Peerless Martial God

Chapter 968: Crazy thoughts

"The younger generation, since you came here to show that you are caught in a desert island, it is your luck to meet the deity." The voice of the demon's mouth spit out, seemingly extremely conceited.

"The total statement of human beings is the spirit of all things, what is the spirit of all things. In the view of the deity, the demon is the sect of all things. This wilderness of the wilderness can destroy humanity. I have never heard of anyone who can conquer this stock. The breath of the wild, but the things that the human strong can't do, the deity did it, the power of the wild is used for his own use, the wild sea is unscrupulous, the power of the waste has no effect on me, I don't need any Means to resist, can ride in the wilderness, ask, in addition to the deity who can do this, they rely on their strong understanding to understand the power of a wasteland is self-righteous."

This demon voice is proud and despise humanity.

"Sure enough, it's a crazy guy. It's no wonder that I dare to swallow the power of the wilderness with the demon sea." The poor whispered aloud and whispered: "But a demon statue in the district, even dare to be so mad, the emperor is not so arrogant."

Lin Feng took a look at the strange, this guy still wants to be more proud than this dead demon statue.

Looking back to the demon, Lin Feng looked at what he wanted to say.

"But the devil is wrong in being too conceited. Although the demon sea swallows up the power of the wild, so that I can control the power of the wild, but the demon power is not compatible with the power of the wild, the power of the demon on my body can not be the power of the waste. Completely suppressed, causing demon power disorder, the demon sea becomes arrogant and unstable, and makes himself into a dangerous situation."

This bi-phosphorus **** voice gradually faded a bit, seemingly feeling his own situation, revealing the meaning of regret.

"The demon power disorder, the demon sea collapses, the power of the waste begins to erode my body, I know that I can't live, but I also want to spread the knowledge I have learned to the demon world." It seems that this virtual shadow is somewhat proud. The intention is to continue to say: "In our demon world, many monsters and seas have the instinctual power of engulfing, just like me, the power of swallowing the waste is no problem."

"But, after all, I still underestimated the power of the power of the wild, I can swallow it, let the power of the wildness become my strength, but there is no way to completely control him. Therefore, the deity thinks that the demon of the demon world, if it has Devouring the power, you can choose to empty the demon sea, leave nothing, let the demon sea become the most primitive and pure demon sea, and then swallow the power of the waste, replace the power of the demon with the power of the waste, from then on, the power of the demon It is the power of the wild, this endless sea of ​​waste will provide endless sources of nourishment."

"Crazy, crazy thoughts." Poorly whispered, replacing the power of the demon with the power of the wild, this guy's idea is too crazy, I dare to think, no wonder he will die here, but the odds have to admit The madness of the other side has indeed done what countless people can't do. He really swallows the power of the wild and uses the power of the wild.

The demon power is expelled and emptied, and then the power of the wild is swallowed. This is to let the monsters take their lives to play. If the demon sea is eroded by the power of the wild, and there is no demon power to resist, it will definitely die.

The power of the wild, is not so easy to swallow, this point from the death of the other side knows, a powerful demon statue, how horrible the demon, how powerful the demon sea, but still died in the power of the wild.

"Senior, thank you, I have found an unprecedented way of cultivation for you. If you succeed, you will control the power of the wild, the power of trembling, of course, if your demon sea is not strong enough, don't try it. That is to die. If you can't or don't dare, remember to tell the deity's words to those who dare to do this, you must remember."

The voice of the illusion gradually weakened, and then the illusion gradually dissipated and disappeared. In the space, there was a darkness of silence.

At this time, among the huge sacred demon seas, the faint power of the wildness is slowly flowing, and a little bit of diffuseness goes out, gradually dissipating in the void, and it seems that the real thing is to vanish.

"This demon statue is more like you." Lin Feng said to the poor, this **** and bloody, even if he died, he hoped that the demon world could remember him. He thought that he had made a huge contribution to the demon world. He The younger generation has opened up an unprecedented path.

"Fart, how can this emperor be like this madman?" Poorly roared: "But it's not crazy, this guy is a good thing, maybe, what he said is really successful, the demon sea is The demon animal is born with the same talent, just as we humans open up the mind, the power of the demon sea is the magical power of the demon beast. When he is not dead, he will swallow the power of the demon, and he does not have to fear the wasteland. power."

Lin Feng nodded. He also agreed with the strange words. Since the blood and blood can use the power of the wild, and no longer fear the power of the wild, it means success.

After a moment of indulgence, Lin Feng asked the stranger: "How is the demon sea opened up, and only the demon beast can open up?"

"What do you ask this?" The strange look was staring at Lin Feng.

"I also have the power of demon, I should know, I can open the demon sea." Lin Feng continued.

I heard that Lin Feng’s words were there, staring at Lin Feng, how he forgot, Lin Feng’s body has the most precious demon power of Xue Ling, and exquisitely sacred, but this guy, he actually asked this .

"You want to repair the demon, but also to open up the demon sea, swallow the power of the wild!" The strange stare at Lin Feng, a huge gaze reveals a serious meaning, this bastard, is also a madman.

Lin Feng's eyes are also staring at the strange, nodded and said: "With this idea, Linglong Shengxianqi should be a very powerful demon power. If I use it to open a package of demon seas, it will definitely make the demon sea stable, and if I am Can open up the demon sea, there will be no demon power in the demon sea, there is no need to expel the power of the demon in the demon sea, you can directly swallow the power of the waste."

"Ling Ling Sheng Xianqi does have the horrible ability to devour." Poorly whispered, but even after a while, I did not expect Lin Feng to have such crazy thoughts, he did not think about it, now he still occupies It’s so cute that it’s easier to open up the demon sea.

"But how do you know that the power of the wild will not erode your body, collide with the real power in your body, and make your body disordered? Don't forget how this guy died."

"You also said that the demon sea has condensed the power of the demon's demon. He used the demon sea to swallow the power of the wilderness to create conflicts, but I am different. If I have the demon sea, the demon sea will only have the power of the wild, with me. The real power in the body does not conflict with each other. If I use the power of the wasteland, it will really erode my body. I have been storing it in the demon sea, and it is only used in the demon sea."

Lin Feng responded: "The question now is, can I open up the demon sea!"

Demon sea, this is the talent of the demon, after all, just like human beings condense the gods, although he has the exquisite sacred spirit, it is a powerful demon power, but I don’t know if it can play the role of the demon sea. .

The gaze stared at Lin Feng and never opened his mouth.

"Tell me, is it ok?" Lin Feng asked the strange reaction. If it is not possible, this guy will definitely hit him, not like this.

The singularly exhaled gas, said to Lin Feng: "Humans and monsters are creatures between heaven and earth, yet they are fundamentally different. Humans have their own means of cultivation, and monsters have innate The power of the demon, in general, human beings can not have the power of the demon, but your situation is different, there is Xue Lingyi willing to sacrifice for you, will give you Lingling Shengxian, you have an extremely pure demon The power, as long as the demon power is strong to a certain extent, it can gather the demon power and open up the demon sea."

"You mean, I can open up the demon sea, right?" Lin Feng’s eyes are sharp and open.

"Once, there was the power of human beings to cultivate the demon, and the precedent of the demon sea was opened up. You are not the first one!" The strange voice spit out a voice, undoubtedly acknowledging Lin Feng’s words, he can open up the demon sea!

Ps: Today's update is complete, but it's so deserted. The 20-day flower is not as good as the ten-day quantity. The update volume this month will only be more than before. The last ten days will sprint, but I hope everyone will ignite the enthusiasm!

(five more)

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