Peerless Martial God

Chapter 989: Demon dragon beast

"Is it the blood of the emperor, feel it!"

The poor seems to be very happy, facing Lin Feng's smile, let Lin Feng's stunned look, this old **** even gloated. //Update the fastest 78xs//

Of course, he felt it. The reason why Xuanyuan’s power of smashing the blood was bleeding was because of the terrible blood power. Xuanyuan’s blood was too strong, and his anger was like a **** roar, and his tremors made him The blood on his body also rolled up and was injured.

Xuanyuan breaks through the sky, has the blood of the emperor, and the tyrannical blood force can not be reached.

"Don't look at me like this. It's good to feel more about you." The strange smile fell in the eyes of Lin Feng's eyes. He continued to Lin Feng. "We also keep up, even if we walk in the last place, we can't be Broken."

Lin Feng nodded and his body flickered, keeping up with those who had already entered the depths of the Dragon Palace and the statues of the sages.

Soon, the footsteps of the front crowd stopped, and in a void, there were huge dragon scales hanging in a horrible atmosphere.

"Dragon scales!" Lin Feng looks solid, and he also has a dragon scale on his body, which was obtained when he entered the last time, but the dragon scale is far from the dragon scale floating in the void at the moment.

At this time, the dragon scales floating there are only one piece with two palms.

"Boom!" The body of those sages flashed in an instant, and they grabbed the dragon scales, and several people caught the dragon scales at the same time.

"Oh..." The horrible sound of the dragon whistle came out suddenly, and the human blood tumbling, and the strange words were not directly used to buckle Lin Feng with the claws, and then pulled back, and instantly retreated far away.

"Hey, hey..." The sound of the crazy dragon whistle came from the dragon scales, and the squeaking sound was almost drowned out in this terrible howling. Lin Feng suddenly discovered that several of the sages were soft. Falling on the ground, motionless, these sages are the ones who caught the dragon scales.

"Spike!" Lin Feng was a big man, but fortunately he was behind, and he did not touch the dragon scale. Otherwise, there would be no chance to save, and he would be instantly killed.

The sound of the dragon whistle should be the same as his screaming whistle, containing terrible attack power and shaking the soul.

However, some people did not die, but they all smashed the dragon scales in their hands. They stood on the ground and only felt the blood tumbling. They couldn’t calm for a long time. Just the moment they buckled the dragon scales, the whistle was terrible, and some people even sealed them. Such a terrible attack is inside.

"This should be a powerful demon statue. It has not yet become a demon, otherwise no one can escape, but because the dragon is a demon king, this demon must have few respects to defeat him, standing in the demon At the peak, howling can kill Zunwu."

The strange voice sounded in Lin Feng’s mind, and the demon kings and dragons reached the level of the peaks of the dragons. I am afraid that there are few rivals under the emperor.

"This dragon scale can't be touched!" The crowd looked stiff and had treasures in front of them, but they couldn't move.

At this time, I saw Xuanyuan's broken footsteps suddenly slammed, and suddenly the sound of rumbling came out, I saw the blood of his body screaming, and the sound of the emptiness of the **** snarling sounds.

A **** sky rises into the sky, turning into a shadow of a true dragon, and it is wrapped around the palm of Xuanyuan.

"Give me a call, oh." Xuanyuan smashed the palm of his hand and grabbed a dragon scale, screaming, the sound of horrible whistle and the sound of the dragon whistle, the surrounding voids bursting sound.

The shadow of the blood of the blood of the blood is broken on the dragon shadow. Xuanyuan breaks the palm of the hand and pushes the dragon scale, then the light flashes, the dragon scale disappears in the void, and is broken by Xuanyuan. The sky is closed.

"Xuanyuan brother is not a descendant of the royal family!" Yang Zhan sighed, the things that the Sayādaw could not do, Xuanyuan broke the sky but did it.

"Go, it's not worth the time." Xuanyuan continued to walk deeper into the depths of the Dragon Palace. The killings of the moon and the black scorpion have already appeared, but the auspiciousness of the dragons in the late night came from.

