Peerless Martial God

Chapter 974: Yang Jia

"The eight wilderness, finally arrived!"

Lin Feng looked back at the ridiculous sea, feeling a dream, finally left the wild sea, very lucky, he came out alive.

"I finally came back." Yang Ziyan whispered, she did not expect that this time she would encounter so many hardships, the storm of the sea, the killing of the Kowloon Island, and the rebellion of her men.

"Where are you going to go?" Yang Ziyan asked Lin Feng.

Lin Feng was indulged for a moment. He was not familiar with the vast eight wilderness. Shi Huang and Emperor Huang recruited the disciples of the Emperor. He did not know where it was. He listened to Yang Ziwei’s men and said that Xuanyuan’s son would go to compete for the first Wu The emperor's disciples, even invited the emperor to marry, since Yang Jia and Xuanyuan have this tacit understanding, then Yang Ziyan should also go.

"I don't know where to go, it's not as good as a partner. Where are you going, I will send you?" Lin Feng said to Yang Ziyan.

The eyes of Yang Ziyan flashed, and I looked at Lin Feng deeply. Then I nodded and said, "Well, I have to go back to Yangjia first, you will send me a ride."

"I am willing to serve." Lin Feng smiled and said, immediately under the guidance of Yang Ziyan, galloping in a certain direction, at this moment, Lin Feng removed the ship of the Void from the Ouyi light curtain, without the erosion of the wild sea, using Ouyi Guang The curtain wastes the crystal of the righteousness, and it is not needed at all. This kind of warship is a treasure trove. It is faster than many powerful monsters. Moreover, no one can travel to the demon, to the level of the demon. It is not a horrible existence, and you will be easily enslaved.

The Yang family has a great reputation in the northern wasteland. Apart from some of the power of the emperor, it is almost one of the powers of the hegemonic level. It is located in Tianyuan City in the northern wilderness.

At this time, in the land above Tianyuan City, a ship of the void crossed the sky and flew toward the Yang family, leaving a light in the void.

"The ship of the Void seems to be an important figure of the Yang family." Many people looked up and glanced at the empty ship that disappeared in an instant. There were not many people who had the ship of the Void, but also the direction of the Yang family. Going, it should be the most likely of the Yang family.

On the ship of the Void, the strangeness of the cockroach lifted his head, and looked at Lin Feng with a lazy look. He said: "Kid, you can, you don't really want to send her back to Yang."

Lin Feng glanced at the strangeness beside him and asked: "Is there any problem?"

"You **** kid will not be greedy for other people's beauty, have been sent to the door, enough, I advise you to let others go." Poorly said lazily.

"You fart." Lin Feng sighed with a sigh of relief, said: "Since all have been sent here, why not send her back to the family, and I want to go with her, go to participate in the stone emperor and the emperor to recruit Emperor disciple."

The singular gaze stared at Lin Feng, revealing a look of disdain, and then spit out a voice: "You continue to do your dream of spring and autumn, put me away, the Emperor is too lazy to accompany you!"

Lin Feng looked suspiciously and looked at him with a sneak peek. He then took him up with the Snow Demon Tower.

The speed of the ship of the Void is extremely terrifying. Before too long, Lin Feng came to a continuous hall with Yang Ziyan, but this continuous hall seems not so majestic, and seems to be somewhat inconsistent with the reputation of the Yang family. Yang Ziyan said that the Yang family is no problem here.

"Let's go down, land there." Yang Ziyan opened to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng thought about it, and the ship of the Void landed in front of a huge arched door. The stone door was closed, and behind it was a building. Lin Feng even could not understand it. What is the stone door located here?

However, he only saw Yang Ziyan stepping forward and placing his hand on the stone gate. In an instant, a terrible vacancy wave emerged, and then Shimen quietly opened from both sides, revealing a broad avenue.

