Peerless Martial God

Chapter 984: a lot of masters

Lin Feng’s voice fell, and his footsteps stepped out. He walked away with the strangeness and disappeared into the space in a flash.

Yang Ziyan listened to Lin Feng’s words, looked at the face of the complexion, and the beauty flickered. The heart seemed to linger with a faint remorse. There was not much contact with Lin Feng. There were not many words spoken. However, the other party’s body is right, it seems that it is not The kind of person that her brother said, I think Lin Feng knew that her blood power was unusual. As long as Lin Feng had evil thoughts and did not do anything about her in the desert island, who could know why it was necessary to send her back to Yang.

However, this remorse has only existed for an instant, and soon disappeared. As Lin Feng said, their identity is not equal. She is a young family, why should she care about a Lin Feng, although this time Lin Feng looks It seems to win, but Yang Ziyan understands that her brother will not let Lin Feng's, and it will not take too long. Lin Feng will be a dead person. She does not need to give resentment because of a person who will die.

Perhaps, only one day when Lin Feng stood taller than her, her regrets could be lingering in her heart. Of course, this is impossible, at least she thinks impossible.

Yang Ziyan also looked at Lin Feng’s disappearing figure, his eyes gradually recovered from the beginning of the gloomy, and there was no killing.

"Let you help me with the purple scorpion, this time I let you go, but you also said that the Yang family owes you already, but you have not paid back the Yang family today." Said the void, it seems to be told to leave Lin Feng, but Lin Feng can not hear, everyone understands that he is to say to everyone, to kill Lin Feng, but also a reason.

"You are right, we will see you soon. Next time, relying on your disrespect for Yang family today, you should also kill!" Yang Ziyan spit out a voice indifferently, then immediately looked at the crowd: "If someone can Take his life and bring his body to the Yang family. I promised that I will match the woman who owns Yang’s blood to the man."

When the crowd heard Yang Ziyan's words, it looked like a condensate. Many people's eyes were exposed with splendor. The woman with Yang's blood can strengthen the blood.

The power of the blood is invisible. If the blood is weak, you may not see his role. However, if the blood is really strong, you can discover how terrible the blood is, just like the enemy who just fought, if not because of the blood. Power, he is probably a dead man, and he can't create the silver storm that destroys the earth.

Just a moment, many figures vacated, rushed into the clouds, chasing away in the direction of Lin Feng’s departure, even though they had some sympathy for Lin Feng, but whether it was sympathy or compassion, they could not resist the temptation, the temptation of Yang’s **** woman, blood The more powerful the person, the more heart-moving.

However, they are destined to be unable to catch up with Lin Feng. At the moment, in the void of Tianyuan City, a ship of the void crossed the beautiful arc and went outside Tianyuan City.

"The Emperor helped you to humiliate a Yang family, and also recovered a thousand pieces of the righteous crystal, how do you want to thank me." The strange eyes looked at Lin Fengdao lazily.

"It seems that you haven't done anything except the last fire." Lin Fengyi's contempt for a strange, said: "Hello, you have swallowed the smoldering inflammation, and now there should be some powerful means, but I have never used it before, I really want to know how your old **** is fighting?"

"At least you have no problem burning." Looking at Lin Feng with contempt.

"Then why do you never shoot, do you use all the power of the flame to improve your strength? I see your breath, it seems that you can advance to it soon!" Lin Fengyi is very strange, this old bastard's cultivation speed is very powerful. It’s faster than him, and I don’t know if it’s a little bit of energy that consumes phlegm.

"Who is this emperor, the great great emperor, the speed of cultivation is not normal, as for why the Emperor does not shoot, if anything needs me to shoot, how to forge you into a strong, you also see Now, people who are free to a big family can despise you and humiliate you. This family has not even qualified in front of the emperor. If one day you stand on the sky and overlook them, they will not It will be this face, but I will look at you with respectful eyes. As for the woman who may be willing to take the initiative to send a hug, how can I look at you with this cold look."