The rest of the Supreme ones followed the Xuanyuan to the depths of the Dragon Palace. Lin Feng was still in the same place, and there was still one person in front of him. This person was a shadow that made him pay attention.

This person's eyes swept Lin Feng's eyes, his face was blocked, and a low voice came from his mouth: "The people of Tianwu's dual realm can actually stand in the breath of this wilderness."

After all, he did not look at Lin Feng again. There was a strange force from his body, and he surrounded the dragon scales in the void. Then he extended a slender hand and held a dragon scale directly. In the hands, Lin Feng’s surprised scene appeared. The dragon scale did not sound like a whistle, but disappeared directly, and was closed by the white palm.

"You are a demon!" The mouth of the strange mouth spits a voice, letting the shadows that want to flicker away stagnate, and look back at the strange.

"Some words, even if you know, should not be said!" A cold voice spit out in his mouth, only momentarily, a fairyish cold atmosphere enveloped Lin Feng and the poor.

"You don't have to be like this, we are the same kind!" The strange body turned into a humanoid shape of fire, all the sky is red, with the beauty of a demon.

"We?" The man looked at Lin Feng, the strange is the monster, but Lin Feng, obviously a person!

"You let him see!" Poor Qi said to Lin Feng, let Lin Feng gaze, do not understand what this guy means.

However, his eyes looked at the shadows, and the eyebrows suddenly slammed, and the demon sea flashed away, letting the shadows exposed by the shadows flash a strange color.

"Weird, you turned out to be a demon, I didn't feel it!" The black shadow stared at Lin Feng, there is a demon sea, no doubt, it is no wonder that Lin Feng can resist the breath of the wild, it seems that there is a secret.

"We are the same kind, since all of them have come here, if there is a chance, you can cooperate!" said the stranger to the shadow.

"Well, if there is a chance of cooperation, I will." The shadow of the shadow vomited, and then turned into a residual image, disappeared in place.

"He turned out to be a demon!" Lin Feng looked at the other person's figure, it looked quite strange, looked at the illusion of adult shape, this guy did not know what to play.

"Kids, our strength is so weak, there are ready-made allies, why not use them." Yao Jun's singularity smiled at Lin Feng with a strange smile, seeing his face at the moment, how Lin Feng feels and spit out in his mouth Not coordinated.

Lin Feng and the strange figure also flickered toward the depths of the Dragon Palace. In this Dragon Palace, there are some bodies, all of which are monsters in the water. The cheekbones are all blackened, and Lin Feng even found a skeleton of a dragon. Unfortunately, there is only one black bone left and nothing remains.

Going forward, they came to a sinuous luxury palace, where the horrible scent of the horrible tumbling, let Lin Feng shocked, on the ground, there is a real dragon bone.

The dragon's skeleton, which is more than ten meters long, is still full of majesty, even if it is dead. The abdomen claws are tightly clasped to the ground, and it seems to be caught in the ground. The dragon head is high, it seems to be Raging, in the dragon's mouth, there is a huge crystal inlaid there, which contains a sly temperament, extremely terrible.

Around that, the shadow of a gray dragon lingers, as if guarding the crystal.

"Dragon's demon nuclear!" The eyes of the crowd are staring at the crystal. This is the beast of the demon dragon, the beast of the demon king, and the power of the demon contained in it will be terrible!

The bodies of the sages did not move, but their eyes were exposed to terrible greed.

Among the dragon palaces, there is actually a beast nucleus with a peak demon, and it is also a demon beast nucleus of the demon king.

However, although they are trembled, but there is no one moving, the demon kings do not know how many years of condensed dragon nucleus, 岂 is so easy to get, the nucleus itself, I am afraid there is a terrible power, this power It is possible to destroy any one of them!

Even Xuanyuan broke the sky, this time there is no swaying, he does not know how many terrible demon powers in the demon nucleus, it will be unbearable to him.

However, the strange eyes stared at the entire hall, and the sly scorpion kept blinking. No one knew what he was thinking at the moment!

Ps: Ten more sent, let the flowers smash more violently, we continue the day after tomorrow!

(ten more)

(ten more)

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