Peerless Martial God

Chapter 986: Moon falling

Lin Feng heard Hua Changfeng’s questioning eyes suddenly staring at Hua Changfeng, and the other side’s look seemed to be a doubt and incomprehensible.

"Well?" Lin Feng's eyes were stiff, and then he looked at the sister of Hua Changfeng. The beautiful woman's gaze also looked at him, like Hua Changfeng, with doubts.

"They both did not hear it."

Lin Feng’s heart trembled, that is to say, only he had heard the late night dragon.

"Yan Emperor, have you heard any voices?" Lin Feng asked for the sake of certainty, deliberately speaking to the strange voice.

The huge and huge eyes flashed and stared at Lin Feng: "No, what did your kid hear?"

"Deep-night dragon, I heard." Of course, the poor Lin Feng will not hide anything, telling him directly, let the huge scorpion of the singularity also stiffen there, Lin Feng, he heard the dragon?

"Nothing, just suddenly remembered an important thing." Lin Feng smiled at Hua Changfeng, did not tell him that he heard the sound of dragons, they are at the turn of the water, some things are still not good.

Although Hua Changfeng was puzzled, he never questioned it. He just looked at the direction of Utta in the distance. In the night sky, several black shadows appeared and flickered in the direction of Utta.

"Kid, just now you are sure that you have not heard the mistake, is the sound of the dragon?" The eyes are serious, facing Lin Fengdao, the dragon, the demon king, this is a shocking thing.

"Not sure." Lin Feng shook his head.

"Uncertain?" The strange eyes were stiff, and he glared at Lin Feng.

"I have never heard the sound of the dragon, how can I be sure, but just that moment, I feel the eardrum tremor, blood tumbling, as if to break through, it seems... is the power of blood!" Lin Feng added.

The poor look is a stiff, yes, Lin Feng has not heard the sound of the dragon, so it is not certain, but what did he feel?

“Have you ever felt this way?”

"No." Lin Feng responded directly.

"Your blood power is really weak enough." The poor sly stunned, only the strength of the blood is weak, can not feel, when the blood is strong to a certain extent, it is easy to feel the blood is boiling, The ability to understand the blood of the blood, and just a night of night, inspired Lin Feng's blood power, meaning that this late night is related to the blood of Lin Feng, causing resonance!

"What blood power are you?" asked the stranger to Lin Feng. This is crucial.

"I don't know, I just heard that my mother's ancestors once had a sage, swallowed up the Kowloon Heavenly Beast, and turned it into their own blood power, which made the descendants inherited the Jiu Tiantian wuwu soul." Lin Feng replied.

"Kowloon Day Beast!" The gaze gaze, and then the flickering: "No wonder your blood is so weak, or the ancestor has a sage, too wasteful, but the Kowloon Heavenly Beast does have the dragon's blood. You can feel it, it seems that it is really the sound of dragons, but it is not really long, otherwise it is impossible for only those who have the blood of the dragon to resonate, but everyone can hear it. ”

"Well!" Lin Feng agreed that the words of the poor, should not be really long, but a resonance with the blood, so that his reaction is so strong.

The figure that flies toward Utta should be like him, with more or less dragon blood, but the blood of the dragon in his own body is really weak enough, and he can’t feel the blood power at all. And like Tianlin Gongzi and Qiujun fall, they can directly use the power of blood, increase the martial arts, "Lin brother, it seems to have a movement." Hua Changfeng said to Lin Feng, I saw more and more figures toward The Uta flashed in the past, and with the moonlight, I was able to see a lot of people standing in the void.

"Well." Lin Feng nodded. It seems that those who can hear the dragon screamed and helped the helper. Once they heard the dragon scorpion, they will act together. Otherwise, it is impossible to be so clever. So many people have the blood of the dragon. Strength is in the body.

Late night dragons are visions, and unforeseen things happen. Those who ask for help are also normal.


Lin Feng’s heart trembled again, and the body stood up fiercely. At this moment, he felt the blood spurting, rolling and boiling, and it was a dragon. It was not long before he heard the second dragon. Moreover, it is more intense than the one just said.