Poorly said with a high head, let Lin Feng secretly stunned, this old **** did not answer his question at all.

"If one day I stand taller than them, their faces will definitely become very exciting." Lin Feng smiled and then looked at the strange saying: "Old bastard, you made me want this empty space." The ship is also to save trouble for yourself. Now it’s a lot easier to escape, and you don’t need to shoot.”

"Don't expect the Emperor, if you are not in danger, the Emperor is too lazy to shoot the ants!" said the poor.

"You can't blow to die!" Lin Feng couldn't stand the strange expression, and he squatted on his head, so the Void Ship uploaded several fierce beasts and crazy roaring flames.


Outside a small town in the northern wilderness, there was occasional cold wind blowing in the void. At the height of the sky, on a ship of the void, he sneezed and sneaked openly, glanced openly and glanced at it. The desolate night, a glimmer of light in the scorpion.

"Kid, wake me up!"

The stranger shouted at Lin Feng, who was closing his eyes. Lin Feng opened his eyes and looked at him with a strange look. At this moment, he had several holes in his body, which was burnt by the strange flame. ‘How do you feel a bit cold!” Lin Feng said with some suspiciousness.

"Look at the map, where are we now?" Poorly facing Lin Fengdao, Lin Feng nodded slightly, took out the jade of memory, and then the gods invaded it, and the vast map of the northern wasteland appeared in his mind.

After a while, Lin Feng’s fascination withdrew from the jade of memory and said to the poor: “This is Wuzhen. We are not far from the destination. If we take the ship of the Void, there will be a three-day trip.”

The destination pointed by Lin Feng is of course the place where Shi Huang and Emperor Huang recruited the disciples of the Emperor.

"Wuzhen!" The huge eyes of the crowd shimmered, facing Lin Fengdao: "There are strange things here, and there are many masters, and the ship of the Void is put away."

"A lot of masters?" Lin Feng looked a glimpse, but still listened to the singular words of the empty ship, although this guy is a bad temper, but his words are generally very accurate.

Sitting on the back of the strange, the speed of the two slowed down, of course, can not compare with the horrible speed of the ship of the Void.

"Why do I feel cold." Lin Feng said to the poor: "Is the chill released by the strong?"

"No, it is this area that is weird. There is no strong person who has the hobby of walking to release the chill." The poor response responded, making Lin Feng's surprise color even stronger. This area is actually weird.

"Kid, we seem to be hitting something good again, you look at the top of your head!" Poorly spit out a voice, only on the top of the sky above the sky, the moon is like a sly, a dark figure will cover the moon, dive down It seems to be the same from the middle of the month, but only for a moment, this black shadow will fall in the darkness of the distance, as if it has never appeared.

Lin Feng’s eyes were stiff and he had not waited for him to slow down. In a moment, a black shadow blocked the moon, as if falling from the middle of the moon, exactly the same.

The poor body also stopped, watching the round moon, a black shadow swooping down, continuous, let Lin Feng feel the chill is getting worse.

"This is a figure?" Lin Feng's tone reveals a trace of doubt.

"I don't know!" Poorly shook his head, and immediately after Lin Feng's side, a gust of wind blew, his eyes turned, Lin Feng saw a shadow gradually disappearing, disappearing instantly.

"Fast speed!" Lin Feng stared at the disappearing figure, the speed was enough to compare with his ride on the Nethership, how horrible it was, and he didn't feel a little when the other person appeared behind him. Sound, repaired to at least the level of honor.

It seems that as much as the strange one said, there are a lot of masters!

Ps: Yesterday I said that it was going to break out today. As a result, the flowers were bursting out. The least time in the past few days, I was speechless. Everyone hated the outbreak... I was still thinking about the last eight days, but I saw yesterday. The situation is cold, I hope to force it today, hehe!

(five more)

(five more)

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