Peerless Martial God

Chapter 977: Yandi is very upset

Lin Feng stepped out of Yang’s empty door and spit out his breath. It seemed to feel a lot easier. Here, he stayed very unhappy. //Update the fastest 78xs//

The palm of the hand waved, and the strange appearance appeared. I saw this guy’s huge eyes glanced around and smiled and said: "Why, have you suffered? Many words"

"You advised me not to enter the Yang family. What did you expect?" Lin Feng asked the stranger. At this moment, when I stepped into the Yang family, the strange words were meant to be pointed.

"Do you still need to predict? If you think about it with your brain, you will know what might happen. In this world, without tyrannical strength, there is no dignity at all, and you and Yang family are not equal in strength, and their status is not equal, even if they are saved. The daughter of the Yang family, with her into the Yang family, others will only ask you when you are carrying the grace, and you have also collected her ship of the void."

Poorly whispered, let Lin Feng look condensed, it seems that he is too naive, thinking that he saved Yang Ziyan, at least a companion to go to participate in the stone emperor and Emperor Huang to recruit Wu Emperor disciples will not have any problems, I didn't expect to be treated coldly when I stepped into the Yang family. It was ridiculous, and I treated him as a person. Yang Ziyan also directly defaulted.

The mainland of Budo, for those who have no strength, even if it is beneficial to others, it is also illusory. Everyone is respectful to the strong, but Yang’s attitude towards him is like this.

"Why don't you tell me early?" Lin Feng looked at him with a strange look.

"Let you remember a little bit longer, know what is the world of martial arts."

"You don't worry if I was killed in the Yang family?"

"Impossible, how do you say that you also saved the money of their family? This is the fact that even if Yang really wants to deal with you, either he is not personally or assassinated. This family of people dares to do it, but not Dare to be, they want that face, so you are safe at Yangjia."

"You are an old bastard." Lin Feng said to the poor, not to mention the **** is still old and spicy, this **** survived and did not know how many years, seeing is more thorough than him, his road is still very long.

"Call me Yandi." Poorly glared at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng despised the look of a strange look, this guy is not a dead face, but considering that the poor is changed from the emperor to the demon, he can only find some confidence and pride in the words.

"Call..." Poorly vomiting gas, glaring at Lin Feng's gaze, cold: "Someone is following you."

"Know, and a lot of people." Lin Feng's eyes flashed a cold mang, the shameless Yang family, he saved the life of Yang's daughter, the other party is not only rude to him, now, it is more people to trace, is it still Want to kill him?

The figure is flashing, Lin Feng's body flashes toward the center of Tianyuan City, and the speed is much faster. Many people feel that a hurricane is passing by, very strong.

Behind Lin Feng, the same clothes fluttered. At this moment, Lin Feng clearly felt that he was directly locked in by the five breaths. The other party did not care about anything, not in the dark, but clearly told him to follow him.

Moreover, these people's realm is higher than him, and the speed is extremely fast. Lin Feng does not go all out. If the other party wants to keep up, he can catch up with him very quickly. However, the followers do not do this. They have been Lin Feng maintains a stable distance and neither pulls nor pulls open.

"They want to let you reach the remote places and then shoot, you just don't want to stop as much as they want, when they are crowded." Duo Qi said to Lin Feng, he would not see through these people. idea.

"Well." Lin Feng nodded, his face indifferent, his body shape continued to flash, and he went to a place with lots of people.

Not long after, Lin Feng came to a huge square, surrounded by several magnificent halls, all of which were all figures.

"This place is good." Lin Feng smiled lightly, then stopped and stopped.

The people who traced Lin Feng’s brows were slightly wrinkled. Soon they came to this side. The Turkic, terrible killings suddenly burst out and Lin Feng was firmly locked.

"Kill!" A cold voice blooms in the void, only to see the silver robes men's speed is extremely fast, and immediately came to Lin Feng, the horrible huge silver feather fan smashed toward Lin Feng, lightning fast .