Lin Feng's look is a bit stiff, but there is another Qiankun. At this moment, the stone door opened in this opening is not the rear building he just saw, but another space, a void world.

"Where, here is the real Yang family, let's go in." The woman finished the whole shirt, her face restored the noble meaning, and finally returned to the Yang family, she no longer need to look at other people's faces.

Lifting his footsteps, Lin Feng followed Yang Ziyan and stepped into the door of the void. A sultry rush of people came to the surface, making people feel extremely comfortable.

"Good rich world."

Lin Feng’s heart is dark, but the buildings inside are not magnificent, but they all show the spirit of psychic, ethereal and soft, and at first glance it is extremely comfortable. This is like a place where powerful monks stay. Even the shrine has a piece. The land of the void, Yang Jiafu is a self-contained, Lin Feng can understand.

Across the scene, they came to the side of Yang Ziyan. When they saw Yang Ziyan, they all looked at Yang Ziyan and said: "Miss, you can finally come back. Miss that day came to the news that you are In the wilderness, there are dangers. Many people in the family have gone to the ridiculous sea to find, but they have not found a lady. The owner is very worried."

Lin Feng saw that the pupils of this scene were condensed. The figure that was taken out of this line was all respected. It was a terrible force. It was not at all comparable to the Happy Valley and the Jingu.

"I am willful, I will go to the grandfather to sue." Yang Ziyan whispered, but the tone is still cold and proud.

"Well." A group of people let the road go away, Yang Ziyan first, their eyes inadvertently fell on Lin Feng's body, let Lin Feng feel a tight body, these guys are all monsters of the honorable level, their eyes all locked him, as if It is very uncomfortable to see him thoroughly.

Fortunately, their eyes on Lin Feng’s body stayed for a while and then moved away. The figure flickered and went towards the hinterland of the Yang family.

In a short time, the group of people came to an elegant palace. In the garden outside the palace, there were many young people. When they saw Yang Ziyan, they flashed a faint gaze in their eyes.

"The purple cicada is back." A young man in a blue gown stepped forward and smiled softly at Yang Ziyan: "I heard that you are in danger in the wilderness, so it is safe to return now. The people of Kowloon Island are really It’s getting more and more crazy.”

When I spoke, the youth’s eyes flashed a smudge of anger, and it seemed to be extremely angry.

"When I return to the family, I will confess my homeowner and break with the Kowloon Island. Even the purple scorpion dares to move." Another person said.

Several other young people have also expressed their attitudes, and they have to stand in line with the Kowloon Island. As if they have a deep hatred on Kowloon Island, they must kill the people of Kowloon Island.

"Working troubles for the purple scorpion worried." Yang Ziyan smiled at these people, the smile is gentle and not ceremonial, but it seems light and people can not get closer.

As a horrible force in the Northern Wilderness, the Yang family is in danger of being in the family of Kowloon. It is difficult to conceal this kind of event. These people are naturally outstanding young people who have a good relationship with the Yang family. They should all be the most direct youths. This is to show that their families attach importance to this matter. In addition, these young people are young and talented young people. They have never married, and they all know Yang Ziyan. If they can win the beauty, they will be the best. Yang's blood, many family forces are thinking about it.

"I will go back to my grandfather, I can't be accompanied, and I hope you will blame the purple." Yang Zixiao chuckled at the crowd and said.

Everyone was polite, and Yang Ziyan immediately turned back and said to Lin Feng: "You are waiting for me for a while!"

"Good." Lin Feng nodded, and there was a saying that the door was deep like the sea. This Yang family is a big family, and it really makes people feel uncomfortable.

"Help me to receive the young Master Lin Feng and the sons." Yang Ziyan told the next person, and then walked toward the palace.

After she left, the eyes of the youngsters fell on Lin Feng’s body, and the eyes kept spinning on Lin Feng’s body. It seemed that Lin Feng’s inside and outside could be seen clearly!

Ps: Today is not to force, ask for support, thank you dream

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