Tianlin, cold and cold: "If you kill me, you will I want to stop, ridiculous!"

"Since you are like this, then you will die!" The man looked cold, and suddenly they killed Lin Feng at the same time, five figures, do not believe that Lin Feng could not be killed.


Lin Feng suddenly opened his mouth, a scream, the terrible magic road rushed into the sky, as if there was a magical shadow to kill, the mad roar, shocking people, even with the sound of the dragon.

With a bang, the bodies of those people were slightly stiff, and then they saw Lin Feng stepping out of the way, and the cold and terrible palms slowly slammed out.

"Boom!" A muffled sound between the heavens and the earth was not strong. The bodies of those people suddenly trembled in the void, and then they swayed weakly, falling toward the sky, one palm, and all killed!

The bodies of several people all fell, revealing the figure of Tianlin, who was hiding behind them. Looking at the deaths of those people, their hearts were twitching and their faces were a bit sluggish, as if they were afraid. Believe.

The mad whistle, the devil, the demon shadow!

"It's you, that day is you!" Tianlin's son came to Lin Feng's voice, and when he took the smoldering inflammation, there was a shadow, Lin Feng!

"It's me, I said that if you don't want to hide your identity, killing you as a disciple of the Emperor of the Emperor, it's easy!" Lin Feng's palm was filled with magical air, and Tianlin's son turned and madly fled.

Lin Feng's palm danced in the void, and the power of the terrible magic road was intertwined into a killing pattern. Looking at the back of Tianlin's son, Lin Feng spit out a cold voice.


When the voice fell, the magical ban was blooming, and everything was banned. Tianlin’s body trembled, and then he could no longer move, falling from the void and dying!

Ps: fifth, continue to seek support, and ask for strength!

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