"Hey!" The wind snarled, Lin Feng instantly drifted away, invisible, like a breeze.

The sound of the cymbal came out, and the huge silver lupin fan split in front of him, as if to tear the space apart, so that Lin Feng’s clothes were broken.

Since Lin Feng stopped, they wanted to kill Lin Fengyi directly at the fastest speed.

Although there are crowds around, they only occasionally turn their attention to others, and the interest is not too strong. It is not uncommon for the killings to be performed in Tianyuan City.

"Is it the Yang family to let you kill and kill people?"

Just when the silver shirt youth wanted to make another shot, Lin Feng screamed, and the rolling sound blew in the space, and everyone in the square could hear it clearly.

Yang Jia?

Killing people?

Yang Family in Lin Fengkou, which Yang family? This day Yuancheng, and even the entire northern wasteland, the real Yang family, only one, just in this Tianyuan city.

Lin Feng’s words instantly attracted the attention of countless people. They all looked at Lin Feng with great interest. Is it really Yang’s world? But why does Yang family have to deal with a Tianwu double person?

"Qiu Jun fell, it turned out to be the enemy of the enemy, the enemy has always been interested in Yang Ziyan, want to pursue Yang Ziyan, actually he is chasing others, it seems that Yang family is undoubted." Some people recognized the silver Young people in shirts, suddenly many people whispered.

"That is the Jiang Ning of Jiang's family. It is said that he was a guest at the Yang family in the past few days. He is also there." The crowd recognized the identity of the young man in the blue shirt. Immediately, all five people were recognized. The crowd found that this The five are all big family disciples. Although they are not as good as the Yang family, they are also very terrifying. It is said that because Yang Ziyan was in danger in the wild, they all came to the Yang family, but at this time they were chasing a young man with Tianwu.

"Hey!" A terrible white figure passed, and as fast as lightning, there was a silvery mans between the heavens and the earth.

"The flame grilled silver wings are good." Poorly opened his mouth and spit out a sigh of relief at the silver phantom, suddenly a terrible flame wrapped the entire space.

"Oh, oh..." The horrible silver brilliance blooms in the flames, and the flames roar and are split.

"The Emperor will give you a fire again." There was a sneer in the huge scorpion, and a mouth was blown out by a flame.

The enemy of the enemy is unscrupulous, the silver phantom is still facing forward, this level of flame can not hurt him.

However, at this time, the pupil of the vengeance collapsed fiercely, and a dark red terrible flame was coming towards him, revealing a terrible burning power.

"Roll!" A silver feather fan slammed out toward the dark red flame. However, only the sound of the cymbal sounded, and the silver feather fan burned in an instant, and even continued to burn toward him.

Qiu Jun’s brow furrowed, the silver flashed, and the body floated away. At the same time, it was only a strange opening, and all the flames were swallowed up by him, as if they had never appeared.

“Well?” Everyone showed a strange look. The demon at the level of the district actually turned the enemy down. Although this day the demon is a fierce beast, the flame of the dark red color seems to reveal the breath of the virtual fire. Is it a strange sacred fire?

The ancient beasts, really good, the life of the demon fire has a virtual fire.

"You guys are really annoying. My partner is not just playing a woman. Why do you kill people?" A strange voice spit out a voice, making the crowd look stiff.

The enemy who wants to take another shot is also stuck in the body, playing a woman?

"Old bastard!" Lin Feng was also squatting, and then voiced roar, this **** what he said.

"This emperor is helping you out, you have saved others, and the result is humiliated, and even others will kill you. This evil can't be said? You can't bear the Emperor can't bear it." One sound, let Lin Feng look cold, there is indeed an anger in my heart.

If the dog bites Lu Dongbin, he will forget it. He thinks that he is unlucky. However, he did not expect the other party to be so poisonous. He saved people, but others wanted to kill him!

Ps: The first sprint tomorrow, seek motivation, and seek passion!

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