Peerless Martial God

Chapter 982: You are not qualified for three

The silver storm is getting more and more terrible. The whole piece of the void that Qiu Jun and Lin Feng stood on was covered by the storm, and the endless silver mans continued to pour into the sky.

"Not qualified?" Qiu Jun sneered: "Destroy."

The voice fell, the silver wings covered the sky, and the horrible blood power roared again, as Wang Yang was roaring.

Among the voids, there were two unmistakable illusory silver wings, which blocked the heavens and the earth, and suddenly fluttered, and the storm trembled.

"嗤, 嗤, 嗤..." A sharp voice of the whistling sound came out, and the body of the crowd continued to flash back and forth, constantly retreating.

Even if they are far apart, the sharp air still stabbed their bodies, and the silver light was staring on the ground, shooting holes and smashing the ground, imagining The central part of the terrible silver storm, what a terrible destructive power at the moment.

Looking up, they all looked at the silver storm in the void, it was terrible, the world shouted, the storm tore everything, they even could not see the image of Qiu Jun and Lin Feng, and the silver storm seemed to turn into a whirlpool. To get everything involved in it and destroy it.

In the middle of this storm, the wings of Qiu Jun are swaying, and they stand proudly in the void. Looking at Lin Feng in the snowy road, the look is indifferent and with a bit of contempt.

"I see when you can persist, your life, I must be today." Qiu Jun sizzling a voice, Lin Feng, must die today.

Lin Feng stood in the hollow snow road, watching this horrible storm, still destroying the silver mansions of the space, the heart is quite shocked, the strength of the disciples of the big family is really strong, this person should be like the Tianlin son, belonging to the bloodline of the sage Later generations, inheriting the terrible blood power, make the blood and the martial arts are extremely terrifying. Under the wrath, the heavens and the earth are discolored.

Moreover, compared to the Tianlin son of Tianwu's triple realm, the strength of Qiu Jun is even more terrifying, and it is a five-fold martial arts.

"While Yang Ziyan is a villain, but he has the blood of the Yang family, and is the body of a man. There should be many women. There should be a lot of blood power in the body. The means may be very powerful." Lin Feng The strength of the enemy’s fall suddenly thought of other people, and the rumor that Xuan’s son, who became the first disciple of Tianwujing, when Shi Huang and Emperor Huang recruited the Emperor of the Emperor, had the blood of the emperor, and did not know how much he would The horror, I am afraid that killing people of the same level is really as easy as stepping on the ants.

"Unfortunately, my life, you can't." Lin Feng also spit out a cold voice, the devil's nephew stared at the enemy.

"Yes, Silver Wing, kill!" Qiu Jun fell cold and spit out a voice. Suddenly, the illusory silver wings in the void swept out. With the silver storm, they rushed to Lin Feng. At this moment, Lin Feng felt the empty snow road. When you shake, when power is strong enough, even if he has the power of the void, he must be shaken.

"Poor monks like you will never understand the power of blood, even if you cultivate some powerful means, but in the end you will still find that you are just standing on the bottom of the martial arts, occasionally looking up and found that there is still Too many people need you to look up, you are still the humble existence."

The voice of the enemy is calm, as if to shake the heart of Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng’s face is only a shallow smile. His inner strength is strong. The enemy can easily shake it. On the way to climb the martial art, there is no peak in one day. Everyone needs to look up, just walk. The higher you get, the fewer people you need to look up and the more people you can overlook.

Just like him, a basaltic ant, even if standing in the Imperial City of Xueyueguo, there are many people who need to raise Yang, but later, he can stand at the top of the place, overlooking the entire snowy month, this It is a bit of change, the process of becoming stronger, and people are constantly changing and constantly sublimating.