Because Lin Feng was very good at concealing himself, Hua Changfeng did not find any abnormality. Lin Feng, who was standing there, asked: "Lin brother, now Uta is strong like a cloud, we have to go."

"In the past, why didn't you go, at least it's good to increase your knowledge. Those strong people will not involve our onlookers for no reason." Lin Feng said quietly, but at the moment his heart was shaking, two consecutive nights. Long Hao, does this indicate what?

"Changfeng!" In the void, a rolling voice passed down. Lin Feng and Hua Changfeng raised their heads and saw several figures in the void. Each one was sharp-eyed, spirited and extraordinary.

"Brother, why are you here!" Hua Changfeng said, looking up.

"Changfeng, two consecutive dragons in the middle of the night, these visions are the signs of auspicious, there may be something to happen, you take your sister to leave here, you are not suitable to go." One person in the void Said the opening, and then went to the air, and Hua Changfeng looked blind, and two long-distance sounds came out in the middle of the night?

Looking at Lin Feng, Hua Changfeng seems to want to say something.

"Hua brother, your brother also said that it is a sign of auspiciousness, don't go see it, are you willing?" Lin Feng said with a smile: "Of course, there is nothing left to leave the Chinese brother, then I will go alone."

"Haha, since Lin brother is so interested, I can absent." Hua Changfeng smiled heartily, and the boat continued along the Wujiang River in the direction of Utta, and the speed was not bad.

Lin Feng laughed and said nothing. Then, Lin Feng heard the third sound of dragons and trembled his heart. Even if the sound of the dragon's voice went out, he still felt the tide of the heart, and it was difficult to calm down.

At the same time, Lin Feng is getting closer and closer to Utta, but above Utta, there have been many strong people, and the sound of three dragons has attracted all the strong people who came for the dragon.

In the space, it was surprisingly quiet and there was no sound at all.

At this point, the moonlight suddenly became dim, and Lin Feng looked up and looked at the moon hanging high in the void. I saw a group of black shadows slid across the moon, blocking the moon, and then the round moon was actually slowed down. Slow down and sink.

"Hey, hey..."

The roar of the crows came out. Among the shadows, many crows flew their wings and flocked in groups, away from Utta.

"How could this be?" Hua Changfeng looked at the falling moon and the flying crow, his face showing a dignified look.

"What's wrong?" Lin Feng asked Hua Changfeng.

Hua Changfeng looked at Lin Feng and slowly spit out a voice.

"Monthly, Wusong!"

"The moon is falling?" Lin Feng frowned, and did not understand what Hua Changfeng said.

"Lin brother, the late night dragonfly is a sign of auspiciousness, which means peace and opportunity; however, the moon and the black scorpion are the signs of great murder, symbolizing destruction and death." Hua Changfeng stared at Lin Feng, his eyes dignified: "Tonight, there are long night dragons, and there are moons and blacks, and Xiangrui and the murderous signs appear at the same time, which makes me feel terrified!"

"Is there still such a statement?" Lin Feng murmured, but this can still be achieved through natural visions.

"Yes, Wu Xiu fights against the heavens and the earth and wins the creation of heaven and earth. He does not believe in the number of lives. However, the ancients do not deceive me. Some things have their existence, which is the truth!" Hua Changfeng slowly said: "Since ancient times, late at night Long Yu is auspicious, and the moon is black and fierce. Tonight, two visions appear at the same time. To be honest, I am a little scared!"

Lin Feng’s eyes flickered and he looked at him with a gaze.

"There is such a saying!" The poor singular nodded, even as the greatness of the great emperor, he admitted that this gave Lin Feng a sense of wonder, a hint of awe, and a look of hope, auspicious signs and fierce What happens when the signs collide together?

At this moment, the boat has crossed the Wujiang River and came to the edge of Utta, and further forward, it is the territory occupied by the strong!

Ps: Seventh, today will update the ten more, the next day at 6 o'clock in the morning, the flowers broke 800, the day broke out ten more, give the brothers motivation, but also give yourself motivation!

(seven more)

(seven more)

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