"There are a lot of people I need to look up, but at least, among those people, there will never be you." Lin Feng said indifferently, watching the enemy quietly: "I have stepped into the martial arts until now, fighting people." It has never been suppressed by people of the same level, and it has always been a leap-level challenge. And you, with the strength of the five-day force, plus the sturdy blood and the soul of the martial arts to suppress my two-day-old people, there is no any The capital that can boast, if I am equal to you, my enemy will not be you, you will only be an ant in my eyes, even now, you are in my eyes, nothing is counted."

When Lin Feng spoke, his mind was moving, and above the empty snow road, a sword floated out of his body.

The moment when the sword appeared, a beam of light swallowed, as if to break the empty snow road, a little starlight swaying on the sword, even in the silver storm package, it still looks so dazzling.

"What kind of treasure is it!" Qiu Jun fell into a gaze and stared at Lin Feng's sword. Because of the empty snow road, he could not feel the power of the sword, but he only looked at the brilliance of the sword. Can feel the horror of the sword.

When Lin Feng had just fought with him, he used three pieces of magic stone tablets, and then he was injured by a stone of a mountain. There seemed to be a lot of powerful treasures on his body. At this moment, a sword appeared.

"Receive!" Lin Feng thought of a move, the void of the evil spirits converged, the void snow road disappeared, Lin Feng's body, really appeared in the middle of the storm, but the sword was lying there, the silver storm around it seemed to be still. The swallowing swordsman shines on a void, where no silver mans can invade.

"A horrible sword!"

Qiu Jun’s look was slightly stiff, and his eyes stared at Lin Feng. How could this be? Lin Feng’s sword was in his hand, and even the silver storm could not be invaded.

"Give me kill!"

The illusory boundless giant silver wings swayed, and the horrible boundless storm power came out, all of which smashed toward Lin Feng.

At this time, Lin Feng stood quietly, and the seven-way kendo will be released, and it was incorporated into the sword of the heavenly sword. The palm of the hand trembled slightly, and the sword of the heavenly sword screamed, and suddenly it was quiet, and the horrible silver light was frozen. There, the brilliance reflected by the sword of the heavenly machine could not be invaded.

The look of the enemy hatred is stiff there, how can this be, what is this sword, how can it be so terrible?

Lin Feng, how can he have such a powerful treasure.

"Do you want to use foreign objects?" The icy sarcasm of the look, the vengeance of the enemy is not good.

"There are many ways to deal with you. However, you have a **** force to fight with me. I don't need to give you respect, you are not qualified!" Lin Feng responded indifferently, the sword in his hand moved slightly. In a moment, a glimmer of brilliance bloomed, and the surrounding silver awns were smashed.


Qiu Jun fell into the cold and spit out a voice. The blood of the horror is screaming, the silver wing is expanding again, and it is smashing toward Lin Feng. The light of the endless sharp feather fan slams into Lin Feng, and the horrible silver light is sharper.

At the same time, the sword of the hands of Lin Feng also slowly waved, and the dance between the random, but it seems to contain a terrible mystery, containing the meaning of the holy lines.

"Hey, hey!" A silver awn is annihilated in the void. With the dancing of the sword of the heavenly sword, there is a beautiful arc blooming. Wherever the arc passes, all the silver light is twisted into it and destroyed.

At this point, the eyes of the outside crowd still gaze at this terrible silver storm, and at the moment they are guessing, I don't know if Lin Feng has been destroyed.

Such a powerful storm, even with some powerful means, I am afraid that Lin Feng has already been killed by the enemy.

"Why is the storm still going on? It’s hard that the enemy has not killed him. The time is only half a column of incense." Jiang Ning frowned and looked at the storm of anger, even if he was involved Inside, I am afraid that it will be killed by the enemy. He does not believe in the Tianwu double people in Linfeng District, and can still come out alive.

Jiang Ning does not believe, other people do not believe, they are waiting to see Lin Feng's body, so that he dares to be so arrogant, do not know life and death!

Chapter 182, you are not qualified (3)

Chapter 182, you are not qualified (3)

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